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Fuck lazy unmotivated people, especially if they are your partners.


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longtime reader and poster, this is a new account

So i've read on IC for ages now and a theme that always comes up is working with partners. People ask, should I work with a partner and the answer is usually "NO!!" unless the person is like your own flesh and blood but that type of person and relationship is on a level most people will never experience with anyone outside of their immediate family or very very close associates.

i made a big mistake of getting involved in a situation with a partner because of my financial predicament at the time.he had startup costs and i was dead broke and dealing with legal problems so i jumped at the chance. in hindsight, i should have just bided my time and saved up my money for longer but whats done is done.

Things haven't been going good. The guy is less experienced than me but he doesn't respect me or my suggestions and decisions. this pertains to everyday life as well as growing. I've let him have his way in room design etc. a few times, mostly with me regretting it. According to his professional training, he should be good at this shit, but he just says the dumbest things and has the stupidest ideas. Just mickey mouse bullshit you'd find in a rundown crack house. I cant even explain the stuff its so stupid.

I can't really leave the guy alone to work on anything, he needs constant monitoring when he is doing anything to the plants or else he might fuck everything up. I got a job to help pay the bills because times are tough. I should be on disability but I got fucked on that one so even though working a physical job every day is a major struggle (by lunchtime my pain is brutal) so I've left my partner in charge of daily duties, i.e. cleaning, maintenance, watering , etc. I can't handle coming home from lifting heavy shit all day to take care of my plants. I cook for myself and eat and fall asleep basically and then repeat until the weekend. On the weekend I take care of another room that is bangin along thanks to me and nobody else. i have no social life, people always ask me to come out but i gotta make up some excuse cause i know i gotta spend weekends taking care of the grow. this doesnt bother me. i enjoy working on my plants but what bothers me is all the sacrifices im making while this lazy motherfucker sits around. his money has run out and he pays his share of bills from monthly government cheques, i made a HUGE mistake of not getting an explicit monetary figure going in and now this dead broke piece of shit sits at home and collects while i work my ass off.

Our timer motor burnt out and since he doesnt work and collects free money from the gov. we agreed that we'd swap it out next turn because he's gonna be home all day and re-wiring #6 romex to a new subpanel with plants in the room is a major pain in the ass. Second fucking day he forgets to turn the lights on. I guess he sat at home watching TV and smoking weed all day and just fell asleep and missed the time.So I can forgive that once, I mean could of happened to me (no it wouldn't have).

Next fucking week I wake up to my beautiful weekend where I can rest and recover and prepare for the next hellish work-week and I go into one room to check on the plants. You wouldnt believe the shit I saw, dead plants everywhere. My beautiful Haze moms were dead as fuck. My clones are all ravaged and dying. All my partner had for responsibilities was feeding the plants fresh PH'd water. But for some reason, my brand new pH meter which was working fine for me for 3 weeks already, and which i used almost daily before I got my job, and which I calibrated every time I used it, fucked up, and my partner didn't realize it, and he proceeded to keep adding PH down to the water until it was basically pure acid and fed it to the plants. I have my suspicions about what happened to the meter, I think he just did something stupid to it and ruined it but, ok, equipment failure happens.

if it had been me, I woulda been like, "oh gee, I added 30ml of fucking PH down to the water and the PH is barely budging, maybe something is wrong". what made it worse is the lazy fucker didnt want to dump out an old 30gal res and mix up the water in that, so he made each batch of water individually in a 1 quart container. so he was going back and forth between the room and mixing up water and PH down in a 1 quart fucking container. God help me.

he told me that the first quart needed a bit of PH down, and the next needed more, and the next needed way more than the last. So wouldnt an intelligent fucking individual realize that something is wrong with the picture???? i mean come on, if you had to add this much before to the water to reach the right PH you'd need to add the exact same to the next batch to reach that same PH. if not something is really fucked up. Having said that i still cant believe he didnt have the initiative to just mix up a big batch in a reservoir rather than doing it by the quart, but i cant think of that anymore without wanting to shoot myself. p.s. I deduced all of this through a series of questioning that was more like an interrogation. he didnt know what he did was wrong, i had to ask him a series of questions and get explanations of what he did to tell him that he basically fed the plants straight PH down (or he might as well have, woulda got the same results).

at one point in the questioning, i asked him what the temperature of the water he fed the plants was. He tells me, "The same temperature as the room". i'm like, "What? what do you mean the same temperature as the room?" he goes, "the water was around the same temperature as the room". im like, "Thats a weird fucking way of describing the water temperature. do you mean you left the reservoir in the room so the water went to the same temperature as the ambient temps?" no, he didnt mean that he meant "the same temeperature of the room". thats all i got out of him. still havent figured that one out. i explicitly told him the water temp should be at 68f but for some reason, he made it as the "same temperature of the room". note, the room runs at 80F so you figure that one out. I still can't. It makes my head hurt too much to try and follow that kind of logic.

So he might as well have opened the bottle of pH down and dumped it on my plants cause thats basically what he did anyways. my rare and beautiful moms are all dead, all my clones are dead or dying. thank fuck ive still been taking care of the flower room and it is still buzzing along. ive basically barred him from entering it without saying so.

And guess who cleaned out the room and took the dead plants out and vacummed and scrubbed? FUCKING ME. not even a god damn apology from the guy. Nothing. now if i had forgot to wash the dishes or left some fucking peanut butter and bread crumbs on the counter i wouldnt have heard the end of it. that domestic shit is of great concern to him but when it comes to the plants this guy (who has a university degree from a prestigious school in a technical field) cant take the initiative to get on the internet and read up on some plant issues if something comes up. all i ever hear are: "the plants look droopy" "that leaf is yellowing" etc. never does he attempt to rectify a problem. just sees them and reports to me and expects me to fix it or he causes them and there i am stuck cleaning them up.

this guy used to be my friend. we've known eachother for over 15 years. he excelled in school and previously i would have told you he is a solid stand-up guy and i wouldnt hesitate working with him.

we had planned out a large property purchase together but i fucking hate the guy now. i cant stand thinking that im stuck partnering with him for the next two or three turns until i get back on my feet financially. He fucking disgusts me. Everything about him. His attitude, what he does with his time, everything. I avoid confontration so he has no idea how I'm feeling. But he will not hesitate to criticize me on something or order me around. On the weekends i just take care of my plants and leave the house so i dont have to be around him. i actually look forward to going to work so i dont have to see him sit around playing video games and smoking weed all day. i smoke 4-6 joints a day to myself but i dont do it in my pajamas watching cartoons until 6pm. god damnit man.


I swear to god next time he gives me shit about leaving a dirty dish out or forgetting to wipe the counter I'm going to fucking throw him in the river.

I'm going solo after this. I'm fucking done with this weak bullshit.I've been in many situations in my life where I've gone into arrangements (Business, scholastic, creative) thinking that everyone is on the same page. But time and time again I find out that I was the only one committed and serious about seeing things through to their successful end. This is my last fucking time. I'm done with helping small people, bringing people in, getting them started. fuck everyone but myself and I'm doing this shit by myself like I started out. the same way its gonna end. I've helped out so many people and given them equipment , clones, knowledge, but its never helped me. Never. in the past few years i've cut off 80% of my friends because we haven't been on the same page and our lives just don't mesh and I'm going for 99%. im sick of being held back by others. im done with it all.

rant over. i really needed to explain all that. i hope this serves as a warning to you all about partnerships. I take my fair share of the blame but I could have never seen this coming. Its like he transformed from a regular dude into a lazy piece of shit over the course of a few months . In all my experience, I could have NEVER seen this coming. I wish I could portray the whole transformation of this guy accurately becuase I know in no way can my words describe what I've witnessed over the past few months. It boggles my mind that someone that appeared to solid, so dedicated, has turned into this lazy loser. Simply amazing. It took standing back from the situation and re-assessing it all to realize the magnitude of this fuckery.


Sorry to hear about your situation bro. Partners are only good ideas if they have AS MUCH or MORE knowledge about growing then you do. SOLO is the only way to go in my eyes unless you are legal somewhere and grow commercially. Sounds like you have bottled some of your emotions up and are releasing them here....I prescribe:

Sit your partner down, blaze a few joints to get real baked and just be like listen dude i need to talk to you, explain your stance and how his demeanor isn't something you agree with or want to work with and that going forward the partnership is over, enjoyed working with him but you need a change blah blah blah. Don't make threats, don't scream, don't accuse...because who knows it could come back to haunt you later in life.

It's pretty clear the dudes a moronic lazy prick theres no debating that but I would just count your losses and bounce.

Madrus Rose

post 69
Having a good partner , someone on the same page ..who problem solves & thinks on his feet while carrying his own weight ? Yah they're pretty hard to find , lol. Have had similar experiences mostly with that age group that grew up in the roaring 90' s , when Bill Clinton was pres , the broadband Internet took off with the booming stock market & economy, tech toys & video games kept us all addicted & mesmerized to one screen or another & a couple of the laziest self-indulgent entitled generations of idiot morons was born. Unfortunately they all didn't just disappear or grow up just persist in the world now in the 27-33 age group. I mean people so lazy that putting down the bong or beer can long enough to go water a room of 50 plants every 3 days, just too much for them , lol. Or playing video games on some " big ass" Tv screen all day long.

Yup , tried helping 2 lazy ass young texans once, of this same age group , who got a forcloser notice & had to move out of their digs. You'd think texans would be good to go as workers with a frontier history , but were talking lazy 27 yr old shits that grew up in a mostly all white ultra wealthy area north of Houston....oil money, trust fund babies. Get high all day , whine a lot & complain. The most they had to do was get up & water in 2 rooms every 3 days, but this was too much for them . In the end of 5 mos living rent free , after blowing out the transformer, they of course took the easy route running off with all the equipment, harvest etc, & in their dimwit spoiled minds felt justified doing it .

On a note of suggestion, to ease ur workload , may think to put in a some kind of automated drip system, blumatt or other to ease the watering demand on ur time. Pondliner on the floor u can set up something fairly easy if u put a little thought into it.

Good luck , take care of urself , get autonomous.

Ps: best workers I find are mexicans & know a couple of Vietnamese guys that are the best workers u ever saw!

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
It sounds horrible, but what would you have been able to do on your own during this time?

If the answer is "not growing", than it sounds like you are still ahead, even having to go through this bs.

Yes, he single handedly killed many plants that were of great value to you, but even with that you still had a successful harvest. The situation did not reach its highest production potential, but it did yield something. Which is more than you would have gotten otherwise.

I know your seriously pissed about all of this, but hopefully you can sit back and laugh at what just happened, and do what you can to not let it happen again.

If you certainly have to rely on him to water, you might be better off growing in organic mixes that only need water throughout the grow. Its kind of hard to mess up, "water for ___seconds per pot, water only".
You could also pre-mix all the water in buckets and put lids on them on Sunday afternoon/evening. That would avoid him killing plants and you having to water during the week.

And then, I would check behind him every morning and evening, even if it sucks, so that you can make as much $ as possible and be done with this dude.

I feel for you. I know what it's like to work with a partner. We've done it several times and really we're each other's best partner. I think that's wyhy rower couples are often so happy together . . . .

Anyhow, I'm thinking about you and try the bucket solution.


I'm glad you took the time to vent here but it sounds like you need to talk to him too.

I know some people are idiots and won't change no matter what you tell them but it couldn't hurt just to explain to him that you're not cool with the way things are going.

Don't go overboard and piss him off, just let him know that he's in the wrong and he's losing a friendship because of it.
If you're growing chronic then you are really above and beyond most people's expectations or abilities. Seems that growing a plant is not in the normal capabilities of 99% of people! Fucking blows my mind! I too just tried and save someone's mortgage but they totally blew it, big time. Fuck them, this is a calling and not everybody can do it that's just how it is, growing cannnabis is a special thing.
sorry to hear bout the partner troubles. been thou troubles with mine recently too.

well learn from your mistakes and try not to make them again. good luck for the futur either with partners or without.

raise enough funds and part ways, just try to make the best of what you got and stay positif till the end, being negative wont help you or the situation. im trying hard everyday :)

happy harvests

Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
Sheesh, I'm glad my partner is on his shit...I've had a few in the past that were eager to learn, but starting getting lazy after a few harvests(you know how that goes), then I ditched them both..Never invest to much when you have a partner, unless you're splitting it 50/50!! Yea man, get a few tables and drip to waste..You can man a 10k OP by yourself with tables trust me;)..Fuck a partner!!! Enjoy all the fruits of your labor solo, and it will make you feel better knowing you don't have to babysit a fuck up>>>>

I swear to god next time he gives me shit about leaving a dirty dish out or forgetting to wipe the counter I'm going to fucking throw him in the river.

^^^Now, that was some funny shit!



I don't know how ppl make it work in partnerships.
If the problem isn't me then it's them. The real 'problem' is just that each human is just soo different. Most tight brother/friendships are because of the similarities between each dude, especially ones level of standards compared to the others, the closer they are the better you get along. But to be equal on so many different levels is hard to find, like hitting lottery. Hence I got 1 friend.

Hardest partner to find is a life partner IMO.

Sorry to hear bout ur troubles man, but we never stop learning do we, just take it as another lesson bro. And remember for future ref.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I'm now left wondering what your partner has to say about you on the boards of the grow site he visits.......


Active member
why share? fuck partners. if you dont have to share you can do a grow half the size and still make the same as if you did twice the size and had to split it. my last partner was a dog he didnt do much but guard my house but all he wanted was alot of fat juicy steaks.and he never raided my stash

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
I am in the midst of sort of partnering up /schooling a newbie to help him and his ol'lady who is pregnant @ the time. Planning to teach him so he can do it on his own after a couple quick shows, got some good advice from a partner pro, he was saying to deligate certain jobs to each one of you and then if something isnt done its obvious who fucked up and talk about all the different outcomes before we even start, Im prepared for the worst , but hoping for the best.
peace TS


Active member
I feel for you too. I took on a partner my last run, he gave me $45.00 towards stock and expected me to split it with him. Never once watered, pruned, cloned swept up. And trimmed 3 branches before he had to go meet his 20 year old girlfriend. (He's 32) Then got mad when I offered at price.
My boy for 20 years, but never again.


Active member
Man,I feel your pain brother. I remember working with a few peeps who supposedly knew how to grow going back a few yrs. I was In a shitty position like yourself with not enough $ to do a decent grow.So i had no choice but to split my half with this cat.Alls i heard how they grew this and that but when it was time to set the room up and run the show,i was doing all the work myself.From beggining to end i ran the show..and in the end gave half away.Too busy smoking and lounging.I wont get into how many arguments this cat had with his grl and the constant drunkness i had to endure.

Unfortunately it does take quite a bit of cash to run a show and sometimes we put ourselves in a less than desirable situation to do what we love to do.Time will go by and youll get yourself out of this shitty position.I actually thought id try again not too long ago but after the responses and thinking bout it figured id have to wait till i have the coin again>

Heck even if you back to old ht articles,youll see that a few of the guys that run big ops now had shitty partners till they teamed up appropriately.Keep your head up.You sound like you got the right attitude to get yourself where you need to.It will happen.

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