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Found old seeds: "GD London 1972"?

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Hey thanks everyone for continuing to check in. Ladyboys. LOL.

I will be back in Colorado in a week. The very first thing I will do is roll a HUGE fatty of GD-72 and post a smoke report plus as many pics as possible, seeing as I have had a nice break from my daily consumption habits (aside from the odd seedy bag which actually has been pretty nice stuff, in the effect). Yeah insofar as the speculation about the age is concerned, im doubtful that the seeds I have germinated were that old also. I think I have settled on the notion that they were probably a gift to my grandfather sometime well after 1972, from a later generation grown out by someone else. Or something like that. They were definitely old and had a poor germ rate, but not THAT old.

Also, we get to look forward to possible grow outs of the crosses. I intend to grow at least one female GD-72 x Malawi and Im pretty stoked for Peyote Purple x GD as well. Cheers everyone.

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recent guest

After returning from Indonesia, where I only had the opportunity to smoke twice and both times it was serious, serious shwaggg, I can say that this stuff is IN-sane. Without much of a tolerance I almost can't tolerate it. Its seriously cerebral and puts me into an alternate reality in which I question the very foundations of my person. Its motivating for sure, but very introspective and definitely causes paranoia. Great all around sativa but probably not so good for social situations unless its with a group of close friends. Anything else would be difficult with this herb because she takes you pretty far away from reality. Where I was living in Indonesia there were wild psychedelic mushrooms growing in profusion. As mushrooms go they are extremely mild and take a lot to produce visuals, but they were stronger than the seedy buds. Smoking one bowl of this herb blows me away ten times more than a massive handful of mushrooms would even think of doing. Cheers thanks for checking in everyone.


passing the gas
I guess the search for trip weed is finally over… 10x more potent than magic mushrooms!

where do we line up for clones?


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ICMag Donor
Mannnn this guyyyy, can we see some dried shots?

Didn't you say shes still chugging along? Where at :)

:wave: glad ur safe from ur travels sir!


, The Ghost of
What a beast!

Very happy she doesn't disappoint. That would have been a real kick in the pants after all this time.

recent guest

yeah Im pretty happy with the results. I have so much bud from her that I used a half pound to make butter with, so I will see what the effect of that is...in general, the high is not my favorite. Its overpowering and gives me a lot of paranoid type thoughts, so its tough for me to maintain a positive attitude. There is a body effect, a sort of over-excitement that you can feel in your chest. The thoughts are very psychedelic and short term memory is effected, so it puts me in an extremely altered state. Im sure with a higher tolerance it will be more enjoyable, but this is definitely an extreme sativa effect. I think its the best herb for activities or sports, where you are doing something that doesn't involve much deep thinking or social behavior. This is the last herb i'd smoke before going on a first date or to a cocktail party, for example. Not to say I don't enjoy smoking it, but theres a time and a place.


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using a razor blade/scalpel and scraping the wax sealing coat stuff off the seam allows even manual cracking but more importantly an entrance for water.

it seems that

the seeds can be manually popped open this way and using small thin tweezers or something, the hulls can be ejected/pried off, if done delicate. it leaves a shimmery coating on the inside of the seed hulls which i wonder about. i think i have seen it in naturally ejected seed hulls, from seedlings, but i don't know. it could be a water sealing thing which would force moisture to seep in through the ridge line and soak the sprout/root and the thing that sheaths it; however, i think after prolonged soaking it actually surrounds the inner part (the curled up mini plant with the mini cotyledons and root) because i saw one like this ,with a full skin covering, after it was soaking a while. i see inside the seed hulls after it was busted out.
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