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Forcing a Baby to Smoke Pot


Lammen Gorthaur
It's on MSNBC right now, so I am writing this because nobody else will ever know of it - or at least as long as the show is on MSNBC...

A 16 year-old and some girl were arrested for forcing the boy's nephew to smoke pot.:fsu:

I don't know what the penalty should be, but death would be okay with me.

Talk about child abusers. These people are the absolute sweat on the balls of diseased rats and I can only hope they are in jail until they can no longer reproduce so that their gene pool is lost forever.:yeahthats


agreed. reminds me of those kids in florida that got caught by posting a video of their three year old nephew smoking on blunts. kids think its cute, but dont realize the damage they can do to a person by introducing chemicals into the brain. i mean they could've seriously affected the development of that child's frontal lobe thus affecting his cognitive abilities for life. string em up by their toe nails till they tear off from the weight of their bodies.
I'm not in favor of the death penalty, period. But this is an example of a very serious crime that merits real punishment. As oppose to growing a plant, for example.

I bet they get off a lot more lightly than some schmoe who get's busted for a 400W personal grow.


Active member
They should definitely see some real time over it, but death? I am thinking you are a teenager. If not, grow up. These are just a couple of retarded kids who should go to jail for a few years, but I bet the parents of the teens are just as bad. They obviously didn't spend much time teaching right from wrong.


Lammen Gorthaur
They should definitely see some real time over it, but death? I am thinking you are a teenager. If not, grow up. These are just a couple of retarded kids who should go to jail for a few years, but I bet the parents of the teens are just as bad. They obviously didn't spend much time teaching right from wrong.

Yeah, death is over the top. I'm 47 and the child of abusive parents.

If you didn't grow up in an abusive environment where there are no emotional, physical or sexual boundaries, I don't think you have the right to judge anyone one anything.

Child abuse if forever.

If the result lasts forever, shouldn't the punishment?


Active member
ive seen the same basic story in the news quite a few times over the past few yrs.

i dont know what punishment the end up getting, but i bet its not enuff.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
they need a good old fashioned biker style beating, a beating
that'll leave you toofless and wondering who & where you are.



Pull my finger
Threads like this also show the rest of the world how real smokers feel about things like this. Keep em coming. The world needs to know that 99.9% of us do not condone immature shit like this. Just like those kids that gave the 5 year old X.

Fuct up shit for real.
What they did is bullshit. Even though we all know that weed should be legal and is harmless, it is still a drug, and a young developing mind, ESPECIALLY a baby can not handle that. Just think how high you got your first time... How do you think the baby would feel? I doubt they'd be enjoying it.

I'm glad those people didn't do other harder drugs. Their dumbasses would probably shoot the baby up with heroin, or blow cocaine in its nose.

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Yeah, death is over the top. I'm 47 and the child of abusive parents.

If you didn't grow up in an abusive environment where there are no emotional, physical or sexual boundaries, I don't think you have the right to judge anyone one anything.

Child abuse if forever.

If the result lasts forever, shouldn't the punishment?

I with you on that MPD the boundaries there its a HEAVY weight to carry for sure.

Yes these kids need to be punished 4 sure and educated and what happens when you FORCE thing's on someone and the long term effects it will have.

I N Hail
Is it just me or with the looming threat of cannabis and drug legalization within California and perhaps the rest of the country doesn't it seem as though THEY are putting out lots of anti-cannabis propaganda in an effort to try and counter any such change in policy and brainwash against any contrary ideas? Yep Yep. "Look what smoking pot will make you do!" No, your just stupid already and you happen to smoke pot. But that won't come out in the media.. Like all these stories I take note of their propaganda agenda but ignore it and move on.
Machine Elf, I was just thinking the exact same thing...

Like "Hmm... what a coincidence that we hear about this, right as there is a huge legislation movement going on right now..."

Unfortunately this type of thing, (not necessarily with babies, but with kids) goes on a lot, all over the country, and you never hear about it.


I think it's wrong to give a kid cannabis of any kind, especially smoked. This is an especially stupid case.

Unless a real doctor actually prescribed it.

I'm sure that it wasn't so long ago that cannabis was in plenty of medicines, and lots of it was given to kids, and they all grew up fine.
Unfortunately this type of thing, (not necessarily with babies, but with kids) goes on a lot, all over the country, and you never hear about it.

Children are starving to death, being raped and abused and worse, all over THIS country and there is no media coverage or outcry. Its all one shot sensationalist story propaganda pieces. You'll hear about some child kidnapped and murdered if the parents are white and upper middle class (and then it turns out it was the mother).

No, stories like this coming out are not in any way coincidence considering that there is a huge legalization movement going on and that it is winning the fight. THATS why pieces like this come out, THEY are worried and scared because they are starting to lose control, and so need to put out propaganda to counter the effort.


The death penalty? Are you serious? I will refrain from all comment and opinion aside from relating a bit of my own personal experience and a few small factoids:

I first smoked pot at age 3 in 1976, and I remember it like it was yesterday. My 15 year old babysitter Greg, who was the son of one of my dad's business associates, used to ride over on his moped wearing a shirt with an image of the Zig Zag Zouave guy with "100% Colombian" written in script over his head. He'd roll these big joints and smoke them by our pool, and I asked him what he was doing and why, and if I could try, and he let me take a few hits off of it. I don't remember getting high or the effects it produced, but I do remember asking for it again every time he'd come over. And I remember every subsequent visit being like a big party, with Greg busting out "Smoke On The Water" on the electric guitar my dad bought for me, and his friends coming over and playing pool and eating ice cream and blasting Zep and KISS on my dad's kickass stereo. Really good memories.

Not long after, probably age 4 or so, I remember pestering a couple of guys who worked for my dad, Carl and Benny, to let me hit their joint. I said "I've done it before", and they thought that was hilarious, so they handed it to me as a joke, and were astounded when I took a big toke. Once again, I don't remember the effects but I also remember asking them for it again, which they thought was fucking awesome and which made them laugh hysterically. I remember they treated me really well that day, like take-me-out-for-burgers-and-get-me-my-own-shake well. Once again, an excellent memory.

At age 7 I remember boonie-crashing through the arroyos outside of Albuquerque in a giant truck with my cousin and two of his friends, and they were smoking a big joint of something they called "Hawaiian". I said "let me hit that doobie", which brought complete silence to the truck, and all eyes went to my cousin. He looked at me and said "are you sure?", and I dropped a phrase I'd picked up from Carl and Benny (that I no longer use) - "yeah, and I won't n****r lip it, I swear". So I hit that big number of Hawaiian and passed it on. And we had an amazing day out in the desert, one I'll never forget. I do remember being extremely mesmerized by my frozen gallon bottle of water that slowly melted throughout the day, and the cool water being the most amazing thing I'd ever experienced at that moment every time I drank from it.

Those were just a few of my experiences with cannabis as a very young child. There were more, and I don't believe that any of them harmed me in any way whatsoever.

Cannabis was routinely prescribed to children and pregnant women for a number of ailments prior to 1937 when it was abruptly removed from the US Pharmacopaeia, apparently so the dirty Mexicans would stop raping all those poor white women. It is routinely prescribed to children by a number of physicians in the present day for ADD and other mood disorders.


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