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Get Baked and Go Fishing

Clackamas Coot

Active member

I still have very fond memories of fishing in the Land Between the Lakes area of Western Kentucky. Very fond memories.

I caught my very first large-mouthed bass at Kentucky Lake in 1974 or so. It was 'almost' 6 lbs. and I was a proud as a rooster with 2 peckers as the expression goes 'down South'




I love it. I enjoy freshwater. I'm in south Florida so I'm blessed with having peacock bass! Beautiful and strong aggresive fish! I just walk the bank at 85F weather in the nice hot sun, awesome.... I love the hot



Out of all the fishing I do, large mouth bass is my favorite. This time of year its a bit slow. Walleye just came in season so I might try landing a couple lunkers!

Clackamas Coot

Active member

Give me a case of beer, an afternoon on Kentucky Lake with a Garcia reel and a 'worm rod' and I'll get enough fish for dinner with a weedless rubber worm or maybe a 'Hula-Popper' perhaps, okay? LOL




trout opens next weekend and lingcod the following saturday. can't wait!!!! they closed our fishing in jan. i'm just a poor ole bank fisher though.



Yeah man large and small mouth are spawning right now. They run into the bays and back out to the lake to eat and shit. Got me a nice little spot where 30 ft of water meets 7 or 8 ft. Seems to be a nice spawn bed!

g ma

New member
I do

I do

I love to fish just got my license:shark: and taking a trip to depot bay this weekend. should be real fun


I love to fish. my favorite area is the Lost sierra in northern California, yuba/feather rivers and the lakes made for hydro power. Native brown trout, rainbow and kokanee salmon. Plus white catfish that are good eating.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Hot damn ive got a bite!! It feels like moby dick
Largemouth Bass and Catfish are my favorites and fishermen are always the most honest people.

I fish in florida each year for 3 weeks, to this point my best is a largemouth at 14.7 pounds and my catfish best is 61 lbs for a flathead. My biggest fish got away. Im not sure what it would have weighed but the pix i took of it before it broke my line, weighed just over 10 lbs.

That big bastard fish drug me around the lake for several hours, it was all i could do to hang on. Just as a reached for my gun, it broke my line. You could easily see it was a world record bass.

2 guys went fishing and one of the guys opened his box, got out a stick of dynamite, lit the fuse and threw it into the water. The other guy jumped up and said " You cant do that, thats illegial!" He lit another stick, pitched it to the complainer and said " are you going to fish or talk?"

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
yup in BC we have a lotta lakes and camping sites
been camping already this year, we didn't take the boat out but we cooked 3 days of meals all over an open fire in cast iron pots, it was awesome, gonna do alot more this year!!!


i LOVEEEEEEEEE to fish, omg if u can smoke one while fishing, it'll be heaven... i used to walk on the rocks on half moon bay near pillar point harbor, all the way to the end where no one walks to, cast my lines, burn one up, and reel em in






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