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Found pot garden, should I say something?

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CanniDo Cowboy

kind of how I found him. I was searching by nose for my herb that got ripped.

Great points everybody. :thank you:

OB pard, pard, pard...Are you serious? Personally, I think youre suffering from PTRS (Post Traumatic Ripped Syndrome). 'Searching by nose for my herb"? Really? Do you expect your long gone pre-meds to be curing on someone's outdoor patio or clothesline, all in the convenience of your own neighborhood? And are you trying to tell us your ripped PRE-BUD stuff was so dank, you could possibly stroll thru the hood with your nose in the air and "pick up the scent"? Dude, sit down, put a cold rag on yer forehead. Yer not completely well yet. LOL

Not sure who is the foolish one here: The idiot with the plants growing over the fence or someone walking his dog, sniffing the air with desperate and silly notions of being able to say: "HEY FUCKER, THAT'S MY SHIT!!

Last but certainly not least, the fact you are entertaining the idea of warning your neighbor that he is standing on the railroad tracks with an oncoming train less than 50 yards off and headed his way, well, with some folks ya just gotta let things play out...Especially in this game...CC


Active member
stop looking over my fence bro . i am just tempting some rippers as my bitch dog is bored.mind you own buisness.


Registered Non-Conformist
"Hi, I was scouting for my Stolen Pot (Admitting to a Stranger that YOU are a grower - buzzer sounds), and I saw Yours..." (Said Grower thinks, as I might, "Ya Sure, you are just a Thief. Casing the area !" We see "Casers" occasionally. We make them leave.)

If HIS gets ripped - and it is LIKELY that it will, by the same people who ripped the OP, the first place HE will look is to the OP who still feels violated due to being ripped off.

With Sincere Kindness meant, I believe someone above had it close to right - OP is bent out-of-shape still because of the robbery - Sort of Understandable, but gotta watch out for bad decisions in the wake of said incident. Not to get too emotional about it.

As suggested above - it HAD to be Teenagers, for who would rip a plant not even near maturity yet...? - A Ripper with a Brain (imagine that) would wait until days before the first rain in October.

Those Same Teenagers WILL get the OP's Neighbor's Plants, as well. If you can see it, the Punk Thieves can too. They are looking for plants...

Tend To One's Own Garden is my advice. People who complain about lack-of-community, well, Sorry, I understand that notion - but after time, have learned better. This is how it really IS out there. Help your friends, YES, but a Guy Growing with plants sticking out over the fence is just plain stupid. Anyone doing that is a D-Bag at best. An Ongoing Problem at worst.

My guess is that anyone here advocating Ripping or Taxing, or touching someone else's plants at all has never had a real outdoor grow of their own. Ask most NorCal Growers, and well, let's just say - Don't come around a Stranger's Greenhouse, looking in - that's enough to get you into a Deep Pickle... He has the advantage knowing the nooks and crannies of the property - One can get shot over that. What would perhaps amount to a few ozs at most... Is it worth it..? Of course not.

Let it go, ya got ripped, That Sucks.. Is there a Teenager living next door, or nearby..? There's your Culprit. Get a big dog, and start over now, or next year. STAY SAFE. MYOB.
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D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
the guy might get scared when you tell him and end up chopping it too early out of fear.

i see it coming, this is turning into I Know What You Grew Last Summer...coming this Winter

hey i just wanted to say that last summer i noticed your buds were reaching over the fence and people could see them

dude would never grow again


weed fiend
If you say anything, why not do it in passing as opposed to direct exchange?

Walk past the guy and say, "Nice plants" and keep walking.

He'll get the message.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Just dress up like a giant pot-leaf and ring the guys doorbell. Tell him it's a singing telegram sent by a concerned someone....LMAO!


Game Bred
Dear fellow horticulturist,

While walking my dog the other day, I couldn't help detect the wonderful aroma of a specific plant we both obviously happen to enjoy. I simply followed my nose, and noticed what appeared to be 2 feet of lovely plant poking its head above your fence.

Knowing the effort and care that goes into producing a healthy crop of any plant, I became concerned about whether this display was intentional or not, and wouldn't want to see your hard work destroyed by rippers, or representatives from the state. Hence, this anonymous note.

Should you be aware of the visibility of your crop already, then I wish you a good harvest. However, if you were trying to be a bit more discrete, you will need to take further actions to conceal your grow.

Best of luck,

Anonymous fellow horticulturist

..............or something to that effect.

right here.
if you can "look out" for your fellow man and it dont hurt you any,do the right thing.


Active member
OB pard, pard, pard...Are you serious? Personally, I think youre suffering from PTRS (Post Traumatic Ripped Syndrome). 'Searching by nose for my herb"? Really? Do you expect your long gone pre-meds to be curing on someone's outdoor patio or clothesline, all in the convenience of your own neighborhood? And are you trying to tell us your ripped PRE-BUD stuff was so dank, you could possibly stroll thru the hood with your nose in the air and "pick up the scent"? Dude, sit down, put a cold rag on yer forehead. Yer not completely well yet. LOL

Not sure who is the foolish one here: The idiot with the plants growing over the fence or someone walking his dog, sniffing the air with desperate and silly notions of being able to say: "HEY FUCKER, THAT'S MY SHIT!!

Last but certainly not least, the fact you are entertaining the idea of warning your neighbor that he is standing on the railroad tracks with an oncoming train less than 50 yards off and headed his way, well, with some folks ya just gotta let things play out...Especially in this game...CC

Why would it be out of the question to smell the herb drying? Somebody got away with what would of been 10 lbs worth of herb, you think they have a zip lock for that shit?

Also, I was already walking my dogs and caught a wiff of fresh pot, so yea, I thought maybe it was mine. Wouldn't you?

One day when you are on these hypothetical tracks I hope somebody warns you of the oncoming train 50 yards out. Love is the answer my friend, not hate.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Take a ride around Lake or Mendo County and a guy could spend ALL his time trying to "warn" ppl that you can see their pot...


Registered Non-Conformist
Take a ride around Lake or Mendo County and a guy could spend ALL his time trying to "warn" ppl that you can see their pot...

So True.. Pick a House, any House...

A "Warning" is not likely by Locals... Maybe a Crochety Old Man might do that. They'd talk to everyone BUT the grower. (LandLord, LEO's, other neighbors, etc.) At least from what I have seen. No one wants to create an enemy next door. So, they go about it behind the scenes. Sometimes it causes problems, sometimes not.

Being a "Good Neighbor" by definition is someone NOT growing plants that are visible by others. I have always had a nice summer scene behind houses that I have lived and worked at. It was NEVER visible from anywhere that anyone "Should" be. In other words, if One could see the Greenhouse, they were trespassing. So, no temptation was visible.

As well as being a problem in other ways, in many peoples' eyes, an Outdoor grow can be a real security risk for the neighborhood itself, if houses are at all close together.


The Dude
Why would it be out of the question to smell the herb drying? Somebody got away with what would of been 10 lbs worth of herb, you think they have a zip lock for that shit?

Also, I was already walking my dogs and caught a wiff of fresh pot, so yea, I thought maybe it was mine. Wouldn't you?

One day when you are on these hypothetical tracks I hope somebody warns you of the oncoming train 50 yards out. Love is the answer my friend, not hate.

dude really....10 lbs? you were only 2 weeks into flowering.....10 lbs. of what...LEAF!

get off ur high horse.....nobody appointed you to govern over dumbasses that dont know how to hide their plants. I really think your taking this neighborhood watch position to the head.

And the comment about being glad there are still good people in this world because one of the few that said you should say something. gimme a break, so were dispicable human beings for minding our own ish right.

Calm down Zimmerman. I dont think you will find ur lost LARF by blood houndin the neighborhood, get real dude an just drop it. It happened, nothing u can do now but move on. Its how you get back up brother, an ur stumblin.
The notion that I live my own life, and don't care about the people around me is deplorable.

OB,you do not know me.So for you to say that I don't care about my fellow man is way out of line.

I care about people more then you'll ever know.

Growing outdoors has a lot of risk,but you know that now.


Active member
dude really....10 lbs? you were only 2 weeks into flowering.....10 lbs. of what...LEAF!

get off ur high horse.....nobody appointed you to govern over dumbasses that dont know how to hide their plants. I really think your taking this neighborhood watch position to the head.

And the comment about being glad there are still good people in this world because one of the few that said you should say something. gimme a break, so were dispicable human beings for minding our own ish right.

Calm down Zimmerman. I dont think you will find ur lost LARF by blood houndin the neighborhood, get real dude an just drop it. It happened, nothing u can do now but move on. Its how you get back up brother, an ur stumblin.

Why would it be out of the question to smell the herb drying? Somebody got away with what would of been 10 lbs worth of herb, you think they have a zip lock for that shit?

Learn to read man, I said "what would of been 10 lbs worth." I do it year after year, I don't like to count my chickens before they are hatched, but I stand by what I said.

I guess this thread was hard for some to chew. Mods, please close thread.
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