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Big Whitey the cabinet


she was cut two days after the last picture. This is about 2/3's of what she gave trimmed and dried. I love the fruity berry taste.

not much to look at after she has been manhandled to get the seeds. but the seeds are what counts.



and a few more of the upper area. The girl on the left comes down next week to make room for all the AF's.

and some close ups



very nice setup,how do you collect the pollen you put on the ladies?can you pm me a link?id love to learn how to cross some of my stuff,especily the beans i order.thanks yo, peace


My males are outside on a patio. When the time is right, the female goes outside and I just use a paint brush, and paint the pistals. I usually shake the male plant all over her. She sits like this for about 12 hours or so, then I shake the female free of flowers and pollen, mist her down to help rinse the extra pollen away. Then back in the cabinet. If you find a good plant that you get from a pack, I would always pollenate. Even if its just the lower branches. It is always nice to have 20-30 seeds of a good strain around.


and the Masterlow that seems to be a BSxML instead.

she is stunted becuase I just kept raising her up in the 1 gallon container and I refused to repot as she is mostly for seeds.


and finally some AutoAK47

And the strength and honor suprise. I think these are AF from how they look so far, but I will know in another two weeks for sure.


and the best part about the cabinet is the end product. not too bad for only 4x45 watts. Nothing incredible but this is not the lumens that I am used to dealing with. This branch was looking really done while the others seem to be still going and producing new pistils. There are about 4 more of these left on her. If this one does me nicely the rest will come down to make way for more AF's.

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and more herb harvesting is nice. The one on the right is a BSxML full of seeds from a BS male.

Some full cab Shots

and the mini forest all out for watering day.

A little seed sprouted all on its own in the 13/11 from seed. and its a girl. She has her own pot now.

cuttings that are making some nice buds. some grow and grow before they flower, some stay short and stocky and flower immediately.



and this one was a seed started outside in the winter, so 12/12 from seed essentially. It smells like deisel ass. Its funny it smells so rank, but I can't stop sniffing it. A Sharp contrast from the fruity BS and ML and the and piney citrusy other herb I have going.



and sure enough the sweden hemp autoflowers....HOW FRICKEN COOL. and I have TONS of these seeds. too bad they tend to be tiny. I will have to see how they grow in the summer. probably true ruderalis.



Just for my reference, I pulled BSXML 9 males outside to continue their blooms. Also repotted the 3 Females that showed so far. starting a few more AFAK to account for the male loss and to stagger harvest. I intend the whole cabinet to be on 20/4 at some point.


wow, you've got so much going on in that cab, it must be hard to keep track of it all. but your results speak for themselves heh. that ass smelling bud sounds interesting, i'll bet it smokes good though. i had a bag one time that looked great, was very stony, but smelled like a skunk got hit by a manure truck lol


cabinet is condensing a bit. But the harvests range, usually dependent on pot size, although I can give extra 2.4.05 fish poop to ones that are pot pound and they tend to produce more. These cuttings for instance this one bloomed right away and will only be 2-3 grams. I didn't cut her all becuase I want to reveg her.

Some of the other cuttings that grow taller tend to be 4-5 or 8-9 depending on the straing the mother I had that I flowered in the cab was jsut about an O. the AFs that I give give big pots to give about 1/2 oz and the ones in 1 gallon chock full of seeds was about ten grams dried before the seeds were removed and the base has some extra. So long as I don't go dry and have a decent seed stock, I am fine. So far Mission accomplished.

the cabinet seems to swell and grow like it is breathing the way the harvests are staggered.

Here is some BSXML that has been repotted to grow out.

and Finally some autoAK, trying different sized pots. 6x6x7 and 3x3x9


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