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Fox News Spins UC research


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The study also noted that "the extent of Americans' misperceptions vary significantly depending on their source of news. Those who receive most of their news from Fox News are more likely than average to have misperceptions." The problem with the Fox News Channel is NOT that it supports the Republican Party or conservative views. The problem is that Fox News distorts the news to serve its purpose so much, that fact and reality are lost in a sea of half-truths and innuendo.

Is there really anything left to say buddy?:)
You can't tell people who watch 'Faux News' what a joke it is. It's the Preacher preaching to the Choir.:scripture: The incessant, dogmatic propaganda programs that is 'Faux News' has conditioned it's viewers that CNN stands for the 'Communist News Network' , and let's not mention MSNBC with it's evening lineup of the Ed Show, Keith Olberman, and Rachel Maddow to them. Despite the fact that former Florida Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough has 'Morning Joe' (which IMHO has a decidedly conservative slant). But to 'Faux' viewers these are 'far left, pinko-commie-liberal lie brigade':crazy:

haze crazy

Is the media biased?

Is the media biased?

I've read this thread through and am amazed how this subject gets so so many of us fired up. I'd like to make a few points here to clarify a few things.

First people should realize personal attacks against people with opposing points of view is pointless and proves only that their argument is flawed. It's always the sign of a poor argument.

Here is a perfect example of media bias: Two Fox news journalists from the Tampa area spent months researching bovine growth hormone (BGH) and found indisputable evidence it was causing harm to the animals and humans alike. To make a long story short the two reporters were fired for refusing to modify their story to protect the maker who is/was a major advertiser. Monsanto is a major (parent) chemical company that is directly involved with many other brand names who do business advertising on nearly all the networks. BBC and NBC included.

Drug companies are one of the most profitable businesses on the planet are are quite adept at keep the public mis-informed about heath matters when the cannot make money on a product. If you watch the news on any TV station you will see countless ads for these drugs. These corporations regularly suppress information that will undermine their profits. Take for example the organic compound IP6 inositol (the one thing found in every single seed on earth) For at least 15 years it has shown much promise as a cancer fighting cell. The drug companies will have nothing to do with because they can't make a synthetic drug that does the job so... no patent and no profit. NBC just recently reported this as an anecdotal piece with any lead in or fanfare. It took more than 15 years for them to mention this. These are just a few examples of many how the drug companies go about making and spending their billions.

Herbal medicine is the one thing the drug companies fear most. They have waged war on naturals medicines for decades through the media outlets, bribing doctors, health officials and generally confusing the public on how to heal themselves.

I do watch FOX news, NBC, BBC ABC, NPR, and others. Most report only what their lawyers and advertisers approve. Look how long it took to indite Goldman Sachs. A whole other story....

These shenanigans have been going on for decades if not centuries because corporations want profit and have no moral compass. I consider FOX a big offender because they claim to be fair and balanced yet kowtow to advertisers wishes and claim to be "fair and balanced".

This country is becoming quite divided and those fighting mad people who think they know the most ...really know the least about what is really going on. The real enemy is not the "big government" It's the corporations that control the government's decisions. Clinton, Bush nor Obama never had much control over the country, It is the pervasive corporate corruption protecting their interests that is undermining our society. While we are arguing about Obama, Congress, heath care, the economy and other issues that matter, these corporations are over in the barn raping our unborn grandchildren.

So the next to you go to home depot to get some roundup for your garden remember that is Monsanto and the stuff cost $10 a pint. That money supports one of our real enemies. Try the cheaper pool chlorine that will work then dissipate under the sun.

Over the last ten years, our local, state, and federal governments spent about a trillion dollars fighting MJ. ...Interestingly that is about the same amount a decent heath care plan would cost.(estimated) Does anyone really think the big drug and chemical companies are going to let any kind of positive social change really happen?

A side note: How can anyone who calls themselves a patriot or a devout Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, or other God loving religion not want proper (fair and balanced) education or heath care for their fellow citizens. A real moral dilemma that divides our nation.

The news outlets tell you only what their advertisers will let them with few exceptions. Any good scammer will give you some scraps of truth to make you think they are treating you fairly. It not so much what the news is telling us that worries me most, it's what the don't report that raises raises the hair on my arms!

haze crazy



Spot on!
And that is the jist of the point I have been trying to make for years about the left vs the right, when it comes to MJ legislation. The left doesn't seem to get the Constitutional thing and the rights of persons.

Protect the constitution? Really? What part of the Bush Cheney Patriot act protects the constitution? The Constitution is becoming a rag to wipe the floor with. The fact that the Patriot act has been extended only shows how screwed we really are...

What is this talk about the left and the right? What about the top and bottom? the center? If one votes down party lines how can you have a mind of your own. Do we all really want to identify with the sheep?

Fine, go blindly into the future thinking Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh are some kind of truth bearing profits (sic) and live in a hateful world. Me? I'm going to paddle my kayak for a while a do important work...live in peace! Namaste Y'all


All resources of information have some bias in them for the most part. Wether that bias be blatant or just neglecting information ect... Rojo do you think there are unbias news sources and if so can you please list any? Id love to have a logical discussion


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ICMag Donor
Fine, go blindly into the future thinking Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh are some kind of truth bearing profits (sic) and live in a hateful world.
SO let me get this straight...you level a personal attack at me, implying that I am a hateful person that is blind and led by fools. Yet you also say this:
First people should realize personal attacks against people with opposing points of view is pointless and proves only that their argument is flawed. It's always the sign of a poor argument.

Seems to me if you argument held water, you wouldn't need also engage in such mud slinging?

You bring us a story of some reporters being fired...I say bullshit. What fox news hate site did you dig that up? And how did you go about verifying your story?
I think you may be able to provide a perfect example of just about any event or topic, when you pull them from your ass or some lame website.

And ROJO, you blithering fucking idiot...just who do you think is the number one watched news in America? Not the failure of the sector I assure you.
But really, there is no point in even addressing your stupid shit. Man what a fucking moron.
And this is not a personal attack, it is pointing out the obvious.




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ICMag Donor
With folks like ROJO on our side, we can't help but be fucked up for another 50 years.
No, no we are not on the same side. That is the sad part.


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Fox news, news story wise is pretty much lockstep with most other news agencies, after all, they all get their news from places like Reuters and other news agencies.

The problem is that they're trying to pass themselves off as objective (as most US news channels do), while they're not. Lots of their opinions, editorials, and non-news programs are biased towards the right. Which in itself isn't a problem (in the UK for example newspapers don't try and hide their political biases, but still manage to report news in a professional manner), the problem is that they're saying that they are "fair and balanced", and that they don't spin things.

They're not, and they do. News doesn't have to be unbiased, it just needs to be obvious what side of the tracks you're getting your news from, so you can get info from another source which is biased in the other direction, and make some conclusions of your own.

The fact that your conclusion should be "all the fucking news channels are worthless sock puppets for corporate and military interests" goes without saying.


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ICMag Donor
Fox News is not nearly as biased as the perceptions would say. Studies show for a fact that the perceptions that folks have, like you ixnay007, are for the most part unfounded.
Most studies will indeed find Fox a bit right of center in their presentations, but other news agencies like ABC Evening News that are perceived by many to be centerist, are in reality found to be just as far left leaning as Fox news is right leaning. And there are lots more left leaning news agencies than there are right.

The cry is that Fox is the most biased news agency of them all, and the average liberal will find that it goes without saying. But that is simply their perception and nothing more, because studies find that they are incorrect in their assumptions.
It is clear and proven that the media as a whole is far more biased to the left than to the right. Studies also show that Fox news is indeed fair and balanced when it comes to it's reporting. Only commentary leans right at Fox. In fact, Fox news is one of the few companies that actually bring both sides of an issue to the table, and the only time they do not provide the other side of the story is when the other side refuses to agree to a debate and won't come on the programs. The declined invitations are always expressed by the commentator so all know the score when the left is not represented, which is not very often at all...since Fox will usually provide a left wing pundit from a competing news source to debate an issue if the actual person the issue is about refuses to partake.

In just about any objective study done on media bias, it is always mentioned how the liberals in the US always see Fox news and the Drudge Report as far right leaning and not being fair and balanced at all...and how this is only their perception of things, as the facts show that the perceptions the left has about news biased are more often than not in conflict with the facts.


Active member
The study also noted that "the extent of Americans' misperceptions vary significantly depending on their source of news. Those who receive most of their news from Fox News are more likely than average to have misperceptions." The problem with the Fox News Channel is NOT that it supports the Republican Party or conservative views. The problem is that Fox News distorts the news to serve its purpose so much, that fact and reality are lost in a sea of half-truths and innuendo.


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Fox News is not nearly as biased as the perceptions would say. Studies show for a fact that the perceptions that folks have, like you ixnay007, are for the most part unfounded.
Most studies will indeed find Fox a bit right of center in their presentations, but other news agencies like ABC Evening News that are perceived by many to be centerist, are in reality found to be just as far left leaning as Fox news is right leaning. And there are lots more left leaning news agencies than there are right.

The cry is that Fox is the most biased news agency of them all, and the average liberal will find that it goes without saying. But that is simply their perception and nothing more, because studies find that they are incorrect in their assumptions.
It is clear and proven that the media as a whole is far more biased to the left than to the right. Studies also show that Fox news is indeed fair and balanced when it comes to it's reporting. Only commentary leans right at Fox. In fact, Fox news is one of the few companies that actually bring both sides of an issue to the table, and the only time they do not provide the other side of the story is when the other side refuses to agree to a debate and won't come on the programs. The declined invitations are always expressed by the commentator so all know the score when the left is not represented, which is not very often at all...since Fox will usually provide a left wing pundit from a competing news source to debate an issue if the actual person the issue is about refuses to partake.

In just about any objective study done on media bias, it is always mentioned how the liberals in the US always see Fox news and the Drudge Report as far right leaning and not being fair and balanced at all...and how this is only their perception of things, as the facts show that the perceptions the left has about news biased are more often than not in conflict with the facts.

To start, your scale of left vs right is pretty different in the US vs most of the rest of the world, what most people in the US think of as Liberals fall a little bit to the right of center in most European countries.. The opposite is, of course, also true, what's considered right in europe might be considered pretty close to centrists in the US.

So, when I say that Fox is pretty far to the right, they are for my perspective of those things, and most other US TV stations fall around center or a little left of center (PBS being one that falls left of center for example).

Fox, news wise uses the same sources of stories that most other stations/channels/whatever use, so in this case, CNN and Fox are pretty much equal, where they differ is the non news opinions and editorials, talk programs, etc..

For me, most of what you see on American TV is pretty centrist, with a bit of outlying left and right (mainstream obviously).


:bump:Whats up blow hard,dont wanna discuss fox anymore!!!FAIL:dance013:

Take the time to read and understand this,...please.

What you're doing is not nearly debating an issue, it's cultivating animosity and division. Just as you may agree with Keith Olberman more often than not, and HoosierDaddy may agree with Bill O'Reilly more often than not, NONE of the 4 parties have the FACTS. Modern media distorts facts for a living, almost always with political intent. That's why both liberal and conservative media outlets are so convincing to their target demographic.

(one of)The REAL problem(s) is when 'We The People' allow them (govt) to pit us against each other, even when we agree on 99% of the fundamental issues.
People need to stop polarizing themselves in order to feel like they fit into a certain group. Find out who you are within yourself, not where you fit in among 'them'. ...I could go on and on but I'll spare you.
Listen to a song called "Right in Two" and read the lyrics...It's a pretty simple and entertaining perspective.

I think if we are honest with our selves and one another, we'll find we are all (in political terms) either Conservative democrats or liberal republicans. Are our differences really worth creating division and hatred?

Heaven and Hell are/were created by mankind and both exist right here on Earth...I know where I'd rather live!


After all these spins the only way to stop cartels and gangs remains..

After all these spins the only way to stop cartels and gangs remains..

After all these spins the only way to stop cartels and gangs remains.. that the govt needs to legalize cannabis for personal use and allow users to cultivate only what can be grown under a total of 1450watts with 1000w being dedicated to a 6 x 6 grow area for flowering and the remaining lighting for a remote space for clones and mothers. This would allow people to produce all the personal they need and the govt could levy a small fee to register them as recreational growers say 150$ per year and if anyone is caught growing without a licences make them be submitted to the same penalty as hunting or fishing without a licence and if they are selling then charge them with tax evasion,marketing a controlled substance any charges that would relate to breaking merchandising laws etc basically if the person has registered then they can grow as much b ud as they could manage under 1000w hid and 450w of cfl t-5 ho or whaterver in a 6 x 6 flowering area and no more then 15 sq' of veg area. This would manage to severly cripple the income gangs and drug cartels would be making from cannabis and if the govt allows certain establishment to purchase licences to sell cannabis products in there store then make these the only legitimate source of cannabis sold on the open market. A plan like this would allow smaller growers with superior skills to open small farms and sell a limited reserve strain of cannabis at conniseur prices . By doing something along these lines the money that would end up in drug cartels terrorist and gang hands would be pretty much eradicated and by imposing strict laws concerning retail sales of cannabis without a licence or growing without submitting a notice to obtain a licence to grow a small personal garden 6 x 6 with no more then 1000w of light on it and a remote area with 450w of light the grower would only be able to produce enough personal cannabis to last untill his next crop is finished


Kiss My Ring
sounds like they are trying to nail down titration, saying 'this amount is good, but this amount is not?'

haze crazy

SO let me get this straight...you level a personal attack at me, implying that I am a hateful
Man what a fucking moron.
person that is blind and led by fools. Yet you also say this:

Seems to me if you argument held water, you wouldn't need also engage in such mud slinging?

You bring us a story of some reporters being fired...I say bullshit. What fox news hate site did you dig that up? And how did you go about verifying your story?
I think you may be able to provide a perfect example of just about any event or topic, when you pull them from your ass or some lame website.

And ROJO, you blithering fucking idiot...just who do you think is the number one watched news in America?

So? Faux News is entertaining, it does not mean they are truthful or correct. Most people are sheeples and some use their brains, where do you fit in?

Not the failure of the sector I assure you.
But really, there is no point in even addressing your stupid shit. Man what a fucking moron.
And this is not a personal attack,(WTF) it is pointing out the obvious.

Google it, or just read this:
http://www.purefood.org/rBGH/foxBgh.htm. This is old news, If you get your info from just one biased source it is understandable you may be ignorant of many facts.

For obvious reasons I won't give more details. I have personal knowledge of several parties involved with this story. Does anyone really believe these big advertisers have OUR health interests in mind? Or, do they exist solely to make a profit?

Fact: The large advertisers control the media. Just take a look at how the FDA busts doctors for advocating alternatives to chemotherapy. Hoosierdaddy, please stick to what you know and grow so well. Leave the rest to those how have a life outside our grow shows. As for the obvious you think you see, you may want check your facts before you go puffing up those feathers. It may be you just need a good dose of the Huffington Post.


Rubbing my glands together
It may be you just need a good dose of the Huffington Post.

So you think the Huffington Post delivers news without a "liberal" bias?
Truth is, and hold onto your right/left tinfoil hats everyone-News organizations cater to the group that watches them. Even Walter Cronkite way back when who reported the news as it happened and was Americas most trusted news man at 7pm, finally admitted he interjected his own liberal bias into what he was reporting. If you believe the news as it's reported I truly feel sorry for all of you. It's nothing more than the propaganda arm of those in power. Tell em this while we do this.
News organizations have taken great delight in separating this country into 2 factions. As long as they can keep the 2 split along party lines this country will never come together. If we all came together imagine the things that would be required of our politicians. But as long as we're split, nothing is gonna happen that really benefits anyone.
Ever wonder why news groups never show, back, talk about, give equal time to a 3rd party candidate? They are afraid they would shake up the status quo. Here in Nevada, our New Channel 8 has set requirements both finacial and vote collected during previous elections for the office they are running for, that keep 3rd party hopefuls out of the papers, news events, and debated. So if I start a 3rd party, get millions in donations and have a lot of new backing, because my party didn't have a candidate in the last race for office that I'm running for, there would be no outlet for me to be heard. America, where anyone can run for public office......as long as you have the backing of the 2 major parties and the media.They like it just the way it is. OMG,,,don't stir the pot.
News,,,pift.........makes me fuckin sick
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haze crazy

Make me sick too RR. I suggested the Huffington Post just to balance out the Faux News bias. The truth must be somewhere in the the middle eh? As for stirring the pot, well that is just my nature man....

The news keeps us split to divert us from the real stories. It sucks that are all in business to make money (even the doctors) and most don't really care about anything else.

Like you so eloquently wrote "If you believe the news as it's reported I truly feel sorry for all of you. It's nothing more than the propaganda arm of those in power."