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Fully Automated RDWC System - Ultimate System Overhaul!!!


CAN I PLEASE CATCH A FREGGIN BREAK!! Finally have all things plumbed properly. . . . that was the set-back I mentioned in detail in my last post, what I failed to mention on account of simply being tired of thinking about the endless amount of fcukin cash I dump into this place....was the fact that my CO2 Genny which ran over 400 bucks (Hydro-Gen liquid cooled) crapped out on me as well. Here is a very helpful hint to anyone looking a using a waer cooled CO2 system. . ..THEY ARE A COMPLETE RIPOFF!!! I looked into alternatives, and if you google "tankless water heaters" you will find a nearly exact replica of the Hydro-Gen system for about $120, its the exact same concept and nearly the exact same design.

Anyway, got that swapped out, and Im thinking to myself....what else could there possibly be to go wrong...spoke too soon...

I am now on the SECOND brand new chiller unit that has required some sort of warranty return issue. I had a 1.5HP "Boyu" chiller (never buy direct from China off ebay please) and the thing was crap out of the box . . .came with a cord for a 120V outlet and the compressor is clearly labeled a 240V . . .after finally figuring that out by the process of elimination, I had it professionally hard-wired with the correct 240V source and wouldnt you know it....the fucking compressor is dead. So I did an emergency impulse purchase of a new Active-Aqua 1.0hp unit, and the things humming like a humming bird for about a week or so....then for some reason the fucking control panel (which includes all of three whole buttons) some how had the "Set" button crap out on me and it no longer feels like it gets that snappy press-button action (if you own one you know what Im talking about.)

well another 4 weeks in order to warranty that POS...so I am circumventing the internal controls and simply going to run the chiller as if it has two simple settings. . . .ON / OFF it will have its own temp probe managed by the Neptune Apex system, and wont fucking require me pulling it out of the spot where it lives because its a PAIN IN THE ASS! Im about to lose my cool with shit like this, but in all honesy there is nothing else I can possibly see happening aside from a natural disaster that will set me back any further.

Im almost to the point of taking new clones since these are so damn big now I am possibly going to run into height issues at the end of flower.

Im sorry for all the negativity in this post. . . I am thinking that I should provide some additional photos of the finished interior with the whole system set up in there just one more time before they are transplanted in there....Sound like a plan?? Im on it right now. ...

As far as smell goes . . .I am running a 12" Maxfan, for my exhaust through a big ass carbon filter but that is only for when the backup cooling system needs to kick on the exhaust....otherwise the room is effectively managed as a "sealed" system . . .if temps spike too high there is a filtered intake and a carbon filter for the exhaust but I dont expect that will need to be kicked on too often (triggered by peak levels in RH at night or temp during "day")

Ill be back with some pics shortly....you wont even recognize the gals!


Can't you just keep your clones and top them short? That way you don'y need to make new ones just stick to the ones you got. You should be able to rid of your tops and have them grow back with no harm done. Good luck with the issues, I hope it works out to go smoothly for you here on out. I can speak from personal experience when I say something always comes up but hey that's the roller coaster we ride! :) It'll work out either way I'm sure.
Man, I havent been on this site in like 2 years... This looks fresh! Sorry to hear about your
problems your having. I also have the same CO2 Gen. Does cause problems sometimes.
Best of luck brother Ill be keeping an eye on this!


Alright . . .well here we go, the chiller issues are resolved (thank god!!!) and the CO2 generator is waiting on a replacement valve part which should be here this week. Everything is properly set up and just now I set up everything to run on a phantom schedule so I can record all the data and make sure things are functioning properly. I figure what the hell is another couple of days before I drop the girls into the party....especially since I am traveling to SanFran this evening and coming back tomorrow. . .Id rather be here in case something is eff'ed up. In the mean time....I thought I would drop some of these many times promised photos of the finished room without the plants in all of its glory . . . the only things missing from these photos are the stock tanks which will serve the PH solution and nutrient concentrates. . . they were downstairs being filled when I took the pics....anyway take a stroll through, love to hear any comments and or feedback on the initial setup as seen . . .


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Oh yea and the last photo included there is to show the adjacent 6' half-pipe which provides shelter for my pumps, coolant ressy, and AC compressor. NOW THATS GANGSTER!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!


This is my dream setup!
I'm away a lot and loose precious months of growing. With this I could do it from a nice beach...
Just hope you dont get root problems, as I did in my first run, first week....
If anyone care to help me, RDWC-what am I doing wrong post in the infirmary section...

Keep us updated!


dont worry. . . while things may have taken a while to get up to speed, you can rest assured that I will see this through, and I will be sure to keep everyone who's tuned in up to speed with me. Right now I am still running the room sans plants to test the ability of the system to maintain my exact specs. Its killing me that my truck is broken down also since a simple trip to the store to grab things like stock tanks is a real pain in the ass. either way, once all is up and running I intend on posting regular photos and taking feedback / comments / questions from ya'll . . . .

D350 - did you have a chiller running to maintain a cool water temp? this is one of the first and biggest mistakes anyone running RDWC can make. I knew a dude who was running something like 40 lights and he decided to skimp on the chiller...what do you think happened when the hot Colorado summer sun warmed up his shit?? dead plants in a jiffy. . . .ideally your water should be somewhere between 65-70 degrees, any warmer and you will have an outbreak of nasties like Pythium (root rot) and any colder will reduce the plants metabolism therefore reducing growth. I'm confident that I will make the transplant by the beginning of next week . . . however that said, I am on the fence about what to do about the plants I have got vegging....they are so far past the point I had initially intended for them to be at when I flipped them to 12/12 that I am going to have to hack the shit out of them to get them down to size....the alternative is to take nice big fat clones right now, and let them root up nicely . . . . then transplant the new little guys into the room allowing them to veg in there for a bit before flipping. we'll see how things look once I am ready to transplant.

BTW . . .anyone looking into stepping up their automation levels, check out the Neptune Apex system for reef aquariums...its fucking NASTY . . .im sitting here at my computer watching the PH and temp in real time while recording the data....I can go back and see how the water temp responds to the lights on period etc etc etc and notice any slight change in other specs...all from my iPad a thousand miles away if I so desire...hahaha


New member
hey there zumie i have a 10 by 10 foot sealed room with a 6 bucket rdwc and i have a question my room had a hard time dropping humidity during the last few weeks i had to use 2 60 pint dehumidifiers what do u recommend to keep humidity in check because i had a hard time controlling humidity in my sealed room


dont worry. . . while things may have taken a while to get up to speed, you can rest assured that I will see this through, and I will be sure to keep everyone who's tuned in up to speed with me. Right now I am still running the room sans plants to test the ability of the system to maintain my exact specs. Its killing me that my truck is broken down also since a simple trip to the store to grab things like stock tanks is a real pain in the ass. either way, once all is up and running I intend on posting regular photos and taking feedback / comments / questions from ya'll . . . .

D350 - did you have a chiller running to maintain a cool water temp? this is one of the first and biggest mistakes anyone running RDWC can make. I knew a dude who was running something like 40 lights and he decided to skimp on the chiller...what do you think happened when the hot Colorado summer sun warmed up his shit?? dead plants in a jiffy. . . .ideally your water should be somewhere between 65-70 degrees, any warmer and you will have an outbreak of nasties like Pythium (root rot) and any colder will reduce the plants metabolism therefore reducing growth. I'm confident that I will make the transplant by the beginning of next week . . . however that said, I am on the fence about what to do about the plants I have got vegging....they are so far past the point I had initially intended for them to be at when I flipped them to 12/12 that I am going to have to hack the shit out of them to get them down to size....the alternative is to take nice big fat clones right now, and let them root up nicely . . . . then transplant the new little guys into the room allowing them to veg in there for a bit before flipping. we'll see how things look once I am ready to transplant.

BTW . . .anyone looking into stepping up their automation levels, check out the Neptune Apex system for reef aquariums...its fucking NASTY . . .im sitting here at my computer watching the PH and temp in real time while recording the data....I can go back and see how the water temp responds to the lights on period etc etc etc and notice any slight change in other specs...all from my iPad a thousand miles away if I so desire...hahaha

Hey bro, I'm gonna hold you to it! I'm coming in right behind you, I've got a 32xl cc system being prepared at my spot as we speak, and I'll be doing a report as well. Stoked to follow you!


Mac D....you may even end up passing me! Seems like underneath each stone I turn lies another issue to be tweaked. I could have set things off as we currently are, however the last couple of nitpicking details that I am working towards ironing smooth are 1.). The CO2 system is simply waiting on a lousy part in the mail (it's taken fucking forever!!!).
And 2.). I cannot seem to maintain the targeted water temp despite the 25' wort chiller system in the epicenter...I believe I will have this resolved via the use of two changes....first,
The distance the water travels to cool that coil is pretty far, like over 75' in total round trip, so needless to say it is slowed down pretty good, if I add an additional pump to kick up the velocity with which the liquid flows through the chiller coil that should help dramatically and lastly...I have got a mini-split AC currently, yet the room struggles to stay below 80 degrees....the ambient temp is what pushes up the water temp over thecoursenof the day....so I am upping the ante on my cooling power by adding an additional source of icy cold BTUs....my choices are 1.) small window unit, one of the portable AC units that hoses the hot air out, perhaps a couple of "ice-box" units (but I'm not sure my chiller will be able to keep up). Any suggestions??? I think that if I go and seal all the hoods super tight with aluminum tape that should help some too as I think the in-line fans push a lot of heat out of the cracks and poor seals around each pane of glass for the lights. Good news is everything else is programmed and running like a champ....just need this stupid part and in off to the races!

I am picking up new clones tomorrow or by the end of the week and plan on letting them veg for a bit in my veg room, so realistically I'm looking at about another 2 - 3 weeks before I flip...I'm contemplating running the room as a veg room, but I'm not sure how the system will work under that kind of heat load after pushing for 18hrs or so...especially with the heat if the August sun.

Thanks for your patience everyone soon!!!! N sooooon!!!!!


Well, after much delay and significant anticipation, I am thrilled to announce that the final modifications necessary to bring this picky little bitch of a project to a state of completion, have finally been executed in full, and I now have a real working model of my very own personal "dream setup", built to satisfy my every single desire in a hydro facility.....

The big issue, (heat management) and specifically the sustaining of a cool 66-68 degrees in my RDWC buckets, required that I take some load off of the primary mini split system,
So that the ambient temp didn't warm the buckets so much. For this task I decided that these is no sense is half assing it...the mini-split ran the whole 12 hours during lights on, and the room struggled to stay below 84deg. So I added a 24,000 btu (1.5 ton) window mounted AC unit which is set at just a few degrees a over the mini split so that it will kick in as the mini split begins to fall behind. Plus, I tightly taped up all the different joints and seals in my hoods so that the hot air exhaust inside the light ducting system is not forced out into the room, but remains inside the ducting until it is evacuated through the exhaust vent on the roof. She hums along nicely now at a cool 73 degrees no problem whatsoever....

Lastly, the much anticipated smal part I ordered for the ignition apparatus on the CO2 gen, finally arrived and has been successfully installed!!! WE'VE GOT CO2!!!! The only little issue I could see myself fixing from here is replacing the current pump which drives the coolant into the CO2 gen as it seems to be struggling for enough pressure. I had to delicately tweak the balance of gas flow and water flow in order to get it to work consistently....damn shame because the pump I bought was really nice and was rated at a 27' lift! Anyway, not a problem now. The dosing pumps are all programmed and the apex running smoothly from both my iPhone and my iPad, allowing complete system monitoring and manipulation from my fingertips all day long. The only thing left to do is finish the actual setup of my video camera system so I can visually inspect now just the exterior in case of a potential threat, but also because I babe mounted one of the cameras inside the room allowing 24-7 live video feed to be accessed similarly.

Finally, you will all be happy to know,
That the timing is going to work out splendidly...I picked up 20 very healthy looking, nicely rooted, (albeit somewhat small I will note) Pineapple Express clones. They were transplanted into 2.5" Rockwool cubes while just beginning to show roots through the bottom of their 1" Rockwool plugs, PERFECT TIMING!!! Here is a good question for you all perhaps...how long do y'all think I should allow these lil pups to strengthen under the softness of the T-5s before moving them to beneath the 600W super blue bulb? Remember they just came out the propagation dome and will likely cook under there right now, so I thinking about 5-7 days just to let them grow into their new
Cubes....then more importantly, how long am I going to veg these gals???? I am not sure how large I want to grow them before taking them out back....but I am thinking about which method I want to choose for plant support....it's either a SCROG style trellis system which is built from 3 separate PVC structures and covers 3 groups of 6 plants with a 4" square netting/trellis pattern....OR I go with the individual tomato cages available from UC.
Based on the type of plant the pinappple express is,
(Sativa dominant) what do you all think? The cages? The issue is down the road I would like to try the SCROG plan too....we shall see.
Will post some photos tonight....but from here on out please buckle up cuz the ride is about to begin ladies and gentlemen!!!!!!!!!


Active member
I help out with a grow that uses t5's for veg and flowers with gavitas. When ready to flower we put the plants off to the side of the room to adjust to the new lighting. The first time we put them directly under and turned them down to 600, let me just say it was not a pretty site. If you did the scrog would you train them through or put it on and call it a day?


I think the best way to go about getting the pups adjusted to the higher intensity light is give them a few days under the T-5s....and then turn on the 600 which is in the same room but far from directly shining on them, to allow them a small taste of the HID, then since it's an adjustable ballast I can knock the 600 down to 50% intensity in order to move them directly under the light....a few days at 50% should allow me to start creeping it up to 100% and then it's off to the races for veg growth....if I were to do the SCROG system I would ultimately try to weave all the tops into as wide a canopy as possible in order to create one solid wide canopy of tops intricately weaved into the trellis system in order to create not just a uniform canopy but to establish superior support for the loading phase


Active member
They wont have any problem adjusting to the lighting if you do that. The scrog seems to be your answer and for better support you can train them through and put another layer of trellis to help with stretching.
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Here is the first look at the Varsity squad which should lead us to a tremendous victory by the time that the whistle blows in the 4th QTR!!!!

Pineapple Express!!!!!!


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