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Ganja D's Outdoor 2011


Active member
GanjaD, you seem very educated about strains and seeds, and I was wondering what you thought of growing out some seeds that you found in a bag of really good marijuana? I know it seems like a stupid question, but that is just what I am doing now. And I am pretty happy to say they have all sprouted and are growing nicely, maybe I will transplant them soon!!!!

According to the most widely agreed upon creation myth, this is how the Chemdog line was discovered. Bagseed... you may find nothing or you may find the next 'elite' line that people will argue the origins of for a decade! Good luck.

Ganja D

Sunny weather = kicking ass like seabass. Go Bruins!

Seed plants are sexing. I hate killing males but some just gotta go.

Plants are looking great. I've been adding some Age Old Organics Grow with the Brix Mix when I foliar spray and the plants almost green up immediately.

The weather has been such a deterrent recently,lots of people I've talked to seem to be behind with their gardens. I'm a little behind but getting a lot done. The one thing I have going for me is the size and health of my plants. Should be planting some seed plants by Wed or Thursday,and some clone strains will go out shortly after.

Good luck everybody. Hope we can get a little more nice weather.


Active member
Seems like people are a bit behind this year in my part of the woods as well. Hoping for a few sunny days this week to get the serious dirt work done. Ive been planning to have all the girls out in their homes by june 7, which is still a good possibility. Looking forward to seeing your girls in their final homes!


One day you will have to answer to the children of
fuck man rain for 2 more days!!
I'd trade you if I could.
85 and sunny here for two days.
My lawn needs water, guess I'll be hooking up the sprayer to the water filter.
Working organic lawncare this year.

Ganja D

Weather has still been a bummer. Hoping it will be nice after Monday. I planted two seed plants today as a test,Diesel Berry (F13 X Sour Diesel) X Witches Weed (SFV OG/Chemdog X C99). My soil is nice and warm for the roots.

Today I also pollinated a few branches in a small testing indoor room with a very exciting male of Double Strawberry Diesel. I pollinated a small branch or two of Double Strawberry Diesel,Mr.Nice,Killer Queen Redux,SSSDH,Headband,Blue Dream,SFV OG X Chemdog,and 2 phenos of Chemdog X Sour Diesel. Should be a lot of fun to see what developed. The male used is no joke. Thick strong and sturdy structure, vigorous growth,and a very noticeable and strong smell of diesel/funk/goodness. I have 5 healthy clones rooted for use later in the outdoor season and will keep one vegging until I have tested out seeds made from his pollen.
By the way,WTF Bruins!? Pathetic and they should be ashamed. Congratulations on the Stanly Cup Vancouver. Such bullshit.


We got hit with rain today, less than an inch though. Outlook says we'll be in the clear by monday as well. Looks like the 6th should (and I say that loosely) be a good day for all on the west coast.

looking forward to your update

Ganja D

Here's a nice jam way back before you was born ganja ...but the message was always about "jammin" in the sun , the sweetest things people can do like music is free (like the sun)

Richie Havens - Here Comes The Sun

jammin jammin , ma jammin ...

Thanks for the song,the Beatles wrote it right? Was before my time.

The sun has been shining and things are getting done. I have however become a bit stir crazy from never leaving this mountain for more than 48 hrs at a time in 16 months. Got a bit down today but then spent some time with the ladies and went for a hike in the forest with my trusty dog. It felt refreshing to be deep in the cool forest and get away from any sounds of the human world. Sadly it was the first time I felt calm and at peace in many many months. I do miss the forests of the North East very badly and also the many people I care about. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-ngBg-R8WQ

I gave a spoonful of some fish powder and guano to all my plants from clone. It will be the last food they get before being planted into their final homes.
This is a song that makes me think about my relationship to my plants,
I'm sure I'll feel better when I get everything planted.
I've coined it growers depression.

I think we all get it at one time or the other. It can be a cut-off life sometimes, shit...it has to be. Isolation can be a real bitch. Every grower I know goes through bouts...some shorter than others.

That's what got me into outdoor in the first place..gettin bummed and burnt out on the same ol rooms cycle after cycle with no downtime. A quiet bikeride and a nice hour or two spent just sitting with the plants (not actually doing shit, just enjoying eachothers presence) always gets me back on track.

It's gonna be too killer a season ta spend time bummin!

Make yourself a proposition, something like...I'll take a week...2 weeks...and go visit family and just chill at the end of season. Vacations actually increase productivity, it's been proven in numerous studies. So you don't have to feel all guilty like you're abandoning ship or somethin.


Active member


Just wanted to stop in and say HI!! I wish you all the luck and all the blessings in the world Ganja D. Kepp it green :


Oh yeah... I think growers depression is quite common. Usually I try to watch or listen to something that will make me get all excited about growing meds! But yeah being Isolated when your used to being a friendly person just sucks... But its always worth it in the end!

Good luck Ganja D! Hope you stay busy and happy!


Active member
you gotta get off the mountain GD...once things calm down and the plants are all settled in you should go down to laytonville and do some music or party.....come out to SF we'l tear shit up lol..

i hate being stir crazy...im not on the mountain but i definately feel stuck to my indoor grow sometimes...

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