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For those who smoke daily - feeling detached



I smoke all day everyday medically/recreational, and I have never been more in touch with my fellow man. I'm agreeable, friendly, helpful, etc etc. Considering what the old me was like, I would still be working 80 hours a week and drinking etc staying out all night and day,

But that's me...... everyone's diferent.

I'm the same as you - I function on a waaaay higher level when I'm stoned.

I am energetic, funny, articulate and a real go getter when high.

Shy and reclusive when straight. A total bastard when I drink.


I'd smoked regularly for years and still do sometimes. I consider daily use abuse aside from medical reasons...
It detaches, demotivates, makes me feel like shit overall, it isn't health in any way. It's a waste of life far as I'm concerned, to use daily.. Moderation is the best approach.
It's just kinda hard sometimes not to over use it. Love hate relationship for sure, but only because I let it be that way sometimes..

Moldy Dreads

Active member
It's not the herb, it's your life that needs to change...

It detaches, demotivates, makes me feel like shit overall, it isn't health in any way. It's a waste of life far as I'm concerned, to use daily.. Moderation is the best approach.

You shouldn't be using herb if you think it isn't healthy..


I should say, short term, smoking daily is great. Long term, it's physically shit. Mentally too. Anything is bad if you overuse it. Nothing against mj.


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
being stoned makes me feel great..washes away the nausea,pain and stress..
i should add i'm the same jkoing around happy go lucky bro stoned or not..
but i do love to go out in public high as hell,the world seems different to me, i don't see the turmoil and sadness like i do when i'm straight..
peace G


It's not the herb, it's your life that needs to change...

You shouldn't be using herb if you think it isn't healthy..
Nah, Im not saying the herb isn't healthy, I was saying that abusing it was not healthy.


Active member
that said treatment needs to be addressed with specific strains and a strategy to cpl with smoking above nad beyond recreational

That's your biggest issue there. You should be taking advice from people that have access to known specific strains. If you're just buying off the street.... you really have no idea. Getting advice from people who haven't a clue as to what they're using is also a non-starter. I should know, I was one for 20+ years. LOL

Strains make a HUGE difference and everyone is affected differently as well. Your best bet is to find the strains that work best for _your_ head. For me.... I can't do indica's or I start feeling like you describe. I also think about as quickly as a bowl of tapioca pudding.

Stay Safe! :tree:


cannabis enthusiast
just find the right strains for you bud, for instance the way i make chicken may not be how you like it. i myself after work like a nice sativa to get me doin work around the house that needs done, while other friends after work have a strong indica eat dinner and are sound asleep by 6pm when im ready to go bowling etc.


Active member
It detaches, demotivates, makes me feel like shit overall, it isn't health in any way.
I have no idea what you're smoking.... but it sounds like the crap I've had in the past. I remember going through a half ounce a week when I lived in a prohibition state... man that was some seriously crappy smoke. Definitely unhealthy.

You wouldn't say that about my meds now though.... Definitely some healthy meds in my closet. Seriously.


I have no idea what you're smoking.... but it sounds like the crap I've had in the past. I remember going through a half ounce a week when I lived in a prohibition state... man that was some seriously crappy smoke. Definitely unhealthy.

You wouldn't say that about my meds now though.... Definitely some healthy meds in my closet. Seriously.
Yeah, it really might be the genetics.

I have no idea what it is, but it's $400 a z and def. not shwag, def not beasters, it isn't quality genetics, but for the commercial underground non med market it's ok. It's almost like commercial mass grown genetics that are above beaster, somewhat quality, but definitely not as good as med quality....either way...it doesn't really feel good to smoke a lot of it, it'll catch up to you and you'll feel like a zombie for days even after stopping it....whatever it is, it sure isn't sativa..


Lammen Gorthaur
I worry sometimes that marijuana usage makes my mental disease worse for some of the personalities. Everyone has their own reaction to it and if I space out too much then I end up with problems switching all the time. I can always tell when it happens because I miss big chunks of time during the day.

I keep looking for the ideal combination of anti-psychotics that will help me control the switching and the unsocial symptoms of anxiety attacks (when I come back - what happened?) depression and mania. To this I have to add the addictive reflexes that are aggravated by the all-day headache pain.

Sometimes it is hard and I have the tendency to rely upon my marijuana crutch, so I worry. I get more and more paranoid and have to take a deep breath and walk away from the pipe for a few days, weeks or months. I'm just starting a grow now and I ran out of weed a little while ago. Nothing really left and I am getting a thorough cleansing of my system (oh is that first toke going to be killa' - for a couple of weeks the headaches will be slayed like a mo-fo!!!).

Having a mental disease makes it different. You have to watch everything a lot closer and question every response and every result. Time consuming to be sure.


I worry sometimes that marijuana usage makes my mental disease worse for some of the personalities. Everyone has their own reaction to it and if I space out too much then I end up with problems switching all the time. I can always tell when it happens because I miss big chunks of time during the day.

I keep looking for the ideal combination of anti-psychotics that will help me control the switching and the unsocial symptoms of anxiety attacks (when I come back - what happened?) depression and mania. To this I have to add the addictive reflexes that are aggravated by the all-day headache pain.

Sometimes it is hard and I have the tendency to rely upon my marijuana crutch, so I worry. I get more and more paranoid and have to take a deep breath and walk away from the pipe for a few days, weeks or months. I'm just starting a grow now and I ran out of weed a little while ago. Nothing really left and I am getting a thorough cleansing of my system (oh is that first toke going to be killa' - for a couple of weeks the headaches will be slayed like a mo-fo!!!).

Having a mental disease makes it different. You have to watch everything a lot closer and question every response and every result. Time consuming to be sure.
Bi-polar? Sorry to hear.

Also, street weed definitely makes you feel groggy, detached, generally not good. It's, i'm assuming, a combination of improper growing (over-ferts, to the point where they can just handle it), no flushing, fast dry or not proper drying with no cure and possible use of pesticides/fungicides during flower with no washing to remove the chems. All these with uncontrolled street weed I think, including genetics would play into the anxeity/depression, detached feelings. I know if I smoke a friends homegrown bush I may get anxious when high, but I don't feel like I have smoked the next day (no hang-over) etc.

Would smoking to much chlorophyl (from smoking fan leaves) cause any problems?


I have never met a man or woman I admire, respect, or aspire to be on any level who uses cannabis daily in my day-to-day life. There have been some that get by O.K., but none that are doing anything even remotely inspirational to me.

Using this as a guide, I've taken the hint and applied it to my life. I suggest others do this as well. Yes, anti-marijuana propaganda was repulsive and annoying. But alas now it's time to act like grown-ups about this issue. This is a drug. A drug that completely alters your reality in the moment. When you are under the influence of a mind-altering drug for literally most of your life, are you seriously surprised that there are intellectual consequences?

Come on guys.


Well the cannabinoids are really just mimicking molecules already in our body, so in that sense, it's not so much a 'drug' as other 'drugs'. But indeed, anything overdone as people have said is bad, but in moderation and occasionally all day is ok- IMO. I just watched super high me, the only negative consequence of him smoking all day everyday for 30 days was a little weight gain, maths skills lacked a little and a 2% decrease in lung capacity.

Each to their own. BTW, the smoking lately has been going great! Keeping regular sleeping patterns, eat healthy and add in some exercise and I can smoke without feeling detached or anxious, though some days I simply chose not to smoke. Cheers all!

Oh, again about the chlorophyll question, is it bad to smoke it?


sunshine in a bag
I smoke as often as I have bud.

I pretty much smoke all the time, but I have always felt detached from everything around me.

I'm kind of different I guess, I find that the weed helps me deal with that feeling of indifference/apathy for other people, and I am much more compassionate when I'm high :)


Lammen Gorthaur
...Would smoking to much chlorophyl (from smoking fan leaves) cause any problems?

I usually water cure my grows so chlorophylls or loads of additional toxins are not an issue I usually have to deal with.

thanks for the concern and the thought. K++



mpd, I was at one stage in my life 'diagnosed' with bi-polar. I could be wrong and actually have it, but I haven't any real evidence as of yet that would convince me. However, when I was going through a bad period in my life, I was placed on tegretol (after many others, lithium, zoloft, prozac, others I can't remember) and found it worked the best. The only bad side effect I really felt was dizziness if I missed a dose or went to high. It kept the moods mostly stable. Best of luck, it sucks having to deal with mental illnesses ontop of an already challenging life.


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