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Gas is gonna go through the roof.....



if you want to add 30%+ increase to you MPG in your car DIY hydrogen generator cost about $60 to make fuck these rediculous gas prices & all the greedy fucks on wallstreet that drive up prices to boost their stocks.
I'd do a bit more research into using hydrogen. You may find that using hydrogen makes metal brittle and you may shorten the life of your car.
I've read up on the hydrogen generators. it takes more energy to release the hydrogen then the hydrogen can provide. its a lose lose.


In some ways hydrogen is not a great fuel as not much energy as compared to something like diesel and processing, handling, storage is a bitch.

You can look into Magnegas and that's pretty wild stuff. I've seen a car run on that stuff. Pretty sure they got the process to work with like 90% water and 10% oil. They were mainly focusing on waste treatment as the unit would tear the material apart, turn it into plasma, which would then get reconstituted into hydrogen, oxygen and CO2 I think so the waste material would basically disappear.

The fuel tank on this car was a large carbon fiber wrapped type thing. Reminded me of a bomb...lol. Supposedly you can shoot one of these tanks and you won't have a problem. It was a Ford duel fuel natty gas/gas car but can't remember the model.


Well the hho generator puts out very little hydrogen your still burning way more gas i doubt it would do any damage maybe over a very long period of time it could. as for my car its old so im willing to take the chance.

Honda has a hydrogen car that they are doing a test run with that for some reason is only being sold in CA. runs completely on hho but it powers a electric motor (no batteries) suppose to have really good performance compared to battery powered cars saw it on top gear.The problem is that only a few gas stations (shell) carries hho LAME no ones going to buy it if you have to search for a gas source.
Also saw a honda car thats their testing that has some sort of hho cell the size of a small suit case you pull it out of your car it would hook up to some kind of unit in your garage that is hooked up to your gas furnace or something it extracts the hho from your natural gas then you pull it out & put back in your car we'll see if that ever comes out but not likely anytime soon.

another option is bio fuel for diesel powered cars anywhere from 50%-100% again not many stations carry it but you can make your own for pennies its just a pain to strain the stuff. someday i plan on driving a diesel car powered by 100% used vegatable oil & hho generator i just dont want to pay for gas & im always looking for a cleaner source of fuel (im just always trying to think for a better way & i love to experiment safely)


Active member
If the day of rage goes down in the House of Saud on friday,
may we see $200 per barrel?

This is slated to take place just a few hours from now.


Honda has a hydrogen car that they are doing a test run with that for some reason is only being sold in CA. runs completely on hho but it powers a electric motor (no batteries) suppose to have really good performance compared to battery powered cars saw it on top gear.The problem is that only a few gas stations (shell) carries hho LAME no ones going to buy it if you have to search for a gas source.

Also saw a honda car thats their testing that has some sort of hho cell the size of a small suit case you pull it out of your car it would hook up to some kind of unit in your garage that is hooked up to your gas furnace or something it extracts the hho from your natural gas then you pull it out & put back in your car we'll see if that ever comes out but not likely anytime soon.
Yeah that's one of the major problems with hydrogen powered cars is the availability of fuel. They're really just a novelty and will be for a loooong time and maybe forever. The current natty gas system in the US could be used for hydrogen instead.

I do remember something about some type of unit that can be hooked up to a home natty gas source to produce hydrogen. That was well over 5 years ago I researched that stuff though. The home natty gas distribution system is something that could be used for making hydrogen and would work in a decent portion of the country but there's some type of problem that's associated with making hydrogen this way having to do with oxygen depletion I think.

I remember talking to Dr. Santilli at Magnegas and he was saying something about if they converted all of the gas powered cars to hydrogen and produced hydrogen by current methods you'd have oxygen depletion issues. It was over 5 years ago I worked on that project and very rusty on the info. That stuff may be up on the Magnegas site but haven't visited there in forever.

Honda already makes a car that can run on hydrogen, well Magnegas actually, and is called a Civic GX. Instead of filling up with natural gas you can fill it up with Magnegas (which is mostly hydrogen). They've been producing the GX for many years and a fraction of the cost of their hydrogen car...if I'm remembering correctly.

The fuel cell concept is very interesting. There's a company called Fuel Cell Energy, actually Hydrogenics also, that deals with fuel cell technology. That is something that is probably more practical than internal engine combustion cars that run on hydrogen. When I stumbled across fuel cells made by Hydrogenics I was like...nice way to generate electricity for a grow op instead of a diesel generator...if you had like a gazillion dollars cause they ain't cheap to own and maintain as we're talking about some of the more sophisticated technology available.


another option is bio fuel for diesel powered cars anywhere from 50%-100% again not many stations carry it but you can make your own for pennies its just a pain to strain the stuff. someday i plan on driving a diesel car powered by 100% used vegatable oil & hho generator i just dont want to pay for gas & im always looking for a cleaner source of fuel (im just always trying to think for a better way & i love to experiment safely)
If you look at data all they would need to do is add like 10% biodiesel to all the diesel sold and a dramatic reduction in NOX levels. I think that mix might even be better than straight biodiesel regarding NOX production.

Pretty sure that's correct. Maybe it's a 20% blend...been a lot of years.


Well-known member
If the day of rage goes down in the House of Saud on friday,
may we see $200 per barrel?

This is slated to take place just a few hours from now.

this is possible, how much do we know what goes on in SA?
which does make it a bit scary, though i noticed that the NYMEX price dropped down today pretty good, looks like the financial community is discounting this from happening
and the financial community couldn't be wrong(end sarcasm)


space gardener
if you want to add 30%+ increase to you MPG in your car DIY hydrogen generator cost about $60 to make fuck these rediculous gas prices & all the greedy fucks on wallstreet that drive up prices to boost their stocks. do a little research its super simple to make this is 1 of the best video on how to make one.plus its super cheap extracts oxygen & hydrogen from water thats mixed with baking soda, FUCK battery powered cars their shit it produces 4 times more polution to make a hybrid cause of all the cyanide & chemicals to extract the nickle then ship it all over the world to make the batteries.hydrogen is the future.


1 more thing alot of people think its dangerous cause its hho its not if theres too much heat or preasure the jar will just break & release the water there may be a small bang like a firecracker but NO explosion.
hho explosion not as bad as you would think & this is a big hho generator the one in your car would be a small jar it may damage hoses but thats about it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfk8jXVUF34&feature=related

I modified two vehicles with this system and it doesn't work like the hype. Both needed new motors within 3 months... Full of rust and metal was eroded from the inside out of the engines. Neither customer reported any milage increase...

I know science says this works but maybe it's not going to work with current manufacturing and especially not in the hands of the average public to maintain.

If you think a hydrogen conversion is the answer, I have some magnets you can put around your fuel lines to improve gas milage I'll sell ya...


i didnt relize that hho could cause a depletion in oxygen every program ive seen the only thing they ever mentioned was that water comes out the exhaust. it remindes me of brazil that has a car that can run on gas or ethenol but running on just ethenol releases too much nitrogen into the atmosphere.I imagine running bio diesel can cause simularities as covering everything in a thin layer of oil killing insects & doing all other kinds of damage if over used. I was going to mention the car that runs on just compreesed air but someone beat me to it on page 1 lol & from what i remember is slow.

i live near L.A. CA & all the buses that run for the city run on natural gas as well as the vans & trucks used by the natural gas co. so its cool someones thinking ahead too & taking action but im sure that will have some sort of draw back too.heres a little info on that type thing http://gas2.org/2008/04/29/natural-gas-cars-cng-fuel-almost-free-in-some-parts-of-the-country/

i guess we'll have to leave it up to the pros to do something that will bring change
a link to honda FCX hydrogen fuell cell/electric powered car....click on start the tour in the lower left hand corner to watch the video

top gear on the honda fcx this is the best video on it
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i didnt relize that hho could cause a depletion in oxygen every program ive seen the only thing they ever mentioned was that water comes out the exhaust.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AUurBnLbJw&feature=related
Hey I think that might be it...If you have water coming out of your exhaust the oxygen component is getting pulled from the air. So all the cars that would be burning hydrogen would be binding up oxygen in the process. There's something about how you produce hydrogen that determines if oxygen is a net negative in the total process just like using fossil fuels adds CO2 to the atmosphere instead of the loop being 'closed' and no net increase.

Like I said it's been awhile.

it remindes me of brazil that has a car that can run on gas or ethenol but running on just ethenol releases too much nitrogen into the atmosphere.
When burning ethanol you get aldehyde production and supposedly areas like Rio have a distinct smell from the aldehyde content in the air.


I modified two vehicles with this system and it doesn't work like the hype. Both needed new motors within 3 months... Full of rust and metal was eroded from the inside out of the engines. Neither customer reported any milage increase...

I know science says this works but maybe it's not going to work with current manufacturing and especially not in the hands of the average public to maintain.

If you think a hydrogen conversion is the answer, I have some magnets you can put around your fuel lines to improve gas milage I'll sell ya...

aahhh are you serious you just smashed my dreams lol that sucks well back to the drawing board


im learning alot from you mountain you have alot of knowledge thanks for sharing.


Active member
With the tragic earthquake in Japan, the media has not covered the Saudi's response to the day of rage.

For all we know it could be a bloodbath.


Crotchety Cabaholic
i live near L.A. CA & all the buses that run for the city run on natural gas as well as the vans & trucks used by the natural gas co. so its cool someones thinking ahead too & taking action but im sure that will have some sort of draw back too.

LA explains it. You need fresh air. It's effecting clear thinking.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Saudi Arabia is sending troops into Bahrain to help squash the protesters. I wonder if the protesters will view this an occupying force sent to kill and suppress them further exasperating the situation?
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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Well, it looks like the Shi'ite population in Bahrain doesn't care for the foreign invasion force sent to kill them. What a surprise. Revolution and war on the periphery of the American Empire. Escalation anyone?

Saudi sends troops, Bahrain Shi'ites call it "war" Reuters
(Reuters) - Saudi Arabia sent troops into Bahrain on Monday to help put down weeks of protests by the Shi'ite Muslim majority, a move opponents of the Sunni ruling family on the island called a declaration of war.

Analysts saw the troop movement into Bahrain, home to the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet, as a mark of concern in Saudi Arabia that concessions by the country's monarchy could inspire the conservative Sunni kingdom's own Shi'ite minority.

About 1,000 Saudi soldiers entered Bahrain to protect government facilities, a Saudi official source said, a day after mainly Shi'ite protesters overran police and blocked roads.

"They are part of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) force that would guard the government installations," the source said, referring to the six-member bloc that coordinates military and economic policy in the world's top oil-exporting region.

Bahrain said on Monday it had asked the Gulf troops for support in line with a GCC defense pact. The United Arab Emirates has said it would also respond to the call.

Witnesses saw some 150 armored troop carriers, ambulances, water tankers and jeeps cross into Bahrain via the 25-km (16-mile) causeway and head toward Riffa, a Sunni area that is home to the royal family and military hospital.

Bahrain TV later showed footage it said was of advance units of the joint regional Peninsula Shield forces that had arrived in Bahrain "due to the unfortunate events that are shaking the security of the kingdom and terrorizing citizens and residents."

Analysts and diplomats say the largest contingent in any GCC force would come from Saudi Arabia, which is worried about any spillover to restive Shi'ites in its own Eastern Province, the center of its oil industry.

Bahraini opposition groups including the largest Shi'ite party Wefaq said the move was an attack on defenseless citizens.

"We consider the entry of any soldier or military machinery into the Kingdom of Bahrain's air, sea or land territories a blatant occupation," they said in a statement.

"This real threat about the entry of Saudi and other Gulf forces into Bahrain to confront the defenseless Bahraini people puts the Bahraini people in real danger and threatens them with an undeclared war by armed troops."

The move came after Bahraini police clashed on Sunday with mostly Shi'ite demonstrators in one of the most violent confrontations since troops killed seven protesters last month.

After trying to push back demonstrators for several hours, police backed off and youths built barricades across the highway to the main financial district of the Gulf banking hub.

Those barricades were still up on Monday, with protesters checking cars at the entrance to the Pearl roundabout, the focal point of weeks of protests. On the other side of the same highway, police set up a roadblock preventing any cars moving from the airport toward the financial area.

In areas across Bahrain, vigilantes, some armed with sticks or wearing masks, guarded the entrances to their neighborhoods.


Well-known member
Saudi Arabia is sending troops into Bahrain to help squash the protesters. I wonder if the protesters will view this an occupying force sent to kill and suppress them further exasperating the situation?

no question the Shiite will think this, but may not be a great deal they can do about it
SA will not let the Shiite majority get into a position where they can invite Iran in(or align with), who(from what i understand) was the last owner of said island
but the US has big naval forces there, so Iran is not likely to do much, not for the moment anyways
speaking of whom, there hasn't been too much news on the Iranian protests/riots - but then the Japanese disaster has sucked the air out the Mideast news coverage

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