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field of greeeen

field of greeeen

wad up BONZO hows it going. From here it looks like things are lookin pretty tasty. That room looks like a field of green so :yummy: :yummy: cant wait to see the new pics :yoinks: Im still here always :lurk: takin notes in the back while burnin :joint: of course hahahha



WOW Bonzo

Man, they are going wild in there. You are the man for sure and your girls love you for it. From the pictures you posted. The color and the leafs look nice and healthy. Your sure doing a great job and got the dialed in. Buds are starting to come in nicely. Can't wait to see them in about a month or so. Should be some nice monsters in there. Great job like always and like i said before. Man, you came along way since you started here at IC. Great job my friend. You take care and have a nice weekend.


Non Conformist
You know where yer at? Yer in the jungle BABY! Yer gonna get HIIIIIGH!! lol

You know where yer at? Yer in the jungle BABY! Yer gonna get HIIIIIGH!! lol

Dang Bonz,You do have the Erk goin on,woo-hoo! They're nice an healthy too,good job! So when do reckon they'll start turnin color? and is the growth startin ta pick up? Sorry ta question ya ta death lol jus tryin ta learn about this strain.Thanks man.Take care...BC


Active member
Hiya HAPPY my brotha! :wave: Good to see ya! Defenitely "field of green", at least this time i flpped em at the right time and their not growin into the lights, that sucks!!!!!.

WOW Right back at ya BG, my Garden Pimp brotha! :wave: , thanks a ton my friend and thats the best compliment ive had in a long time, i just lurk and learn, he he he!!!

Brotha BC! :wave: I love that bro!!! he he he!! one of my alltime favorite albums! Your guess is as good as mine bro but thats half the fun we shall find out soon enough!

Sorry for being so late with my replies!! :bat: You guys make this all worth while to me!!! :woohoo:

and remember:

:yoinks: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LIVE LIFE LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yoinks:

peace allways my friends, just took new pics, prolly take me a day or 2 to find the time to get em up, but they are POPPIN!!!! Wooooooooooo Hooooooooooooo!!!!!

bonz :crazy: :D

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


No need for thanks Bonzo. It's the truth and you deserve your dues for sure. I'm glad to see your garden doing so well over the years. lolol and it's been years, because i've been counting the days. lololol :) You've come along way and one other thing i notice over time also. You pictures have gotten allot better also. Getting your lighting and angles allot better also. Just so glad to see everything going so well. You deserve every bit of it my friend. You take care and get ready to see your ass in the book. BONZO, that cabinet Garden Pimp. lolol
Take care,


Active member
hey man!

i really love your work friend, i don't know if you were an OG member but, u got what it takes --- LOVE

GDW brought back some memories talking about the passing years which reminds me along with RIP OG, Icmag and other pages that EXIST for a good cause.


US(not as united states :p)

bonzo take good care of ya, still hope we'll smoke a spliff one day togheter ;)



What`s my buddy been up to

What`s my buddy been up to

Where YAT Bonz..........I`ve seen less with more ,but I`ve NEVER seen MORE with less.....You really know howta utilize available sq. footage Bonzman.......Keep up the killer work dewd........It`s like the more you grow ,the "MORE" you grow.......Peace..........yo buddy.......DHF..... :sasmokin:


Active member
Good mornin' my friends!!! :wave: How the hell are ya'll??!! Hope this mornin finds ya in good sprits!! Sorry for the lil delay, but better late than never eh? :bashhead:

Howdy BG :wave: , my Garden Pimp brotha, well i must say thanks again! Man can you beleive its been allmost 3 years since we were welcomed and decided to make ICMAG our home?! Wooo Boy how time is a flyin'. I'm workin on my cam skills and i just uploalded a ton of pics, gonna have to pit em' up in sorta a time lapse thingy, Thanks again my brotha and if theres any specs you want from the cab just let me know and i'll get em for ya, damn thong is really simple so its no trouble, cant wait for the book!!!!! Wooooooooo Hoooooooooo!!!!!

Heya scegy!! :wave: Thanks broham!!, and the feeling is mutual, your Magic Box kicks ass and is only gonna get better which each run you put all your love into it!! Wooooooooo Hooooooooo!!!! I was a member at OG but never posted one thing! The place was just overwhelming to me man, aoon as i found IC i never looked back.

Spreadin' the good vibes is the best thing WE ALL CAN DO!!!!! Woooooooooo Hoooooooooooo!!!!!!! Dang its a nice mornin' aint it??!!!

Howdy aussie grown :wave: and welcome!!! Thanks my friend, i like a bigger space too but i get what i need allright, i think if i had more space i prolly wouldn't grow any more than i am now i would just have more room to move around!! that would be nice!! I will defenitely check your grow bro!!! Dont be a stranger!!

FRED!!!! :wave: Whats happ'nin my friend!!!! HE HE HE!!! I like the way you put that dude!!! Im gonna try somethin new in my cab so keep your eyes open, gonna be FUN I TELL YA!!! Thanks my brotha!! Did ya have a few Bud Lites on the fourth? I sure hope so!!!

Hiya HAPPY!!! :wave: Good to see ya!! Surfs been just OK, no real South Swells yet to speak of but the'll be here soon enough!!! Everything is good and thanks for askin' gotta get over and see hoe the HUT is comin' along!!

Howdy buzzed day!! :wave: Welcome and thanks a dude!! You are most welcome and please dont be a stranger, as i said there's some fun stuff comin up, allways fun around here i just cant sit still with one system, allways tryin' new stuff. FUN, FUN, FUN!!!!!!

Wooooooooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So finally some pice my brothas! Like i said, ik gonna do a time lapse thing as best i can. This first set if when i was sayin "their poppin'!!" member that!! he he he!! well hers a few of those.

By the way if anyone doe'snt know what nutes im usin' this time its Pure Blend Pro, Liquid Karma, Sweet, Hygrozyme, Silica Blast and Cal Mag in veg only and for a bloom booster im givin Fox Farms Cha Ching a whirl. And the real pain in my ass: Hand watered, drain to waste, in a soiless mix, the plants are doin' great, but they do just as great in ebb & flow, so really the only good thing i can say about this method is that iv'e tried it and wont ever do it again!!!!! :bashhead:
Ok lets see whats crackin' here' First pic the 3 or 4 tops in the front there are OGRE, and the plant behind is GrandDaddyPurple:

Some Purple Urkle on the left side:

Next two are the URKLE on the right side:

Looky here i got new bulbs and cleaned the lenses!!

From left to right: Bareley see a bit of URKLE, then 3 OGRE'S and the GDP.

URKLE: POP!, POP!, POPPING!!!! Wooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooo!!!

HMMMMMMMMMMM, Now what could that be stickin, through the door jamb? I dont see anything do you??? he he he!!!

As much of the whole garden that you can see from outside the door, all URKLE on the right. some ECSD, JACKIE-O and Abusives OG, in the middle, left rear is the GDP, then the OGRE and a few more URKLES:

Left side:

Wooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ya'll make my day withe stoppin' in and sayin hey!

Darn good to see yall and ill have more pics up a lil later cause there allready loaded to my my pic i just gotta upload em here, piece o cake!!!

Peace allways my brothas, ill se ya a bit later!!!!!! :wave:

Woooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>>LIVE LIFE LOUD<<!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BONZ :wave:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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Non Conformist


Sup my friend,glad ta see all is good with ya! Yer plants look like they wanna bust outa there.lol They look good man.I'll bet that is a pain in ass/back hand waterin all of em.Ya never no how much ya miss the ebb & flo till it's gone eh? Back when I was runnin large numbers of plants,I set up irregation drip lines.Pain in the butt ta set up,but the plants loved it and it made waterin and feeding a breeze.It's like hittin the easy button.lol.........Looks like them the Urkles are jus startin ta turn (the leaves anyway).Can't wait ta see the Barney colors come out.Around here in the fall the wild hemp get really dark purple.Jus looks beautiful,but of course it won't do nothin but give a headach.Btw, while I'm thinkin about it,do you think the GDP and the Urkle are related.You know,by their structure,leave size,etc...? I know there are some folks that think so,jus wonderin what you thought.I can't really tell from the pics.....Well bro,I hope I wasn't bein pushy with my PM,I was jus concerned cuz I hadn't seen ya around fer awhile.Thanks fer the update and the info.Later man,take care...BC


Active member
Howdy B.C.!!! :wave: Hows it goin??!! No way were you or are you ever too pushy my brotha, i needed a little kick-start, i dont like bein' flakey but i can get that way and its rude to all the people around me, selfish too!! :bashhead: This will be done soon dude and i'm back to the ebb & flow, Woooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, once was enough for me, thunk im gonna give these nutes a try in one of my systems, prolly the cab, so far they have worked well, just expensive drainin' to WASTE!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he he he!!! NEVER AGAIN. Yeah im pretty sure but not 100 % they are tied together in some way, GDP is defenitly a better yielder thats for sure. Ya know B.C. i'm beginnin' to wonder if these are gonna turn perple at all, i know the URKLE, have seen it and it goes purple but ive had some temps up in th e high 80's and the GDP is a club cut but i really could care less if she goes perple, she looks great allready, heavy tops. allready tyin' her up!

Couple more pics, be comin throuhout the day:

wait tll you see this one later on^^^^^^^ :)

Peace and love!!!


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>>LIVE LIFE LOUD<<!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what up bonz :wave: Glad to have you back those plants are lookin insane.
Theres been a few southys down my way but nothing to huge but some fun ones.

I think its good your going back to the E/F cause its surely easier on the old back( jus tryin to look out 4 ya LOL) U know waht im sayn HAHA.

the happy hut has taken on a new look with the growth thats going on in there. bought some buds off my broh called the "WHO" pretty good daytime smoke And i gotta bong rip and a recliner over here 4 yah so drop on by. :headbange

Again your grows always look amzing were so gald to have someone like you in this community :jump:
See yah out in the lineup BONZO



You will not be forgotten
Wow bonzo, you have been busy since last time i checked in here. Everything is looking beautiful and i will be looking forward to watching you finish these out! :joint: glad your liking the GDP and she is working out well for you. I will keep an eye out for your updates and might be doing a lil somethin somethin with some POG pollen this year... but we will see...... any info on using it for a male to a cross would be appreciated.

Happy harvests



Hey Bonzo,

It sure has been along time for sure. Glad to see your updating again. I sure love watching your setup. Nothing but great smoke coming out of your system. Great use of space and killer yield. Great job like always.

As for the book and your spec's. Book is pretty much done and sitting here. Just little odd's and ends to change here and there. Pretty happy with it. Lawyer told me to hold off till i'm done. He thought it was pretty cool and wants a copy when they are printed. Him, getting a copy also cover's my ass as me being under his services also. Any ways, will pm you with some questions. I got what i need, just alittle info. You take care and keep a weather eye for my pm. Thanks again and no worries. You'll get you signed copy for sure. lolol No worries.
Take care,


Active member
Brotha HAPPY!! :wave: What it is homie??!!! Thanks dude good to be back and once again i apologize for my flakey ways! Yeah their not lookin' to bad for a hydro dude eh? Sounds like your catchin' a few and mainly just stayin' in the water man. I just cant do it sometimes, especially for ankle snappers? nope, no way, oh no! But sjit IFEEL LIKE A FISH OUTA WAYET HAPPY I GOTTA SURF!!!!!!! AAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I allways go back to ebb & flow, i just like to try new stuff everynow and again and this was a one time deal for sure!!!! Dude im off to visit your Hut as soon as im done here Wooooooooooo Hooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

DB!!! :wave: Whats up homie?!!! You know DB, its a trip its like i make all this hand watering out to such a big deal in my head ya know? Get myself all worked up and shit (not that ill ever do it again ) but really if i just do it? it takes one hour. You know what surprised me was the GDP all the sudden gettin heavy and it was like one day i looked in i thoight it was gone! It just bent all on itself. I have a couple ideas with the "Pot of Pollen Project" I know that plant so well, those were the first seeds i grew from Gypsie. They were better than the Cali-O i paid for i thought, Gotta luv them Freebies!!! Woooooooo Hooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dig the new Avatar :headbange

The Walk in:


3 OGRE's:

urk: i like the colors:


URK, lookin' like a dang lollipop or somethin', makes me wanna just take a bite o' that thang!!!! YUM!!!


That was fun!!! So dang glad to see you guys!!!! :wave:

peace and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>>>LIVE LIFE LOUD<<<!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bonz :wave:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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Active member
Yo! Garden Pimp done snuck in and snuck out while i was typin and editng and re-editing, :nono: he he he!!!! Whats crackin' BG? :wave: Thanks bro! This one has been a back breaker for sure, neven again! But the plants seem to like it ok?! Theres defenitly somethin to that COCO stuff!

Well the book sounds like its allmost ready to hit the shelves, thats awesome bro, excellent job!!!! I'll get started on some thangs for ya, and im lookin' forward to my personally signed copy!! Wooooooooooo Hooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



bonz :wave:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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i dig ur freedom man..
u are one hell of a carpenter
and a grower..
i fuckin dig the cab withe the metal shelves..
i like the old punker shirts too..
i wish i had ur funding..
and ur freedom.
but i pretend i do anyways..
awesome fucking thread man..
really enjoyed myself here..
K+ when i kan


You will not be forgotten
wow Bonzo those ladies really are starting to put off the color, and frosting up like crazy to boot! I will be watching with much interest as you continue to update.

that photo you took of the whole garden really made my mouth water, looking all nice and uniform really shows off your skill with the gals just for how they are rewarding you :joint: