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Gavita pro 600 x 2 / LEP 300 test grow

roll it large

You gotta love the lep for watts per coverage its actually only 160 watts of light as it takes 140 watts to power the special ballast



Well-known member
Thanks guys.

It's amazing this LEP. I am dumb struck evereytime I open the tent. And honoured to have such technology bathing my plants with love.

The second pro 600 el will be with me tomorrow, so will do the final light placement and thow up some shots tomorrow hopefully.


Well-known member

2 x 600w Pro HPS and 1 x 300 Pro LEP

I now have the LEP venting via a TD100 that is pushing cool air up from the floor thru the LEP and cooling the canopy area.

Day 0/1 Flower.




have you seen any of these in the flesh shhh? dude they are so bright i think herbs prob worried they will bleach the roots if he is any closer let alone the leaves :biglaugh:


Well-known member
Thanks guys. Light means love!

The lights are at about 2 ft perhaps slightly more. I will lower them to 18 inches but no lower. With so much light in the tent, massive overlap, placing lights much closer would cause weird growth in flower.

Also, as mentioned by choc it's damn bright In there and do not want to shock the plants by taking them from a gentle 300w to full on intense 1500w.


Well-known member
Its that time of the week. Masterchef Australia on in the back ground and images uploaded.

On day 4 of 12/12 now. Lowered the lamps to around 18 inches.

Temps running at 26-27 deg c lights on, 21 deg lights off.

Now getting dripped 4 x in a 12 hour period and ec at 1.4, Will up ec to around 1.6 in a few days as a few are starting to pale ever so slightly. Chem D showing its 'thing' since throwing the hps on, as expected.

Main things I have noticed so far is how stocky the plants are. The stems are like that of a good 6-8 week vegged plant. Not that of one vegged for 30 days under 200w of light x 9 plants over 1.5 m.

Shots, day 4








Well-known member
I just up her feed. I have two chemd in there and the one directly under the hps is mottling. Up the ec by .2-4 and shell be looking all good in no time.


okay, i use RO water, I think i'll have to add in some tap to bring he EC up coz I don't think I have enough ca/mg...

your plants look lush, that pic with the lighter really puts the growth in perspective, massive lol!

can i get away with 1 stop spin dripper per 6.5L wilma or do I need two?

last question, how much water do you go through a week atm?

roll it large

Hi gonzo one will do it in coco due to its capillary action but i like to use two so the pump is running for less time as my pump vibrates slightly in the loft and you can hear it i use 6ltr airpots any bigger and i would use more

I use around 100 ltrs a week 6plants/bushes i use around 1 ltr of base nutes per grow



Wow! That stem shot is pretty serious for a 30 day veg... Excuse my ignorance, and its really going to show here by how do you relate that to the lights? Is it that you have not had this before? Are the smart pots also a new addition? I don't mean to be an asshole, just trying to see the correlation :)


Well-known member
Yeah I like to use 2 drippers per pot one from a separate topspin on it's own pump. Reason being I have now had 3 mj1000s fail on me this year and this way ensure my plants will always get a feed, unless both blow at once.

That is the only reason, for me.

Plants are now drinking about 30lts a day with perhaps 10 percent run off. Max.

Shhh, your not being an arsehol. Your being the scientist that most of us should be.

Your right, to put this growth down to purely the light would be rather wrong of me. But it plays it's part and I'll get back to that.

Ok, have I used these pots before. No' but I have air pots which are essentially the same ting. I hated them due to their ability to act As a bug hive. I can not say I noticed the great growth that I am seeing here.

I have the dripping somewhat dialled now, that will make a difference.

But where the lep clearly plays it's part is this. Imagine replacing that LEP with an equivalent output cfl. A 200w cfl actually has more light output wattage then the LEP.

Now imagine these plants grown for 30 days with that cfl used as only light source across a 1.5m square area. We would see big stretched, lanky and more importantly spindly stem growth.

So yes it is many factors at play, but the near perefect growing spectrum means less wattage is required etc. The amounts of feeds these girls sap through their increased xylem and ploem systems is just immense and IMO can only lead to great yields. But time will tell.

roll it large

Superb post herbs i can see your passion and love shine through for cannabis cant wait to see the end result

top work man



TrueCanna Genetics - Selection is art
ICMag Donor
Superb as always bro, lush and healthy looking ladies.....when are you running the TWOG again?
See ya sometime soon, peace.


Well-known member
Thanks guys....

May run TWOG on the next run, but she may have to wait as there are many many more new goodies waiting in the wings.

Ok, So day 10 flower update.

Not much to report other than the plants are continuing on on the super growth and health. May hit them up with calmag at somepoint to sort the chem d out. Only one is being funny with the mosaic growth.

Every thing on 1.4-1.6 ec. Dripping for 7 minutes a drip now. Prob going to raise to 8 mins. These girls are drinking loads. The whole tent is full to the brim.

Once days 14-21 are upon me, depending on strains I shall remove all lower growth and thin out to the strongest branchs. Do a final bend and train and lower down the support net.

Until then I shall continue with my daily quest of breaking stems and making the plants bush. Although I am slowing in this now as I want some stretch.

Day 10












That's looking like a very big yield in there bro, training is coming along a treat... These lights seem to be performing well thus far, going by the pics very well :) Coverage is crazy with them all in there... Looking forward to those buds when they start to set in earnest!