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Fuck bics and any other lighter for smoking Bud

Mr. Tony

Active member
i got the 25 watt hakko and i love it its great. After using it i find my self only wanting to some with that and nothing else no more lighters for me unless theres not outlet lol.
my good friend has a hakko 454 that i use very often, and it is by far the best way to burn.
Count another vote for this new lighting method. Taste is definitely a noticebable improvement, and I usually use Lava brand butane in refillable lighters. I would gag trying to finish off a bowl's ashes with lighters, so I'd blow them out, but not anymore.
Picked up the $30 Hakko from Frys couple days ago... Really like it so far...



Cosmic Truth's? Are there any?

Cosmic Truth's? Are there any?

yeah I'm so fucking cheap....

the truth is the rubber ring around the hakko handle keeps it elevated enough so it won't catch anything on fire.

It won't catch anything on fire unless someone trips over the 10' cord, or it moves and touches some object that is combustible or anything else for that matter. You may never have a fire and I would hope not, but the way you are using an 842F degree heating element is considerably more dangerous than almost any other method of producing smoke. Have you ever seen or heard of someone passing out or just fading and droping their pipe or bong from a big rip. It does happen and in which case if your holding a hakko you will certainly drop it. Depending on how long you are out will determine the consequence.
There is no cosmic truth here. If you like what your doing more power to ya. I do however think there is no need to be so reckless with the Hakko when there are safer alternatives. I just wanted others to think before they possibly made a mistake. Chances are the more people that use Hakko's in this fashion the more probability there will be catistrophic results.

Oh, and 22 pages and you found 4 quotes of Hakko devotes.


Active member
First of all proof read your attack before you call someone ignorant.
If you don't believe 842 degrees is super heated what is?

Super heating an element is heating it beyond boiling point and the temperature exceeding the material's boiling point while still not producing bubbles or nucleating them.

You know, like a super conductor isnt silver but its damn well a very good conductor.

Same thing with you saying 842 degrees is super heated......its really hot, but its not superheating obviously.

Im not arguing maybe colloquially super heated describes something "very hot" or "really".....but it has a scientific definition.

I might have to give you a link since you wont believe my first definition.

sorry, the only research I have to do is prove things I already know.

I have to say the thread isnt really hateful or anything..we are gaining progress.

Mr. Tony, just make the laser one already....stop living in the past :)


Super heating an element is heating it beyond boiling point and the temperature exceeding the material's boiling point while still not producing bubbles or nucleating them.

You know, like a super conductor isnt silver but its damn well a very good conductor.

Same thing with you saying 842 degrees is super heated......its really hot, but its not superheating obviously.

Im not arguing maybe colloquially super heated describes something "very hot" or "really".....but it has a scientific definition.

I might have to give you a link since you wont believe my first definition.

sorry, the only research I have to do is prove things I already know.

I have to say the thread isnt really hateful or anything..we are gaining progress.

Mr. Tony, just make the laser one already....stop living in the past :)

su⋅per⋅heat  /n. ˈsupərˌhit; v. ˌsupərˈhit/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [n. soo-per-heet; v. soo-per-heet] Show IPA
–noun 1. the state of being superheated.
2. the amount of superheating.

–verb (used with object) 3. to heat to an extreme degree or to a very high temperature.
4. to heat (a liquid) above its boiling point without the formation of bubbles of vapor.
5. to heat (a gas, as steam not in contact with water) to such a degree that its temperature may be lowered or its pressure increased without the conversion of any of the gas into liquid.


Link included for you. As stated by you heated beyond boiling point. In this case you are heating past the boiling point to the point of combustion.Super heated Take physics class again.
States of matter: Solid liquid, gas
Solids melt (melting point) becomes liquid
Liquids vaporize into a gas.
(exception h2o sublimates from solid to gas)
Ypou lesson for today Thank You
Hakko is still dangerous

Mr. Tony

Active member
Have you ever seen or heard of someone passing out or just fading and droping their pipe or bong from a big rip.

It does happen and in which case if your holding a hakko you will certainly drop it.

yes I've heard of it. never happened to me. I smoke hash oil on the regular and if that shit doesn't make me pass out no bud is going to.

BESIDES. after the bud is cherried i put the hakko down, before my bong is even half filled with smoked the hakko is already set down.

yeah the 4 quotes have been one the first post for months, I just reposted them for you.

h^2 O

bics are cheap and available but not windproof so idk. Butane torch all the way. Lighter i mean. Like $40, refill it, last forever.


So does it have to be a wired one or can it be a wireless? Dunno how long or hot a wireless one gets... Nevermind read something about sparks

Joe Hawkins

Active member
BIC FTW Because:
Threadstarter has no clue about gas burning clean
BIC is a household item worldwide
You can use a bic without a powerpoint
you wont get any higher or cleaner lungs using an element

BIC wins


hakko's rule. everyone who thinks bics are better, light her up and hold it under a glass and drool sucka!!! SOOT FTL.


Active member
i have both. I like the hakko for when its windy or i really want to taste JUST the bud, cause you can definitly tell a difference not like a crazy one but there is.

The bic for when im smoking on the go or when i have some fuckers over and i dont feel like explaining or getting my shit burned.