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Active member
looking forward to seein ur buckets bonz (dwc, aero, kfb, bio which one you fancy) and i think og is upgradin its servers or someting of the sort and all the ogers are pheenin for some pot talk=214 guests. later. somoz


Active member
Sleepydude!!!!! Im dig........in.............z...z..z.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

WOW that was weird man i was checkin' out your new avatar and musta knocked out there for a minute well been workin alot, im gonna try my dangdest to get these buckets at least set up maybe not totally plumbed but there just isnt enough time in a day sometimes.

You fuckin' rock Sleepy the more you visiy my grow, the more i think your vibes are chanelled to my plants and basically the whole grow, crazy thought but i REALLY believe it!

green peace


howdy somoz how are ya are u from OG if so welcome man pull up a chair and set a spell. I prefer just FREEDOM, it covers so many bases as to why we are all here in the first place eh? Just my old rusty old 2 cents worth.

peace and dont be a stranger somoz (sorry i think i might have called you man and you might not be a man)


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What about me Bonzo! Jokin with you. Hey there, been awhile since i've posted on your thread, so let me give it a try. Been watching you from behide the bushes. Been laying low and stalking you and your buds. Been waiting very patiently and loving every minute of it. That system is just awesome. Never seen anything like it before and i't got me thinking about a system myself. Your growing skills are just top shelf my friend and the plants and buds look outstanding. Awesome job. Ok, now vaccum seal and mail to me. Jokin. What's next??? Got any plans for anything new or are you going to do another run? I'm going to PM you about some pictures. You know what they are for. Awesome job and keep up the awesome job.
Take care my friend,


Active member
What the fuck was i thinkin eh? Of courSE you bring a vibe to my girls BG! Thanks for all the props on the little system, i had no idea it would do as good as it did, what a trip man. You got an idea for a system? Well put that mofo together and lets all watch it grow giant buds.

Im runnin the same thing i tried 4 months ago (pics in a sec) im just hopin i can get her dialed in, tomorrrw im goin to look at some lava. Im fuckin bitin my nails that this works, i think i just way over watered last time, each bucket had 3 feed lines , i reduced that to 2, much better i think.

I think everyone that stops in here with somethin positive to say are flowin there good vibes right into the girls so you know the are a special few who really fill the place with vibes from the heavens (your one of those BG, yous' my homie!)

so heres a couple pics of the dry fit:

:bat: :bat: :bat: :spank: :spank: :spank: :bashhead: :bashhead: :bashhead: forgot to load pics, what a jackass, ill be back.


Active member
Hey there friends o mine ,how are yall!?!? :wave: Well somethin is funny with uploadin pics but i did manage to get a couple in there, ssssstrrrrike, hes silly. :bat:

Heres a dry fit of my buckets, all still seems to fit OK so a good thourough cleaning and off we go into bucket-land. WOOOOOO HOOOOOO MAN!!!!

new intake:well pretty new :confused:

i tried to get a shot of how it all exhausts, this was the best i could do for now. :crazy:

allmost forgot BABY PICS!!!!!!!!!!: :kitty:

seedlings and clones. :woohoo: :yoinks: :woohoo:

Well thats all for tonite, ill get some final assembly pics, ya know i was talkin to one of the guys at my local hydro store and he says in between grows he just uses RAID roach and bug killer. He says he figures if it will kill a human lt will do just fine! Somethin to think about :chin:

good night my friends



Active member
looks like a solid intial setup bonz. ur exhaust looks cool, maybe later on we can get some more pics of that rig. i feel ya on the freedom tip, but as much as it frees us it contains us as well if ya dig.

anyway it looks good and ive heard the raid thing before but that's a bit much for me. however, it does make one think if they're bying greens who know's what the fuck has been sprayed around, in, next to, or on top of it. it probably gets u high as fuckin star though!!

look forward to the rest of ur run mate and im not an oger. i stroll and lurk over there or what used to be over there but it was a bit much for me to take in as far as all hte nonsense that came with posting over there, so i worked my way around these parts and post over as planetskunk and celticstone under craigels. not so much on ps anymore. it has lost its karma :(

anyway i just rambled one hell of reply. be well. grow hard. somoz


New member
Lookin all professional like homie... How soon are the babies going into the buckets? Let freedom ring.



Active member
Howdy dudes sorry it took me so long to respond but ive been locked in my room tryin to get it together.

Welcome Somoz, how are ya?! Thanks for stoppin by, thanks for compliments it wont be long now. Once again Welcome!

KEM my brotha, watcha doin? I better unprofesionalize it a bit then.....hmmmmm :chin: . Im waitin on a couple things here and there and were off and runnin, hopefully 3 to 5 days from now.

The only thing that can bring a smile like that to that shitheads face is a mushroomcloud.

peace o' pie

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bonz, what do you put your clones it. I mean what mix is in those with the clones? Thanks bonz. Also do you root in those cups?

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Heya Bonz :wave:
Buckets, lately I've been thinking buckets too, maybe later this year... I like what you've done with your grow, looks neat and sweet! Nice looking youngins getting ready to get a bucket :yes:

And that shithead really needs a mushroom cloud - a silly-cybin-cloud in and around his head :bat:


Active member
Howdy BluntItUp, how are ya?! Welcome! Those clones are in ReadyGro by Botanicarem its a soiless medium, consisting of a whole lot a' good shit. It comes in 2 formulas: wet and dry, very cool stuff so far, i am using a mix of 2 parts dry to one part wet, they recomend the wet get 1 watering a day and the dry get 4 to 6 a day. It was one of my mentors suggestion that i do the mix and so far im glad i did and still am.

No at the moment im using a homade bubble cloner. Next time im prolly gonna use 10 oz cups, maybe 12 get em started.

Hope that helped, the buckets im going to use are gonna be filled with lava or one of the fired clay products.

Hope that helped!

peace and dont be a stranger ok?



Active member
Hey MGJ, how are ya my brotha!? Totally good to see ya here, c,mon dude give em' a whirl!!!! I just got my last 4 airstones today, gonna put em' in right now, im usin' hot glue dude, its kickin' ASSS bro, i hate dealing with silicon sometimes and this is one of those times.

Yeah, them there youngins are allmost ready, they have been under floros till about 3 days ago, there diggin the 400s', goddang i cant wait to get it all together, it wont be long now! wooooo hooooo man!!!

I better not say what i think that shithead needs!

peace my brotha



Thanks bonz, so you root them in a bubbler then put them in that mix? Just tryin new ways to get my clones ready. Thansk man!


Ready-Gro is some awesome stuff and i wouldn't use anything else for my Coli's or Ebb & Flo pots. Really love the stuff and had great results with it.
Take care


Active member
Howdy BIU, yup thats exactly what i do, i have tried going to top feed net pots filled with hydroton (among others) but this way i think has the best percentage rate, that ReadyGro is cool shit mang.

peace pot and microdot


BG My brotha! how the hell are ya?! Yeah dude this is my first time with it and its really good stuff. I used to go into Fox Farms with the same percentage rate, but with the ReadyGro theres no dirt, its totally soiless which ,to me, is better when poppin them into rocks.

How are things BG im gonna do some testing tonite and thats allways fun! So check it out if your around homie.

that goes for the all of ya, testin is fun man, snd springin a leak is the best part!

peace and pretty flowers



Im about to go to the hydro shop and pick up some bags tom! Right now im doin it in perlite with 10% coco. How easy is it to wash that stuff off the roots b4 putting them in the buckets?


Active member
Howdy BIU, im pretty sure its pretty easy to wash off, but its soilless so that would tell me they dont have to be squeaky clean before goin in the buckets but this is my first time usin' it so im learnin as well, talkto your hydro store guy or theres quite a few people here that have used it or are currently using it here on IC.

wish i could have been more help



Thats all the info I needed bonz. Again thanks! just tryin to get the cloning and transplanting down in the kfb method. Keep up the great work man.


Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
THIS, is a mega killer thread for sure, it is packed with some incredible info and pic’s that any newbie or oldie would enjoy, it is multi-thread that covers a lot of ground; as someone that knows just how much time and effort that goes into one of these threads I feel the need to sticky this one……………..great job Bonzo, looking forward to many more my friend.


that looks like a cross between a drip system and a bio-bucket on a SMALL scale.