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GAVITA Pro 1000 DE

Ok so I have seen the tests results at the growers house website where they showed par readings from an air cooled xxl magnum, galaxy, and horti vs the various double ended combos such as the gavita. Now my question is why even bother taking readings with the gavita de at 24 inches when you have to keep a 3 ft minimum from the canopy? I run unvented Ochos with lumatek 1000's on super lumens and 1000 hortilux and can always get my bulb within 18 inches of the canopy, if not closer. As long as I have a fan blowing the heat away, the plants are fine. So common sense would tell me that par readings would be better in my setup as I can get the bulb so much closer to the canopy whereas gravitas need 3ft. Anyone test this theory or have opinions?

I am currently testing a gavita de dimmed down to 600 over a 4x4 tray at 18 inches above the canopy vs a xxxl magnum, 1000 hortilux bulb, and a 750 lumatek ballast on super lumens also over a 4x4 tray. Everything brand new, same strain, same room, etc. 9 animal cookies per light. I will have real results in 6 more weeks.


just finished a run with gavita1000 mainly at 24inches and less at times 4x5 area. don't know the reading , plants tell me its ok. seen bleaching on one fan leaf when it was at 18 inches on 825 watt.
also ran 600 gav at 18 inches , no problems.


New member
Gavita fixture vs SS

Gavita fixture vs SS

The only thing I can really take from that is that if you are growing in a 4x4 area the SS would be a good choice.

Means nothing as far as lighting a room. I'm guessing if I tried to span my 12' wide room with 2(as I do with Gav) of the SS it would pale in comparison to Gavita's or E-Pap's.

I see what you're saying in the cumulative PAR since they didn't test the full footprint of the Gavita, but it stands to reason. If the Gavita
has lower par in the 4x4 area, I doubt it's going to be much higher in the extra 1x4 strip on the outer edge. Of course, the whole idea with
Gavitas is that you need multiple fixtures with overlap for uniform light levels.

However, I've seen a grow on another site with two rooms, one with 4k Gavita Pro fixtures and the other with 4k Pro remote ballasts and
AC/DE fixtures. The yield was very close, almost too close to call.

In my opinion, there are benefits to both. But the AC/DE is probably better for smaller scale growers like you said.
I wonder what Whazzup is doing these days... ~working hard for the money Im sure~ ;)

Despite numerous attempts to communicate with Gavita Holland, they simply lack the skills to advise Gavita fixture advice in more practical situations :/

Whassup seems to be the only person from Gavita who speaks 'laymans' when it comes to Gavita's... but if he is unavailable, perhaps some members here may know?

I have a 1.2m x 1.2m tent (and scrog table) with a Gavita Pro 600w SE Fixture.
At what height do I need to be above the tops to achieve 1000umol for that area?

I also have a 1.2m x 2.4m tent (and scrog table) with 2x Gavita Pro 600w SE Fixtures.
At what height do I need to be above the tops to achieve 1000umol and what distance between the lights?

And of course 1 more tent... 1.2m x 2.4m (and scrog table) with a Gavita Pro 1000w DE Fixture.
Same questions as above.

Gavita always has this thing with "wall losses" and "overlap" which confuses the normal grower as we have always been led to believe that reflective walls are good? I dont understand how this could be a negative?

I appreciate the technical, but Gavita needs to lay it out simply for growers that have grow tents and dont use PFP meters.

Just give it to me nice and simple... gavita @ this height = this footprint at 1000umol, no need to be ultra technical ;)


For 1000umol:


I am not a representative of Gavita or a friend of Whazzup, but I read a lot of what he wrote in the forums about reflector designs.

He always says that the Gavita reflectors were designed with the aim to meet the needs of the customer who has plenty of lamps and not one lamp tents. Thats why the overlap is a part of the Gavita reflectors idea. The wall loss gets less the bigger your room is. Imagine one more row of 20 lamps gives you just 1m more wall of both ends of the row but an additional 40m of overlap. With a one lamp tent you have maximal wall loss because the plants on the sides get no light from neghbouring lamps (overlap). I think the tops of the plants on the side still get the same amount of light like the ones in the middle, but its the sidebranges of the plants on the side that miss the right amount of light because there is no other lamps on their side in a one tent installation. So there is no perfect reflector for one lamp tents, because of that. The sidebranches of the plants on the side always get less light than any other branch in the tent, because the (dirty) wall doesnt reflect as much light as if its coming directly from the lamp, and if the wall reflects the light, it reflects it diffuse, which means it reflects the light towards anywhere in the tent and not all straight towards the plants...

But to me the most sticking question is still, why gavita designed the reflector of the plasma lamp symmetric on both horizontal axes but not their other reflectors. Symmetry makes definetely more sence to me when maximal evenly light distribution is the goal irrespective if one lamp or 100 lamps.
Thank you Hydrodreams ;)

The distancing aspect was as I was informed :)
If Im not mistaken the 1000w DE @ 90cm - 100cm will give a 6ft x 4ft at 1000umol sqm

Any idea on the footprint for the 600 SE at 50cm - 60cm?

I would speculate 4ft x 5ft?

1000umol sqm being the target of course ;)



Active member
So I spaced 3' from the back side of the reflector to the first eyelet on the next light in each row.

4' spacing between the rows, measured from the side of the reflector to the first eyelet on the next row of lights. This gives me a pretty even canopy.

Reading 1200 umol @just under 3' in the overplap and 900-1000 umol under the light @ 3'. The space between the light and the wall is 2' and Im getting readings of approx. 750-800 umol around the garden edge.

Plants are very responsive to the new lighting. Going from new out the box hortilux MH 1000's. Readings of 125 umols at the previous plant height to 500+ umol under the gavitas at the same level.

No complaints here.

The leaves are praying to the new Sun.

All Haile the King.

In Light,



Active member
Thank you Hydrodreams ;)

The distancing aspect was as I was informed :)
If Im not mistaken the 1000w DE @ 90cm - 100cm will give a 6ft x 4ft at 1000umol sqm

Any idea on the footprint for the 600 SE at 50cm - 60cm?

I would speculate 4ft x 5ft?

1000umol sqm being the target of course ;)


No. The 1000watt de puts out around 2100umol. 6ft by 4 ft is roughly 2.25 m2. So close to 1000umol/m2.

The 600watt SE puts out 1200umol (the 1000de dimmed puts out 1050) 4ft by 5 ft is 1.86m2. Works out to 645umol/m2
No. The 1000watt de puts out around 2100umol. 6ft by 4 ft is roughly 2.25 m2. So close to 1000umol/m2.

The 600watt SE puts out 1200umol (the 1000de dimmed puts out 1050) 4ft by 5 ft is 1.86m2. Works out to 645umol/m2

So looking closer to a 4x4 footprint for the 600w SE to get around the 1000umol mark...


Active member
wazzy said that the 600/1000 reflectors and pattern are the same coverage, its just a matter of distance and intensity.


Active member
When placing the 300 LEP AC 02 Plasma the instructions say 1' off casts a 3x3 footprint.

That will also be blocking light from the 1000DE effectively casting a shadow.

If these are made to go between lights then you would think that they could be nearly equal distance off the top of the canopy as the 1000DE...?

Anyone use a plasma on a light rail yet?




Active member
When placing the 300 LEP AC 02 Plasma the instructions say 1' off casts a 3x3 footprint.

That will also be blocking light from the 1000DE effectively casting a shadow.

If these are made to go between lights then you would think that they could be nearly equal distance off the top of the canopy as the 1000DE...?

Anyone use a plasma on a light rail yet?



I was wondering the same thing in the other gavita thread.

Basically as sup lighting, just hang them higher so you don't make a shadow. If your goal is to put down 1000umol/m2 the gavita website recommends 5-10% by plasma light for quality. They put out 300umol so they can cover a larger area as supplemental lighting. Check out the white papers on their site, its good stuff.


I have used them as supplemental lighting and like the results. I am trying to veg with them right now. I find them hard to use with seedlings until they are a little larger. Once the seedlings are 3-4 weeks old the plasma is great.


When you use the LEP as supplemental lighting you basically hang it at the same height as the HPS fixture. The HPS fixture will have a rectangualr throw, the plasma fixture has a square throw. You do not need to be this close to your crop for supplemental lighting, as you only need to supplement the light with plasma light. The reflector of the LEP has the same exit angle as the HPS (about 120 degrees).

Indeed I am working very hard for my money :D. I'll be in San Mateo at the Max Yield trade show (26/27 July) if you want to meet and greet.


When you use the LEP as supplemental lighting you basically hang it at the same height as the HPS fixture. The HPS fixture will have a rectangualr throw, the plasma fixture has a square throw. You do not need to be this close to your crop for supplemental lighting, as you only need to supplement the light with plasma light. The reflector of the LEP has the same exit angle as the HPS (about 120 degrees).

Indeed I am working very hard for my money :D. I'll be in San Mateo at the Max Yield trade show (26/27 July) if you want to meet and greet.

Please share with this vertical growing enthusiast any information you have about high performance lighting for vertical environments? Anything new?
When you use the LEP as supplemental lighting you basically hang it at the same height as the HPS fixture. The HPS fixture will have a rectangualr throw, the plasma fixture has a square throw. You do not need to be this close to your crop for supplemental lighting, as you only need to supplement the light with plasma light. The reflector of the LEP has the same exit angle as the HPS (about 120 degrees).

Indeed I am working very hard for my money :D. I'll be in San Mateo at the Max Yield trade show (26/27 July) if you want to meet and greet.[/

Hey whazzup,

I have read all the numbers, charts, and info on gavitas I can find. I can get my xxxl magnum(unvented), 1000 lumateks and horti's. 12-15 inches from my canopy. Gavitas need 2-3 ft of space between the from bulb to canopy. Won't my par numbers be higher with my set up vs gavitas? Oh and my room growing footprint is 8x12 with 6k. Got good overlap.
My room is 25 ft length x 23ft width 11ft height how many Gavita pro 1000 can I run? I was thinking of running 16 lights with five tons of AC.


New member
I red the first seven pages of this thread, and it seems wazzup didn't answer a few people's concerns, questions, or if he did, he did so in such a way that is very hard to see the answer.

Someone wanted to know how many umols at 2, 3, and 4 feet can be measured.

The guy at the grow shop said I can use his par meter on a new Gavita before I buy it. I will also bring my lux meter as I think lux matters always, even with LED.

If it has great reach than a 1000 bulb, then I will get it.


how many and what distances do you recommend for room that is 5.79 m X 7.3 m? The ceiling slopes from 2.89 m to 3.35m. I have 8 1000e but can get more. Thanks for all the info you've posted so far!


I want to know about feeding under these bad boys.

2 rounds under my belt under 8 classics. Got my third round doing a few weeks of veg under them before I flip.

I've noticed this:

The first week, I stagger my lights like a checkerboard. 4 are on for 9hrs...they turn off and the other 4 come on for the remaining 9hrs.

With that situation...plants are fine.

As soon as I turn all 8 lights on, plants go wacky each time. It looks like a deficiency..like they want more food. My ppm meter shows run off at around 900. I'm currently putting in 1400. Yet it still runs off at 900. I'm concerned about taking it hotter, but all evidence points to my plants wanting a much hotter mix.

Do plants want more or less food under these lights? At this point, I'm getting pretty frustrated with these things.