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Fungus gnats or WINGED ROOT APHIDS???


New member
Has anyone tried SM-90? I have been looking on this thread off and on now for 2 days and not seen anything on anyone trying SM-90. This is what I was told to use and it will knock out whatever is in my soil.


New member
Im cursed with these RAs as well and have caught on late since im in my 6th week of flower.I 1st dunked in safer soap then tryed peroxcide (3%) @ 1/4 cup to 3 gallons and raised my water level to just below the net pot.My roots look alot better and the new growth @ budd sites has improved.80% of my leaves have the claw look before.Hopfuly shell make it to harvest now


New member
A)How bad was your infestation and what effects have you observed in your plants/grow? Pretty bad. I have a Hot Shot No Pest Strip and saw lots of dead flyers all around my grow room. I did a little research and checked the roots on my DWC ladies and the fuckers were all over the roots. Large black ones, little white ones. All shapes and sizes but fucking with my roots none the less. I don't know if it was slightly high temps in the res and root rot that attracted these guys or slightly high temps and these guys dying in the res that caused the root rot. But yeah pretty bad.

B)Have you grown the same way before with success or with the same problems? Have you grown a different way before with success or the same problems? First grow ever experiencing them. I think it had something to do with the seasonal change and having my grow cab quite open to anything.
C)Have you treated them before (if so, how and what were your results/conclusions) I have treated them. It works but you have to stick with the treatment to kill the fuckers. Its a simple flood technique with a non toxic pesticide called GoGnats.

This was when I first noticed them in my Purple Kush





I have solved the problem in one of my buckets with a BigBuddhaCheese. They came back on the PK though so you need to stay on your treatment. You don't even really need to do a res change just take your net pot and put it over a another bucket and flood the fuckers out with this stuff. It makes them detach from the roots and they squirm to death in this stuff. Its even good for house plants :)

D)What type of medium/nutrients and what type of setup (hand water, ebb/flow etc)
Hempy(3:1 Perlite/Vermiculite), Single Pot DWC, Soil
GeneralHydro FN Series, Flora +,LKB, FloraNectar, 29% H202.

Hempy is hand watered
DWC is starts out with a mixture of 3.5ml H202 + FN Bloom/Grow + Flora Plus + LKB (if in flower) per gallon and I top it off with a mixture of 3.5ml H202, 5ml FloraNectar through out the plants whole life.

I hate these fuckers. I have lost a few hempy plants to them being dead in the soil less mix, killed them in the DWC buckets with my plants I vegged for 50 days, and started over with clones on everything else, I have never had a problem with mites or anything else but these fuckers and they are truly annoying and disgusting.

My next grow I am definitely going to put something over the opening of the net pot to keep them from even entering.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
GoGnats works for gnats I suppose but it doesn't do shit on root aphids.. It might knock out the fliers but that wont rid you of root aphids.
We bought a fresh bag of Ocean Forest yesterday afternoon and Inspector420 opened it and went thru inspecting the soil and guess what? Root aphids in the bag of unopened soil!! I have so suspected this to be the case. It's not just the pot growers who are infested with these hideous little creatures.. its the nurseries everywhere and they love vineyards so its an epidemic here.
Sterilize your soil right out of the bag or prepare to battle these bastards from day one.


New member
That must be something to do with how your store keeps it. My store keeps their soils indoors. I have no problems with pests in my FFOF. There hasn't really been a fight here.

The GoGnats kills the fungus gnats/aphids whatever the hell you want to call them things attacking your roots, with multiple and continued treatments it will kill all the bugs in the root zone, or at least keep them damn well tamed.. The Hot Shot No Pest Strip kills the flying version which are aphids or gnats? Either way, GoGnats for roots and the Hot Shot for fliers. The Hot Shot also keeps new guys from coming in.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
how would you sterilize the soil?sorry if this is a stupid question ive just never seen this.
thanx in adavance,


New member
You wouldn't sterilize, from what I know sterilizing can take all the beneficial stuff and microbes in a soil away too. You want to pasteurize it, which can be done by putting your damp soil in a oven bag from the store and keeping watch on it with a thermometer in the oven, cook it at 170F (any higher then 180F and you start crossing the fine line between sterilization and pasteurization) for a hour and let cool.

Ideally your getting the bugs out of the soil that people seem to have problems with. At the same time it gets rid of trich, and some other fungi matter and probably other beneficial organisms. I never have bugs in my FFOF. So I never pasteurize my soil.


Okay...gotta know...root aphids?



Thought my problem is/was fungus gnats. Not so sure now. I had this little tiny buggers running around last grow that I wasn't sure if they lead to problems or not.

I gave them bayer advanced last week...azamax drench a few days later...and another bayer advanced treatment (all are in veg and will be for awhile) tonight. Came back in a few hours later, and saw these little bastards running around on the outside of my rose buckets. Little tiny white specks. They look the same as the ones I wasn't sure about in my last bloom.

The "gnat" (I don't know if they're gnats anymore) population has definitely dropped the last week. But this is the first time I've noticed these little buggers.

These buggers are teeny tiny. Quick.


Here's a video I took. There's a few good shots of the little bastards in action. They appear to be coming up from the soil. I can see them running up and down the side of the rose buckets. The video is on the lip of pot. There's more "wtf" moments trying to get additional critters on screen. But there's a few really good shots of them.

Also, at the end, I tried to get a shot of one of the flyers on the sticky trap. Hopefully someone can tell me whether it is a gnat or winged aphid.


Thank you in advance


New member
If they are coming up from your soil like that, then they have a headquarters at your roots. Let them dry out a little bit and you will see a lot more trying to escape. They can't live without moisture so they will try and find another source when your pots dry up. I noticed this in my Hempy buckets and they would just keep running around the pot because my veg has wire racks for shelves, they are not smart enough to travel via wire rack apparently.

EDIT: Now that I look at those, those are fucking scary. I have never seen the gnats that I have that big and walk that fast. I think those may be root aphids, not fungus gnats because gnats are tiny and they grow to be black flies.

I live in Colorado too but I have never had those. I hope I never do.


If they are coming up from your soil like that, then they have a headquarters at your roots. Let them dry out a little bit and you will see a lot more trying to escape. They can't live without moisture so they will try and find another source when your pots dry up. I noticed this in my Hempy buckets and they would just keep running around the pot because my veg has wire racks for shelves, they are not smart enough to travel via wire rack apparently.

EDIT: Now that I look at those, those are fucking scary. I have never seen the gnats that I have that big and walk that fast. I think those may be root aphids, not fungus gnats because gnats are tiny and they grow to be black flies.

I live in Colorado too but I have never had those. I hope I never do.

Well...the Bayer Advanced seem to take care of the adults. I'm wondering why these little buggers survived two treatments, 1 wk apart, with an Azamax drench sandwiched in between.

My friend mentioned hydrogen peroxide. I'm not sure how that would kill them though.

I'm guessing that I got to the adults, and these are just the babies coming up. I'm shocked I didn't get them last night with the Bayer Advanced. I saw them within hours of the treatment. Can't tell you if they were there before, that was the first time I saw them.

If the Bayer Advanced isn't getting them...what in the hell will?

help :dunno:

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
If your using soil or coco, just mix some diatomaceous earth into the mix at 2 tbs per gallon. This would be a perfect fix for bags of soil with root aphids, just mix in some DE real well and let the soil sit while they get chopped to pieces by the DE.

If your in hydro, dunk the roots in a product with imid every 3 days for 3 times and follow it with an soap drench to get the waxy buildup off of your roots. If you don't get that waxy stuff off of your roots the plants will stay in stasis (non growth) until enough new roots form to support new upper growth. Some people say that just an insecticidal soap will kill them, but I've never tried it. Imid killed them for me and some DE mixed with my coco kept them away.


If your using soil or coco, just mix some diatomaceous earth into the mix at 2 tbs per gallon. This would be a perfect fix for bags of soil with root aphids, just mix in some DE real well and let the soil sit while they get chopped to pieces by the DE.

If your in hydro, dunk the roots in a product with imid every 3 days for 3 times and follow it with an soap drench to get the waxy buildup off of your roots. If you don't get that waxy stuff off of your roots the plants will stay in stasis (non growth) until enough new roots form to support new upper growth. Some people say that just an insecticidal soap will kill them, but I've never tried it. Imid killed them for me and some DE mixed with my coco kept them away.

I'm in soil. I used DE on top of the soil last time I saw these things...left it on for a week. Pulled it off....watered again...bang...the little fuckers up and running around again.

And that was a 1/2" layer on every speck of soil surface in the room.

I thought it was impossible for bugs to become "tolerant" of DE as it works in a manner that tolerance doesn't come into play.

I've got the Terminator of bugs.
I believe I have RAs after reading through this thread and others. About 1mm long fast moving and jumping white insects crawling through my hydroton in dwc net pots.

I'm about to do a drench/dunk with bayer tree and shrub and I was wondering if I mixed avid in with this if it would be damaging to the roots? I have some already diluted spray. Is this a bad idea? I just know that this stuff did work on my mites when nothing else would.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Hey Budsworth, if you just put it on the top of the soil and didn't mix it in with the soil mix before you planted, than the root aphids still have a safe haven in the root ball. So while it may have killed some that came up to the top, the few smart ones that didn't caught on when they saw their buddies coming back all f'ed up.

Ideally, it needs to be mixed in with the soil so no matter where they go, they are getting F'ed up, there's no safe place to hide.