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Gas powered pump thread..



ill grab a couple of pix first hindu .... the 12 volt pump can also be put on a timer ,, it has a pressure switch that cuts off the pump ... you could set it to water when u are not there , no probs ...


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Just be careful.......solar panels can reflect sunlight to aircraft....by the size of Wallys gardens, I'm assuming airborn seaches are not common in his region like they can be in the states.

I've avoided including solar panels in any of my guerrilla plans for exactly this reason, it may be better to simply change out your 12volt batteries once in a while and charge them at home.
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Fast Pine, about using a sprinkler with the WX10, I can't see on your picks. What type of sprinkler do you use? How is it working for you? Is the pump working too hard due to more water resistance? Could I use a watering wand type of hand watering device with it?

I like how you pump water out of the waterbed, good idea!

Hindu Killer

Active member
Now we are talking...this is one of the single most important aspects to us as growers. In order to get the yields we have to have the H20....regularly! Im looking to set up a portable system that will move adequate amounts of water, quickly and quietly! And I like the idea of it being auto matic........ in some sense! Im listening!


Mr. Growitall said:
Fast Pine, about using a sprinkler with the WX10, I can't see on your picks. What type of sprinkler do you use? How is it working for you? Is the pump working too hard due to more water resistance? Could I use a watering wand type of hand watering device with it?

I like how you pump water out of the waterbed, good idea!
thanks man....

Ive used the sprinkler handles,,,you know, the ones that you would water yer lawn with..The kind that you just attach to the end if the garden hose and squeeze the trigger like a lil gun,,,They work ok,,,The sprinklers will only operate when there is a good amount if pressure behind them,,,,i.e. dont expect to be able to pump water 100feet uphill to a plot, and have enough pressure to use a sprinkler..A watering wand would work great..Infact,,,I no longer will be using drip tubing and dripp emitters, soI may be using the same method(hand watering with the end of a hose).:confused:

One thing thats tough though is, One needs to gauge the time its gonna take to pump your source dry...Because if you're uphill at yer plot hand watering, and your water source runs empty the pump will have to run dry during the time it takes you to franticly dash down the mountainside to turn it off..Running those pumps dry is a BIG no, no..
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Thanks for the info fast pine.
Maybe you can install a float switch in your reservoir to cut off the power on your pump when your res is empty. It would require some tinkering but would definitly be possible. You would have to wire it to the on/off switch of your pump. Or you could have an fm type remote control to turn it off, that would be even better. Maybe a hobby shop owner could help you rig that up if your not familiar with electronics. Could save you the price of a new pump...


Bakin in da Sun
wallyduck said:
ill grab a couple of pix first hindu .... the 12 volt pump can also be put on a timer ,, it has a pressure switch that cuts off the pump ... you could set it to water when u are not there , no probs ...

interested int his wally, whenever you get a chance could you post some more info, brand/link or pics :p

thanks brotha,


Mourning the loss of my dog......
bartender- Basicly you use a 12volt pump with a pressure switch installed(Shurflo pumps are a good option in the states), then you attach a water timer to the outflow of the pump. When the timer opens the valve the pressure will drop and the pressure switch will turn on the pump, when the water timer valve shuts the pump will quickly build pressure and the pressure switch will shut it off. Simple as that! For info on water timers, visit my auto-irrigation page.


hey bartender ,, what bc says is quite correct on the pressure switches ..
the pumps i use are called flojet ..
oh just on the solar panels ,, u can get dark ones that dont reflect quite as much , and u can also not put them upwards into the sky ,, on an angle most aircraft wouldnt spot them ...
there are also quite a few really cool wind generators out nowdays .. pretty sure in a windy place would produce quite a bit of power ..
i just hate dragging huge batteries around ,, anything to stop that is a huge assett to me ,....


In all my research, I have still not found a hand operrated pump that was much better than using a bucket.

Yeah Wally, I would only be interested in using a Gasoline powered pump for moving large quantities of water, like for filling a resivour. I would personally prefer to use electric pumps, to Gasoline pumps any day, for any purpose.

In my mountainous area, I actually avoid using pumps unless I have to, I prefer to let gravity move the water for me, I usually plan my grows downhill from water sources. Of course, I don't always have that option.

For my Guerrilla style of growing I prefer to mechinize as little as I can, the perfect irrigation system for me would have no timer, pipes, emitters(sprinklers), and especially no pumps.
hey bc ,, yea i love gravity where water is concerned ,, i did dig a dam at the site that would hold enough water for a good soaking via drip system while i was away for the week ... was amazed at how much pressure u can build up down a hill , with a bit of reduction in hose size from a big feeder it would be fantastic , and easy to drip with timers etc ,, bit of a dream for me to tell the truth , hehe ..
anyhow i took a few pics of a couple of the items i use t he pump ... and y can see its just a small waterway im drawing from , but its constant flow ,, ill add one of the electric fence unit im using also ,, 12 volt same as the pump .. .....



My Method: small stream irrigation.

My Method: small stream irrigation.

Hide the pump onsite(if you arent using it on any other projects), along with top feed nutes, multiple 75' sections of anti kink garden hose, gas, oil, and sprinkler heads.

Topfeed plot

Position strainer in stream, above sandy bottom to avoid sucking up rocks. Use fence post or steal spike driven in to the stream floor, attach strainer(filter) with a zip tie or wire. Strainer needs to be below the surface, but not touching the bottom.

Run hose to plot(s), using a variety of styles. i.e....Sprinkler head every fiew feet, or planting on either side of a mister/soaker hose, and weave the hose through the forrest. Typicaly you want to be far away enough from the stream that your plot cant be seen from the water's edge, as Badmf said, that would be "easy pickins" for a streamside hiker. Use extreem caution when selecting streams. Fishermen are all over the place..

If you are working with a very flat area, it is possible to simply flood the patch. I havent found a place like that yet..

You can also simply water directly from the end of the hose. This one's best if numbers are lower and yer trying to get monsters. In this case I burry a five gallon nursery pot 6 inches deep with the bottom cut out. Backfill it half full, with ammended soil. When I water I get no run off, everydrop is going into my planting hole(works great with topfeed)..This allows me to do a serious deep watering.

If leaving pump on site, After setting everything up , I leave, and let the pump run itself out of gas. If yer gonna stick around, take a fishing pole

Gonna put the wx-10 through HELL this year...
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Fast_Pine said:
Position strainer in stream, above sandy bottom to avoid sucking up rocks. Use fence post or steal spike driven in to the stream floor, attach strainer(filter) with a zip tie or wire. Strainer needs to be below the surface, but not touching the bottom.

I never said any thing about standing there holding the strainer....and the empty jug will just float down stream....

If yer pumping from a river, you can weight the strainer, witha rock or something, and throw it out in to the middle....
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So I seriously tested out the Honda gas pump yesterday for the first time and it kicks ass. It pushed water at least 40 feet up hill and about twice that distance horizontally; and it does it quick. It could probly handle double what I put it through yesterday. Filled my 55 gallon rain barrel in about 5-10 minutes. I highly recomend these pumps to anyone looking into buying a serious guerilla pump.


Oh ya, and I was pumping from a small puddle no more than 5 inches deep. I just put a big rock on the hose where it meets the strainer to keep it at the deepest point; no milk jugs necessary.


Active member
i read a few pages, but couldnt read this all. but thought id share wut i have. i bought a pacer pump from Tractor Supply Company (stores everywhere) for like $300bucks or something. i put a 10-15 ft 2inch hose with a heavy foot valve on the end. it will block rocks, but small debris will still go though.
then the pump outlet was reduced to 1/2inch poly and went up a hill about 50 ft up, and bout a total length of 300ft. water pressure was Outragous. had to hold the hose down with something while i started the pump.
the pump was stationary at a river, just had to throw the hose in the water when i went to water.. this yr i made a pvc manifold for the pump for a different location. i tried the manifold out with my pump using 1inch line instead of 1/2inch, and 3/4 pvc. the manifold splits into 4 legs going to 4 50gal drums in a line. i was able to fill all 4 barrels equally within 5 mins.
i should take a pic of the barrel and manifold set up when i get it in place.

Hindu Killer

Active member
My area's have to many people with in hearing distance...could detect a gas engine whine back in the woods. 12volts the ticket for me.