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Gas powered pump thread..


Ok guys.....

Ok guys.....

.................wanna see what Ive come up with as far as spots:confused:

This is the seasonal stream that the water wil be drawn from..

I will upload another picture or two here in a minute..


So I'm seriously thinking of getting a gas powered pump. However, a quick google search on the Honda pump came up with nothing but bad reviews. Apparently the pump has a plastic manifold and impeller that has caused problems for many people. I'm very reluctant to shell out $300(!) for a cheap plastic pump. Granted, I'll only be using it a few times a year for only a few minutes, but still.... if this thing breaks I'm gonna be highly pissed. So I guess I'm asking everyone's opinion.
How many fills have you done with the Honda? You also said you had to replace a few parts twice. Was that the Honda or a different pump?

Fast Pine,
How's the Honda holding up for you?

Anyone else that wants to chime in feel free.


Its just not gonna get any better than the wx 10...I went over and over it in my head...The WX is the best....Just cover the strainer with window screen. Its defiantly worth it......Its super light weight, and has alotta power. The fact that its backed by a warranty helps alot.....If you modify the strainer with some galvanized window screen your chances of suckin a rock through the plastic prop is almost eliminated....

Are you gonna be pulling stream water?....
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Nice! Thanks for the info BC, I checked that one out too this summer but couldn't justify the cost. What does it sound like? Could it be mistaken for a small 9.9HP boat motor? Pushing about 50 feet vertical height, aprox. how many feet of garden hose could you use maximum?


Mourning the loss of my dog......
The length of hose you could use on flat ground is not too limiting, but as you push the water at more and more of a incline going uphill, the distance you can push it decreases because gravity fights the pump more and more.

As lemonade said, the pump will push water quite a ways uphill, in his case to a point 70' higher in elevation than the pump, and I have a feeling she could push it further up than that possibly.

On more or less flat ground, you could push water through many hundreds of feet of hose, but as you angle the output further uphill, the rate of flow decreases as gravity fights the pump, more and more as it goes up.

I'm not sure how to compare its noise to boats, as i don't really go boating much in my neck of the woods, I'd compre the noise to one of those small generators people use for camping and RVing, maybe not as quiet as one of the fancy Hondas or Colemans, but not near as loud as a Chainsaw or motorcycle.


Thanks BC, anyone know if the pumps can be started automaticaly with a timmer or something of the sort. It would need to be equiped with an electric starter. Do some pumps come with that? Could a WX10 be retrofited with one? I don't know much about engines, or these pumps... I immagine a starter controler would be necessary to detect if the pump actualy started or not to either try again or not. An electric pump on a float switch would work...but gas would be better...


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Auto-starting gas pumps are a rare breed, I think it would be alot of trouble, and the WX10 has a pull starter, hard to modify. I'd always go electric if you need it to be automatic, gas pumps are more for use in very large operations, or for moving water from sources to resivours.

Describe what you are up to, and maybe i can point you in the right direction?


Well I'm not sure I know myself what I'm up to. Here we have enough rain to at worse have decent results so I never considered before using automated watering. I'm more just currious about the different possibilities to see if it would be worth the trouble for me. Having reservoire's for me is not worth the trouble. I will however get myself a pump for at least prepping the site done in a patch as so to saturate the soil with minimum work. I've lugged around 5 gallon pails for way too long. I prefer the zero maintenance way of site planning.

I have another question about the WX10. Has anyone tried using a sprinkler or watering hose with this pump?


Active member
My friend just went to court for pumping water out of a stream. They didn't care that he was growing hundreds of pounds of pot, they fined him a ton for sucking water out of the stream.


Active member
Pico just wondering, how remote of an area was your friend pumping in?

Was it his land? Who confronted him? Forestry service personnel?


Active member
pretty remote. yes it was his land. Pretty sure it was forrest service or something like that. It was government, but not the cops or troopers.


hey fast pine and bc ,,,, im not sure u have seen the pumps i use ,, they are light , not much more than a kg ,, they are powerful , and very quiet .. and best of all , they are solar powered ... really awesome pumps ,,
i did attempt a petrol pump similar to the honda ones u showed ,, it was a 2 stroke engine though ,, needed to be pretty high on the throttle to really pump well , wasnt really as good as the solar pump i thought ... and really noisy...


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Hindu Killer said:
Now we are talking......this is a great topic! Any of you tryed hand pumps??? Like a boat bilge pump..etc??
In all my research, I have still not found a hand operrated pump that was much better than using a bucket.

Yeah Wally, I would only be interested in using a Gasoline powered pump for moving large quantities of water, like for filling a resivour. I would personally prefer to use electric pumps, to Gasoline pumps any day, for any purpose.

In my mountainous area, I actually avoid using pumps unless I have to, I prefer to let gravity move the water for me, I usually plan my grows downhill from water sources. Of course, I don't always have that option.

For my Guerrilla style of growing I prefer to mechinize as little as I can, the perfect irrigation system for me would have no timer, pipes, emitters(sprinklers), and especially no pumps.

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