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Fucking Bullshit - Mrs. MPD Diagnosed with Stage IV Lung & Liver Cancer


Active member
I read the research on the effectiveness of pot on Small Cell Lung Cancer that has gotten out of control and is not expected to respond to chemo. So it is what it is.

Most effective things you can do at home.

Eat by blood type. Cannot stress this enough as the last thing she needs is her immune system working against the food she's eating instead of the issues at hand.

Eat mostly alkaline foods. (look up the Gerson Method and modify for her with the "Blood Type Food List" D'Adamo's list is top of the search results on google for that phrase. Has been for a long time now)

The alkalinity of her blood is important. Cancer cannot THRIVE in an alkaline body... it can hang on but it's strength is greatly reduced. There are acidic/alkaline food lists on the net, look them up.

Short term help is around 1.5tsp of baking soda a day. Get the non-aluminum stuff (I use Bob's Red Mill stuff) and break it into a couple pinches a day. Raises the alkalinity of your blood and allows more oxygen to be transported.

Look into h202 therapy. Intervenous administration will help immensely but must be done properly. When administered too quickly, it will literally bubble so much crap of the patient's lungs they can drown.

Oncology will kill her. Period. Don't even go there. *shrug*

High CBD cannabis oil. Had I any... I'd definitely hand it over. Much better for me to be unmedicated than for her to suffer like that. Perhaps others will be able to help there.

No processed foods. No medium to heavily processed foods, hydrogenated oils, sugar, 'enriched' products, artificial sweeteners, fillers or any of that crap. Find out her blood type and pm me... I'll help with what info I have and recipes for food that are doable with non-processed foods.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

edit: My roomate died of small cell lung cancer almost 2 years ago. Everything I posted here helped him significantly. Ultimately he wanted to die and stopped doing anything that helped, as soon as he figured out it was helping.
He got his wish, he went home and died. The will to live is extremely important when fighting off ailments.
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my brother mpd im so sad to hear this ((hugs)) ,my prayers for you n mrs mpd to have strength n the love to be strong .


Lammen Gorthaur
don't want to be a nuisance or to get too personal ... but I too have lost close family members ... and survived what seemed to be a terrible crisis ... so may I say ... ?

these days I think it would have helped me stay more centred if I had known how Grief works. you see, I didn't know that Grief is a natural reaction to Loss of Relationship. instead I thought I was going crazy at times ... but in fact Grief was affecting the ways I normally thought and felt.

Grief affects thinking. daily life seems 'out of whack' somehow. I used to find myself doing or saying things that didn't make sense. couldn't concentrate on simple things and talked all sorts of crap to all sorts of people (a few women listened). my thinkings would get up a head of steam at night and sometimes stop me from sleeping. sometimes I thought suicidally. no way could I go to work.

Grief affects feelings too. once the Shock of diagnosis ebbed away I felt Angry. I blazed with Anger! and why shouldn't I have felt that way? Father Time had just totally ripped me off! I was so angry I didn't even care about eating.

and Grief has physical effects. for example, I experienced unusual aches and pains and trembling. shallow breathing is a common effect and combined with poor eating and sleeping sometimes people get respiratory ailments.

So MPD, do you mind me asking if you're eating and sleeping properly? I ask because it seems to me you'll need to take good care of yourself so's You can support your Wife through HER tough time.

and to work out how best to support your Wife ... what support do YOU have?
I see you have God, but what about Church? Family members? the Social Worker at the Hospital? a Palliative Care organisation? this last is extremely valuable if your Wife decides to stay at home ... (my experience was at home with support of Family and a Palliative Care organisation. it was an amazing trip for everyone involved!)

if you'd like to share your progress with Someone who's travelled the same road I 'm open to conversation, here or privately.

Seriously ... I am a careful Listener who's walked the territory a number of times now ...

I'm fighting, but having my problems. My depression is off the charts and I can't seem to get any sleep and work is just too much for me to deal with. I will probably work this weekend to try and keep my mind off of things. Yesterday was a bad day for Marilynn. She came home complaining of nausea and eventually vomited up her dinner. She doesn't have the weight reserves to play this game so I am really concerned. I will work on making her eat more this weekend and get a grow underway hoping she will make it to see the outcome. Thanks for asking, friend.

Sat X RB

I'm fighting, but having my problems. My depression is off the charts and I can't seem to get any sleep and work is just too much for me to deal with. I will probably work this weekend to try and keep my mind off of things. Yesterday was a bad day for Marilynn. She came home complaining of nausea and eventually vomited up her dinner. She doesn't have the weight reserves to play this game so I am really concerned. I will work on making her eat more this weekend and get a grow underway hoping she will make it to see the outcome. Thanks for asking, friend.

there's no question this is a tough time for you ... and yours.

just wondering if your depression is chronic ... y'know: ongoing?
if so this sure won't make things easier for you.

you didn't say what sort of material and personal support you have ... or might find ... to help you thru this Trial?

don't be too tough on yourself! seek support!


Lammen Gorthaur
I am already a chronic sufferer as one of the personalities that shares me is strongly bi-polar so I take the meds for him. I also have to watch my weed intake because long-term use makes one of the personalities EXTREMELY paranoid and makes managing the depression very difficult. So it has the potential to make me miserable sometimes. I haven't used any meds in over a year so I am very clean (anyone need clean male pee? - pm me). I am going to go radical on Mrs. MPD with treatment and I am in the process of lining up some edibles and getting some oil. Got some things to do on the resource end and once I have that all done in the next couple of days I will do some shopping on SR and get things in gear.

I am going to go nuclear on her and her cancer. This is war and I am the ultimate warrior. I also am dying a little bit. She is breaking my heart. She told me yesterday that her cancer is coming now because I need to start a new life and she needs to exit with grace so that I can have that life. What do you say to that? Nothing. Just tears.

It is what it is and I continue the mission! Thank you for your warm words, love and encouragement folks. We are in it to win it!


Well-known member
With your gracious attitude, I feel the odds of a come back of some kind has just significantly increased.

I 've seen chest tumors shrink on my Barzoi from pigeon egg size down to a pea size in just 7 days. At the time of cannabis treatment the dog was already 14 years old and in her terminal phase, so her time was up anyways.
The observation of the shrinkage was factual, and always made me aware that I could possibly do the same to my loved ones or myself in case neccesary.

Not meaning to give you false hope. I just mean to share my observation with you.

blue green

When it rains it pours.....

Good luck to you and your Mrs., mpd.

I heard a story about a young man who lost his girlfriend to cancer, much too prematurely.
In her final days she told him she would come back as a butterfly to say hello, so that he could be sure that she was okay.
The weeks passed and eventually she did too.
Then at her wake, he and a group of her friends were standing and chatting at the back of a local watering hole.
A butterfly came gently through the crowd and sat on the boyfriends shoulder for just a moment, then proceeded out a window into the night.

It is a bit cheesy, but i like it, and it's supposed to be true, so i just thought i would share it....


Hi mpd
you have had lots of advice.
hug her a lot, cry together a lot and remember you will be together again soon. so its not goodbye, just see you later.
If at all possible please go to my thread. I have a plethora of info that will help.


Meantime: You need 2-4 ounces of cannabis oil. Or as much as you can acquire. ASAP!! She needs to consume/ingest. If she is not new to cannabis, then start with about a half a gram twice a day, or as tolerable. If not, start by taking before bed. Working to a gram to 2 grams a day, as fast as possible. Goal is to consume a minimum of 2 1/2 ounces, ASAP. Diet needs to change to straight vegan, if not already addressed. All greens. No milk, or soda. Alkaline water with a ph of 8.0 or greater (not to exceed 9.5) is preferred. 16oz a day to start working to 32. If she could vaporize ( low temp, thin drawls) as well as ingest, it'll target the effected area quicker with needed cannabinoids. Seriously go through my thread. I have helped people before with great success. I hope, pray, and wish the best to you and your family. Much love.

Sat X RB

I also am dying a little bit. She is breaking my heart. She told me yesterday that her cancer is coming now because I need to start a new life and she needs to exit with grace so that I can have that life. What do you say to that? Nothing. Just tears.

Yes, your Wife is trying to let you off the hook. thinking of you instead of herself!

OK, Brother ... you still haven't said what support you have ... all the same you have an action plan. I say: go for it!

But DON'T FORGET to ask for help from Others when you think you need it!

bye for now ...


Gene Mangler
So sorry man :(

If you're in or close to Oregon? I got all your oil needs covered ;)

PM me


Active member
I cannot imagine the pain both you & the missus are going through , stay strong with the love you both share .

Respect .


Lammen Gorthaur
I didn't know that getting bitcoins was such a PITA. I went to send an international wire to mtgox.com to buy some bitcoins so I could go ahead and make some purchases on Silk Road and there was a SNAFU and now I am waiting on the company so I can send them this wire. What b.s.! Has anyone else had problems with bitcoins?

Thank you all for the kind words. If I actually deserved them that would be great, but I am just the pillar - she is doing the dying. Today she has sent me an angel. I have to have the heart to see it.


Active member
sorry to hear this man, I lost my dad and older brother very young , its difficult ..just think theres loads of good people on here and we are all sending our prayers...

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