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Get Baked and Go Fishing

Styles P

great day of fishing yesterday. i caught 2 bass as soon as i started that = a weight of 8lbs.

first i caught the 3 pounder who was still hungry after just eating.

then i caught the lunker 5.1 pounds

fist fits in its mouth.

caught them both on a plastic lizard i swear thats my goto bait.


New member
I haven't been fishing in at least two years, I really need to go. Used to love crappie fishing in the early morning and catfishing late at night.


The Dude
The Rivers are my friend too, I'm a trout man myself. I fish the Eastern Sierra Mammoth Lakes area. Some of the best trout you can find in the back lakes if ya can offroad to them(<----Gots a Jeep). Gotta love those Alpers Trouts.


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Well-known member
for saltwater, snook is the deal for me! although, i went to Lake Calcasceiu (spelling?) on Louisiana coast for a weekend of redfish & sea trout. if you have ever fished freshwater for walleye or smallmouth, you already have the skills & tackle for those rascals. having a 6 or 7 lb sea trout blow up on a top on a Zara Spook fished around schools of mullet is a blast! hope to go back some day when this BP oil fiasco is over...those bastards!
Well, as the most experienced angler on the site, I thought I should share my story. I moved along side a Colorado River in December of this year with my 12 year old son. A long distance friend - a fly fisherman - dropped by in March, and pulled out 3 brook trouts and one rainbow and one brown in about 2 hours. He gave us our first and only lesson.

My son is hooked - as it were, and he loves fly fishing. He has caught 6 trout so far. One with a lure he made himself out of red thread with some feathers from my pillow. He is a pretty active ADHD kid, but he can stand by the river for 4 or 5 hours without saying a word, and tying flies keeps him busy for hours each day (self taught from utube, and a fly tying kit that he bought with his own money).

Two out of the last 4 weekends we went camping along side Colorado "fishing" lakes, to no avail. One was at St. Vrain State Park, which has more than four stocked ponds. No one was catching anything except our neighbor, who caught a huge catfish.

For fishing every day (except on the days his dad gets him), and only catching 6 fish so far, he has a remarkable attitude.

I myself, not wanting to show up my son, have caught my first and only fish in my 41 years of life. It was about an 8 inch brook trout, and if you told me a year ago that I would catch any fish fly fishing, I'd say you were high. If you told me that 3 months ago when I was taught how to cast, I would laugh and laugh and laugh.

I love fishing now, although I rarely cast a rod. Some of my favorite things are reading, watching nature and my son. This is an activity that I can keep up with. Plus I always have enough smoke close by, in the privacy of my own back yard, with working plumbing and a refrigerator and a roof over my head if it's too hot or raining!

So far, it's been a great summer!


if you have ever fished freshwater for walleye or smallmouth, you already have the skills & tackle for those rascals.

If I am fishing I am going for walleye and bass! Especially the fight of a small mouth bass. I have done a lot of different fishing and something always brings me back to the creek beds and bass fishing!


HIGH All, one thing I can't do is pass a Fishing or Dog Thread.

Here's a Couple of Pics last Fall on one of My Fav Rivers.

A nice Coho and a Spawned Male Chinook...The Spring (Chinook) was got on 6lb test and released...the Coho was Caught on the same test and was Smoked...tis just about time again for the Rivers...so Lots of Pics for the Fisher People.


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Had wonderful week in some nordic river. Im soo hooked on catching Atlantic salmon :jump:
It is awesome to fish while baked, really a fishing trip when u smoke same sativa while u walk to the pool. I felt like hobit when i ran in the forest gettin water from a brook.


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It is also very quality fishing to catch Pollachius virens with flyfishing rod, using a float tube or a boat. They are quite strong fighters!


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Two words,northern and muskies.I do agree that small mouth bass are some great fishing.After pike and muskies I fish for small mouth and down the line.Rock bass fight very good for there size also.

I'm going to Mn. in four weeks and I cant wait to catch my first fish!
The high I get from the fishing and outdoors is unlike anything else in this life.:)

The outdoors is my church



Active member
ICMag Donor
angling experience?

angling experience?

hell ive forgot more about "angling" than most people could ever dream of knowing.....


If your asking me?I grew up in Minnesota and from the age of eight I fished mostly north central Mn,lakes and most of all the mighty Mississippi,I love that river but I would not swim in it and i am a strong swimmer.Also fished the small creeks and small lakes and ponds.
The thing that I like a lot about Minnesota is that most small bodied water like small lakes,people don't fish these waters and the fishing can be great!
Did a lot of fishing from the shore also.
What about you?
Stay safe

Antoine Mack

Cannasseur extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
nice thread,pics and hello to all you baking fisherman :D ;)
here are some pics of some fishes i caught during the last weeks:
nice,but small perch:

lil pike:

even smaller:

The kinds of things I love finding out there

beautiful :good:
got some pics like that,too...of things people,who stay in the
city might never see.

greets and
petri(as we say in german) everyone


Here is some august seatrout from North Norway, Troms county :) Hooked in the ocean while they were feeding and preparing to go upriver. These are 3 females, the smaller one is 1kg exactly and the bigger one was almost 1,5 but not quite.


One of my greatest pleasures in life is to drive along the north Atlantic coastline with my camping and fishing gear and a big bag of weed. On the Norwegian coast there is usually a salmon river running through every town and trout lakes in the mountains above all around for those that has good legs and bothers to walk :)

Ive always been a trout fisher more then a salmon fisher, i guess its my specialty, it goes back to hiking to the farthest mountain lakes in search of the biggest mountain trout as a kid and now hunting for the even bigger ocean trouts as an adult. The mountain hiking gets riskyer with age :D

Spawning here in the north Atlantic is as early as September in some rivers in the far north so its coming to a close. I hope everyone enjoys the season and tries to make the best of it, you all know that when winter comes, the fishing bug is going to make you all wish you got out more when you had the chance :D

peace all

Antoine Mack

Cannasseur extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
did anybody here ever fished in amsterdam?
i´m thinking about giving this city a try next
year...in terms of fishing.;)


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