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Fuck lazy unmotivated people, especially if they are your partners.

mdk ktm

My problem with partners is mainly they aren't as dedicated, and people my age seriously lack a strong work ethic. Its pretty sad really... I also have a failed partnership story, I don't want to get into the story, but it didn't end good. Incompetent, lazy, and no common sense. There is no reason for a partner once you get your first house going.. All it takes is that first house and you wont need a partner. My ex girlfriend was the best helper ever, I would trust her to take care of the grow over the partner.


Yeah I'm not going to run down all my bullshit problems, reminds me how come I only count my wife of 29 years & our Siberian Husky as friends! Because of shit like that!
Fuck partners! That hole shit sucks ! Feel bad for ya man hope gets better !:comfort:


ICMag Donor
I have a guy that I've done outside grows with off and on for many years. Even when not growing together we still know where each others plants are. Every year I know where all his are and he knows where mine are. Neither of us would ever worry about anything happening.... This is very rare.

To the OP. Never get inv with a grow if it's for needed money. Greeds a powerful thing. Walk away.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
partners should only be allowed to swallow and thats it no spitting.. peace n pufs..



Active member
I learned that lesson the hard way....I don't work with partners anymore....getting 100% is so0 much better....

After I get my show up and running again I'll be buying equipment, setting up the room, providing clones and running the first crop for one of my boys in exchange for half of his first crop....I'll easily make back the startup costs (plus a few grand) :laughing: after that it's 100% his show....I will also be supervising him for the first few crops until he gets the hang of things.... just helping him out because he's wanted to set up for a while but he's always too broke to buy the equipment....he won't be so broke after I help him out....helping others help themselves = positive karma...
Ablackcat, you practically wrote a book there! And that tells me you have a lot of frustration & resentment built up inside you. Because you sound like you obviously made a mistake joining with the lameduck, my only real solution at hand, is you need to have a real serious, serious sit-down with him. If he's uncompromising, & you feel like your'e talking to the wind, then you should break the arrangement. Growing plants is stressful enough to avoid detection, & problems. Having a partner & friction? It only multiplies the risks! Thats it, you gotta draw a line, or say fuck it & don't do it at all!


Active member
I sympathise. Its time for you to buck up and get your own spot. Start selling vacuum cleaners if you have to to get your own spot.

Panama Red

Active member
Spend the same amount of time on a small micro-economy grow as you did whining about your current situation.

Parlay that huge minging energy into your next grow.

Concentrate on your strengths and eliminate the douchebags from your circle of friends.

Stock up on Midol or quit being a ****.......

..........................translation ^c.u.n.t^


Active member
Partners and why they suck ass

Partners and why they suck ass

My 1st partner ( a bitch) yelled out the window and the police were called, they came and saw everything in the grow house, no bueno.

My 2nd partner, thought it was no big deal to go in when the lights were off, that really was frustrating. He was a busy guy , no time for the grow but his property so he had the keys. Always had small successful but problem ridden harvests lol.

My 3rd partner, Another bitch who thought we were going to strike it rich since we had 7 trays and 14 lights. Since she didnt do any work and I was out brokering a lot she was dead wrong. Constant bitching because she was able to pay her bills and thats it. I thought it was funny at the time because I made a lot of money selling bud.

My 4thpartner, an effiecient grower by the name of Noble, his neighbor endup being a cop taking pics of us.I broke even because of it after 2 long successful grows.

My 5th partner, started a room spent 7k to get the girls to week 5 then he spazed on me so I had to move the room.

My 6th partner, an older dude, he is laid back, has a nice spot for us to use. Going good so far. One thing that sucks is the far drive , 3 hr round trip.

Its a roll of the dice.

I sympathise. Its time for you to buck up and get your own spot. Start selling vacuum cleaners if you have to to get your own spot.


Sorry to hear of your partner trouble.

I have/had an assistant, not a partner as I put up the land and money.

He'll be replaced for next summer. Poor attitude, lazy. I'd come by after being away for several days working and he wouldn't have got anything done. I'd get more done in two days then he did all week.

He Shaped up a bit when I moved to the grow full time, but then he got a DUI in my gf's car. Bad drama and cost me to get the car out of impound. Now he's pissed because I'm taking the impound fees out of his pay. WTF? Does he think I'm paying it? Shoulda left him in jail.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
looks like you need to kick this fools ass out on the curb, and then move before his bitch ass rats you out

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