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Anti-Semitism on rise in parts of Europe

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the jews are responsible for almost all wars throughout history, and what do they do when this happens, they play the anti semite card, or the anti christ card, lets face it christians are jews too, its the same angry desert imaginary friends for adults(gods) lunacy even if the jew dont beleive in chirst. isreal will get what it deserves eventually like the above poster said. the jews creat famine through banking and then some maniac comes up and inspires false hope and gets blamed for the source of the problem. the usa is run by dual citizen ship american jews and nothing else, the bankers have taken over the country, obama is owned by them, the first atheist leader is coming though any decade now.


Green Mujaheed
My, this is dangerous lingo to blame this or that community for the wrongs of the world. One doesn't need to go much far back in time to see where this kind of speech has led the world. There indeed happens to be some bloody things going on which are perpetrated by people who happens to be belong to jewish community, and some of those wrong doings happen to have international, if not global, repercussions. But you can't just blame "the jews". Jews for this, jews for that, sheeesh...
I'd rather blame so-called "political leaders" of all kind of faith & thinking who fill peoples' mind with a whole bunch of crap, so has to ensure their hold of power, be it to launch a war on some country far away, or neighbourish, and of course fill their pockets til they blow.

It's not the jews who have totally fucked up the whole world & planet, it's the greed of many people, which known no borders, and it's the bloody, destructive & ultra-wastefull Western way of life which now everyones around the world want to adopt, because it looks so cool on TV.

No matter what the religion, color, country or whatever, everyone will get what he deserves is the end. Everyone !

Irie !


Active member

As for your Iranian friend.....if the leader of my former country was calling for the genocide of all my people, I'd prob support bombing them to.....

Yummy, you commenting on history is like a priest trying to give sex advice..........no basic knowledge, just hearsay.

Go learn something PLEASE, instead of regurgitating what you see on the History channel all the time.

The president of Iran has NEVER called for the genocide of jews, only the destruction of Israel, there is a BIG difference between modern political zionism and judaism, please stop spreading lies, there are thousands of jews living happily in Iran.

You gave me a negative rep over the last thread on this topic but my offer still stands, I challenge you (or anyone else with opposing views) to a CIVIL debate on the matter, I can guarantee that I will keep it civil but I don't think you will be able to do the same, I think you will try to flame the thread when you realise that your lies wont work anymore.

I am your worst nightmare, a highly intelligent pissed off 'goyim' who knows more about this or related topics than you do and can remain composed throughout a heated debate.

Your lies wont work here anymore.
Ever think that mebbe that lack of patriotism stems from the fact that Jews have been expelled from, dispossesed and persecuted in pretty much every country in which they have lived for the past 2000 years.

Pretty hard to feel patriotic about a country in which your ancestors (sometimes not so far back) were robbed of everything they owned, expelled, slaughtered, segregated, raped, vilified etc etc etc. And I am not just talking Germany....Jews have gone thru this treatment in every country in Europe at some time or another.

Why? Were all these jews really the innocent victims that you are portraying them to be?? Are you possibly only telling half the story???
if you truely believe that the Palestinians are innocent victims of the big bad Jew, you are more prone to swallowing propaganda than I thought.

The palestinians are victims of zionism, as previously stated there is a BIG difference between judaism and zionism and the fact that you make no distinction between the two shows your ignorance on these matters. zionism is a political movement in direct conflict with judaism. It is IMPOSSIBLE to follow the teachings of judaism and support the nation of israel!

Why don't you practice what you preach and learn a thing or two before spreading misinformation?
Israel is the home of all Jews. Always will be and always has been. We were there before the Arabs on a historical time line.

The head of archaeology at tell aviv university and every other reputable archaeologist around the world (including israel) disagrees with you.. Please provide evidence for your bogus statement or retract it, thanks.:moon:

Do you actually think trying to make any kind of valid point with that kind of jingoistic, hateful, homophobic, anti-semitic and illiterate rant will work??
Judaism is homophobic, it calls for the stoning to death of homosexuals (try reading a book called the torah.. it's the core text of judaism):confused::YaRight:


all praises are due to the Most High
Why? Were all these jews really the innocent victims that you are portraying them to be?? Are you possibly only telling half the story???

your agenda is obvious, anyone can look at your post history and put two and two together...

you are just a poor soul in need of serious help.

good luck finding it.



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I love it at the stores in our area. Even if you are rightfully one of the first in line, everyone just glares at you like you shouldnt be there. I especially loved last year when I got a digital camera on sale at KMart. Got the last one, and everybody flipped. Then, the 2GB SD cards were on sale for like 12, I think. I had to make several attempts at getting over to their location because it was a popular spot for the elderly to hang out for some reason.
it seems that anyone who has negative opinions of israel is automatically labled anti-semetic it is always the same in that regard. its one of the few subjects where i get heated simply because of the automatic bias of any non-pro israel position it is too the point where you cant really speak freely unless your for israel and its policies. anyways i think stinkfist has some good points on the subject.
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