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500 watt Scrog Grow -Blackjack-


life gardener
i believe you find the right way.
i have some problems before few weeks with mg-ca def and i solved with some cal-mag.also im using lucas formula 0-8-16 and im doing my first rdwc grow.i have to say i like your set up and im jealious
about the chiller. this days i will fix one drop in chiller for my controller.
good luck with your grow and do what your judgement says.
look for the right advices and keep it green.
rdwc seems kicks ass..atleast until now..


would you consider the 22.5lpm of air you are putting into each bucket pretty high? It seems like a ton of air to me but you know what they say the more the better


D, if i could put more air nmy buckets i wuld! dont thinkyou can get too much..I like to keep the nutes boiling and i never hav to worry about not having enoug DO In the water!

Hey everyone...sorry about getting behind on my stats and pics..Ive had aot of crazyness around lately..I will get things cought back up in the morning...Peace, Skunk


does anyone know if its real bad to have a real low RH most of the time? Mine is always between 16 and 25 percent...30 at the most....even if i add with humidifier the exhaust takes it rite out, and besides the activated charcoal will absorb it and make my scrubber useless! any thoughts or ideas welcome!
Peace, skunk


Active member


They seem to be responding well & are coming along nicely.
looks like there gonna get bushy now you topped em' G'Luck with it!




They seem to be responding well & are coming along nicely.
looks like there gonna get bushy now you topped em' G'Luck with it!
You are sure right about getting bushy, the secondary branches are shooting out everywhere! I just hope that the number 3 plant gets to moving along a little faster! Maybe im just pushing things a little and wishing for a little too much...It just looks funny to see all the others dwarfing the small one...even #2 is comming along alot better now, still behind but i cant complain now, looking back at how she looked a week ago..#3 definatly has something to do with pheno...you were right on when you mentioned that...alot of the plant structure is different...everything is alot more dainty, even the leaves are thinner...hopefully she yeilds something? Cant wait to find out!

As always...thanks for all of your help with this Scroger.
Ill get some new pics up tonight or tomorrow!
Peace, Skunk:window:


Active member
Scroger, what do you use for your screen?

If I coundent find anything else i'd use chicken wire bro', You can pull the stuff real tight see! i'd use the largest gauge i could find. This time however, ive used rubber/plastic garden mesh,its 2x2", looks like this: Pulled very tight indeed & fixed with staple nails.

2x2" is the best gauge ive used for Scrogging.

Peace.........Scrog' :eggnog:




The Girls have been doing well since the last time i left details...for about 4 days my PH and PPM's have remained stable at PH 5.6 and between 420-430 ppm..The nute temp is a constant 68 degrees...Today 12-22-09, the Ph dropped to 5.5 and my ppm's came down slightly to 410...just a slight change, but i think its safe to say things are still stable. Plants are eating..thats a good sign! There is tons of new growth on all of the plants...the secondary branches are taking off like crazy! Plant 1 is starting to make its way through the net, plant 4 is very close...Plant 2 has picked up pace a bit, she is still a bit smaller but really bushy and compact, and then there is my runt....plant 3, she is looking better and may even be trying to grow up a bit! lol, sure wish she would...at any rate all of the plants are doing better...there are still signs of the original nute burn or mag. defeciency, what ever it was....but "its gone now" except for the old burnt leaves! I should finish trimming off the dammaged leaves?

well thats about it for now...If anyone has any ideas about how to get my RH up a bit let me know, im all ears!

Peace, Skunk:eggnog:


Active member
Hey Dude,
Raising RH-
A bucket of water or three in there may help a little.
Mist ya plants lights on!
A Fan Speed Controller on ya exhaust fan would be a big help! & of course a humidifier(Best Option). Av i left anything out,??? I'll get back to you if i have.


Looking very nice Skunk, I think you are getting great help here! Keep it up!
Your MG def. looks like it is getting better, new growth looks nice and healthy.
I use a $40 humidifier during early veg, it holds like a gallon of water. I'm in a sealed space though, so I do not need a very powerful one ;)
Here is a pic of what you can look forward to, yours will probably look better though :)



Kindman....Lookin great...Ill probably be lucky if mine look that nice! Things do seem to be comming along alot better now. I must say, ive learned alot with thiss grow..."thanks to the peeps here at IC" BTW thanks for stopping by to see how things are gowing over here! I like all the feedback and opinions i can get!

Ill be sure to stop by your grow
Peaace, skunk:smokeit: :pie:


Hey Everything looks great!! Ive ran a couple setups like this keep it up :eggnog:

Nice scrog Steady! I noticed some marginal necrosis under the light, Did you ever identify the cause of this? I am dealing with similar issues for the past 3 grows, except that mine stunted out and never matured like yours.