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General Hydroponics announces sale to Hawthorne Group / Scotts Fertilizer



Have fun. Gets really good towards the end. Pay attention to David watson, aka, sam the skunkmn.

Well if that's what Sam's into, he can assure himself of much hell and misery in the upcoming years, funny how people self destruct on occasion and if this is his choice more power to him as some folks just love shitty lives full of back stabbing idiots and shit storms at every corner.


Of course they are creating gmo strains. How in the hell do you think they can isolate the specific cannabis compounds in order to treat specific ailments?

I have no comment on what I deleted of your post, but this part is ridiculous to even read for anyone with an ounce of Botany or plant physiology education.

Genetic modification is derived to serve one purpose ultimately, money and greed. The sooner people such as yourself learn that, the sooner we can save something of our environment and perhaps even live here a little longer, imagine that.

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
If you have such great problems with GMO crops, why the heck do you still live in the states?
Besides, GW is one of the few smaller but thriving pharma companies and should be supported for not being bought up by one of the whales in the business!
GMO, as it turned out, isn't the key to world satiety as only the rich have true access. The poor have to trade it, get ever deeper into debt, and have to pay with their harvest. How do they still get food? Land races and heirloom varieties if they don't starve to death before...
You're trying go be ecological and think about environmental pollution caused by 'bad' corporations? Why are there thousands of watts mercury-containing bulbs (usually produced in Asia under very dubious conditions) burning in your house, why do you still drive a car running on gasoline or diesel, why do you get a new smartphone every few years?
I love my organic food, buy 'green chemistry' and fairtrade if possible, but I also use petrochemicals because it's the year 2015. Yes, I complain about certain products too, though not because they are produced by the companies which make my life easier but because they contain useless crap, claim impossible wonders, dupe the customers with ridiculous stories, or hide behind ominous 'trade secrets'.

Furthermore, that story told earlier about sunglasses; I like it very much as it's a superb example of world economy. It's more than likely that at least certain ingredients of the fertilisers and additives you use no matter which company come from just a very few manufacturers which, you guess right, are in bed with one of those international multi-billion companies everyone hates so much.
My point is (though some haven't gotten it, as it seems) that if you bitch about one thing, be consistent and don't buy anything from them nor comparable companies. Which, as said before, leaves you with one option: autarkic life somewhere in the wilderness.

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
Forgot to tell you: Many of you use citric acid somewhere with their products. If it's not organic certified, it's likely produced by modified micro-organisms fed on GMO maize starch...


Registered Non-Conformist
Mr skunkman, one of the biggest traitors of the cannabis industry, is helping to create gmo strains approved by the govt. When they succeed in this, I sure legislation will pass with wording requiring licensed grows to grow "approved" strains. they're trying to patent things like "broad leaf" and "skunk smell". Also they are trying to remove the "thc" gene to remove the high. Evil

Is This true, Sam Skunkman...?

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
I'll post it again. It's a long read, but it has sources, quotes, and a long sad story, imo. Read this, and if you're still on the GM side of the fence, I must beg to agree to disagree.
So you're saying that your famous company (GH) decides that the cannabis industry has too bad a carbon footprint (CLICK) and they can't and won't support it. This, besides having to reorganise their company due difficulties in the current economics, forces them to sell... either to the highest bidder which happens to be Hawthorne or the one with the most ethical offer (you wouldn't want to know which other companies were interested).
Due to this, you hate GMO and because GW holds patents on GMO, you start bitching and trolling although Sativex is plain and good old cannabis. All while every major life science university does use gene technology and manipulation on a daily basis.
Holy moly, you should stop smoking whatever it is you're smoking...


Active member
I love using General Hydroponics.

Always wanted to try my Cultured Solutions in coco. I haven't seen anyone use it in coco online. I'm gonna try it in veg..........today. Lol

I won't have to measure 6/9. A&B will be easier. Peace.


If you have such great problems with GMO crops, why the heck do you still live in the states?
Besides, GW is one of the few smaller but thriving pharma companies and should be supported for not being bought up by one of the whales in the business!
GMO, as it turned out, isn't the key to world satiety as only the rich have true access. The poor have to trade it, get ever deeper into debt, and have to pay with their harvest. How do they still get food? Land races and heirloom varieties if they don't starve to death before...
You're trying go be ecological and think about environmental pollution caused by 'bad' corporations? Why are there thousands of watts mercury-containing bulbs (usually produced in Asia under very dubious conditions) burning in your house, why do you still drive a car running on gasoline or diesel, why do you get a new smartphone every few years?
I love my organic food, buy 'green chemistry' and fairtrade if possible, but I also use petrochemicals because it's the year 2015. Yes, I complain about certain products too, though not because they are produced by the companies which make my life easier but because they contain useless crap, claim impossible wonders, dupe the customers with ridiculous stories, or hide behind ominous 'trade secrets'.

Furthermore, that story told earlier about sunglasses; I like it very much as it's a superb example of world economy. It's more than likely that at least certain ingredients of the fertilisers and additives you use no matter which company come from just a very few manufacturers which, you guess right, are in bed with one of those international multi-billion companies everyone hates so much.
My point is (though some haven't gotten it, as it seems) that if you bitch about one thing, be consistent and don't buy anything from them nor comparable companies. Which, as said before, leaves you with one option: autarkic life somewhere in the wilderness.

I see your reply as pretty much cut and paste that you deal out on every reply to this topic. I respect you on a scientific basis but seriously please stop attempting to brow beat everyone that has a problem with genetically modified organisms, it makes you look foolish and does nothing to educate any one.




Does this mean I can get gh at k Mart or home depot soon?


Yeah, I'm seeing foxfarms at certain lumber Jack's and aco..but home depot doesn't have snit here,,, Peace

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
I see your reply as pretty much cut and paste that you deal out on every reply to this topic. I respect you on a scientific basis but seriously please stop attempting to brow beat everyone that has a problem with genetically modified organisms, it makes you look foolish and does nothing to educate any one.
I do not support GMO other than for research purposes (all we know about cannabinoid biosynthesis was possible thanks to such techniques!) and modified microorganisms (mostly biotechnology, not gene technology) which are kept tightly locked up in some bioreactor producing eco-friendly and biodegradable chemicals out of sustainable resources instead of old-school petrochemistry (just look at the label of your shampoo or dishwasher). I don't support nor like GMO crops and certainly not GMO edibles. I see neither an advantage nor a necessity other than laziness for the use of Roundup and Roundup ready crops etc. Just to be clear about it!
You still don't get it: It's not about GMO here but a merger, hostile takeover, split-off due unknown reasons, or whatever. I have a problem with people bitching about something they have no idea what it is, which they consume with joy every day, and which BTW has nothing to do with this topic!

So, now we're at Bayer is bad? Where the heck do you think your Aspirin comes from? What do you think keeps Granny alive? And what about tenths of thousands of jobs worldwide? What about the public research they fund?

EDIT: Besides, when have you or anyone else ever started ranting about Bayer and GMO when someone recommended the use of acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) as cheap and readily available source for salicylic acid to 'boost plant vitality' and induce a SAR response? Consistency and objectivity, my friend, consistency and objectivity ;) .


I do not support GMO other than for research purposes (all we know about cannabinoid biosynthesis was possible thanks to such techniques!) and modified microorganisms (mostly biotechnology, not gene technology) which are kept tightly locked up in some bioreactor producing eco-friendly and biodegradable chemicals out of sustainable resources instead of old-school petrochemistry (just look at the label of your shampoo or dishwasher). I don't support nor like GMO crops and certainly not GMO edibles. I see neither an advantage nor a necessity other than laziness for the use of Roundup and Roundup ready crops etc. Just to be clear about it!
You still don't get it: It's not about GMO here but a merger, hostile takeover, split-off due unknown reasons, or whatever. I have a problem with people bitching about something they have no idea what it is, which they consume with joy every day, and which BTW has nothing to do with this topic!

So, now we're at Bayer is bad? Where the heck do you think your Aspirin comes from? What do you think keeps Granny alive? And what about tenths of thousands of jobs worldwide? What about the public research they fund?

EDIT: Besides, when have you or anyone else ever started ranting about Bayer and GMO when someone recommended the use of acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) as cheap and readily available source for salicylic acid to 'boost plant vitality' and induce a SAR response? Consistency and objectivity, my friend, consistency and objectivity ;) .

I realize it's just a fraction of a much larger issue but I think also it's far better to educate in a basic way on these issues. People tend to loose interest when given too much information at one sitting.

It can be said, without much hesitation, that our current system is in much need of repair and our political, corporation and judicial bodies have gone far astray and in fact have become one in the same.

What else can be said when most of our leaders in all areas are concerned with one thing, money/power/greed/domination and certainly not our health nor our planets health which is no different than our own.

I think it begins with each of us individually to make the changes necessary to perhaps see future generations having a good life. And part of that is looking in the mirror for certain.
Whether or not you support GMO's shouldn't really matter, as humans we have the right to know what we're putting in our body.

IMO, there have not been enough studies to determine the long-term effects on our bodies and on our planet. Same goes for most pharmaceuticals. Every drug that has ever been recalled was also approved. So if I don't want GMO's in my body, I should have the right to choose that.

I just want GMO's labeled, so I can choose.

And I'll be needing to find a new nutrient line for supplemental feedings. I was really liking the GO to.