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for PA The Barry Busch Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act of 2009


call the people above even if they are not your local rep

these folks are making the choice for all Pennsylvanians

they sit on the health committee so you have the right to call them


so whens the next update on the bill?

is it looking good, 50/50, or bad?


the next update to the Bill will come when enough people call the health committee members above.

it is not looking good right now



Recently Rep. Katie True claimed Medical Marijuana isn't necessary, that patients have access to MarinolT (The $16,000 a year alternative); this is the same lame argument we've heard from Rep. Keller, another Republican. Apparently these Representitives don't bother to check the cost of their "Alternative" to HB 1393, or they just don't care. Rep. True has announced she will attempt to keep the Bill from ever getting to the House floor for a vote. She sits on the HHS Committee where the Bill is presently, awaiting a July hearing. If she keeps the Bill locked in Committee there is little hope it will pass anytime soon, as it will take a Democrat Majority for it to pass on to the Senate where it is sure to get ugly. I don't think Representitive True, or Keller has dealt with constant pain for 16 years, but I bet if they had they'd have a little more compassion for the sick and injured. 13 other states have approved Medical Marijuana and 5 other states have legislation pending. There has been no credible evidence of increased crime, or use, due to the Med. Laws. A company called Capital Advantage, from Atlanta,GA has a pre-written letter for opponents of HB 1393 to sign and send to their Rep.'s, it's full of lies and disinformation and even has the made up line about more compassion clubs than Starbucks out in California, invented by Bush's Drug Czar. The site also says Marijuana plants produce 1-5 lbs.? And of course mentions Marinol and all the other opiates available for pain which have side effects. Please contact these Rep.'s if you are unfortunate enough to have them representing your District, and write (Email) to the HHS committee and Rep. Cohen in support of HB 1393. Ask those who say "Marinol is your alternative", how you are supposed to afford MarinolT when it costs $1,350.00 a Month/$16,000 a year!!!!
We are asking for a Quality of life decision on a controversial subject,due to years of false information, but to hear these buffoons talk you'd think all us "pot heads", who pay taxes too, are just looking for an excuse to get high, never mind the evidence of its benefits and technology like the Vaporizer eliminating the smoke hazard they use to deny legalization.
After years of pain I feel like I'm going nuts. I can't do many of the things people take for granted. I no longer Hunt or Fish and I was such an avid fisherman that I fished for steelhead in the dead of winter. Never mind that medications aren't working and your life is a living Hell due to pain and the affects of medications for pain. The state keeps me in poverty due to the states workers' comp. laws written by Insurance carriers and Republicans supported, Gov. Ridge really screwed workers in 1996. I intend to go to Harrisburg when the Bill is being heard in HHS Committee, I suggest you try to make time to go too. With Republicans preparing for a fight, we should at least show them to be the Gutless cowards they are and fight back.Please vote in the poll in the Off Topic catagory on MarinolT. THANKS!

« Last Edit: June 20, 2009, 03:31:36 PM by medicine man »


not a shock at all

get outside the Philly region and you are deep in Ignorant Republican Fuck You Territory. Guns God and Hate.

The antithesis of Pot Smokers. They hate us cause we are beautiful.

I disagree with the strategy of contacting other reps. They do not care if you can not vote for them.



just the other day i was drivng down a highway in the lehigh valley area dand say a medical sign so glad to see there are people out there working the streets


ive contacted all that i can, but if they refuse to listen to anyone, how is there change?


do you know of any more gatherings to talk about this or more protests for support?


New member
Thanks for the post. See The Medical Movement at www.MedicalMovement.com and Pennsylvanians for Medical Marijuana at www.PA4MMJ.org for more information on Medical Marijuana in PA Day, Saturday, July 11.

Chuck is lobbying today and predicts HB 1393 will pass the House Health and Human Services Committee by at least 16-10 and maybe 19-7. Thanks for all you do.

Jeff Spangler, Political Advisor for Chuck Homan and The Medical Movement


Damn well bet your socks i will be at the Pittsburgh July 11th candlelight vigil in Schenley Park.



if it does pass the HHS, where does it go next? What are the chances of it becoming law if HHS passes it?



if it does pass the HHS, where does it go next? What are the chances of it becoming law if HHS passes it?

if it does not pass HHS then it goes down the toilet

making a law in PA see PDF



Pennsylvanians for Medical Marijuana www.MedicalMovement.com


CONTACT: Chris Goldstein 215-586-3483 [email protected]
Statewide Candlelight Vigils Announced for Medical Marijuana in PA
On July 11th 2009, PA4MMJ (Pennsylvanians for Medical Marijuana) will be participating in awareness events in Pittsburgh, Harrisburg and Philadelphia. These simultaneous candlelight vigils for medical marijuana access in Pennsylvania will remember those victims of Prohibition who have died waiting for legal cannabis access. Advocates will show support for HB 1393, active legislation to bring a modern medical marijuana program to the Commonwealth.
Medical patients who would qualify under the bill are strongly encouraged to attend, if physically able. Supporters are encouraged to remember friends or family with photos and signs. Supporting groups include medical-freedom.com, pa4mmj.org, phillynorml.org, medicalmovement.com and wonpr.org

TIME: 8:30PM – 10:00PM
LOCATION: 5th and Market Streets at Independence National Historical Park Visitor’s Center.

CONTACT: Chris Goldstein – 215-586-3483 - [email protected]
INFO: Some candles will be provided. If you bring candles, please bring them in glass holders that will catch all the wax. Organized speakers from PA4MMJ will address those gathered. More information and a full list of speakers will be released at www.pa4mmj.org prior to the event.


TIME: 2-4 and 8:30-10PM
LOCATION: Third and State Streets on the Capitol Steps
CONTACT: Chuck Homan 717-235-2840 and Jeff Spangler 703-465-1795 [email protected] [email protected]
INFO: Our friends in The Medical Movement coordinate Harrisburg events. The local PA group plans a Medical Marijuana Educational March on the Capitol past Strawberry Square to Market Square from 2PM-4PM. A candlelight vigil will also be held on the Capitol Steps at 8:30 PM. See www.MedicalMovement.com for more information before July 11.


TIME: 8:30PM – 10:00PM
LOCATION: Flagstaff Hill in Schenley Park
CONTACT: Patrick Nightingale 412.454.5582, National NORML Legal Committee member

INFO: Some candles will be provided. If you bring candles, please bring them in glass holders that will catch all the wax.
On April 29, 2009 State Representative Mark B. Cohen of Philadelphia introduced HB1393, a bill that would create a medical marijuana program for Pennsylvania. The bill has been referred to the House Health and Human Services Committee with public hearings expected this summer. HB 1393 includes provision to tax the sale of medical cannabis through Compassion Centers.

PA4MMJ from Philadelphia holds the vigil on July 11th to mark the passing of Barry Busch, a local activist who passed away from HIV/AIDS complications in 2007. Barry inspired the local medical marijuana effort. William Haney of medical-freedom.com, who helped organize vigils with Barry when he was alive said, “The candlelight vigil commemorates deceased and living patients, diagnosed with one of the conditions for which cannabis is a medically recognized palliative.”

This year the vigil has added meaning as active supporters will gather across the commonwealth for the legal medical marijuana access that could be afforded by HB 1393.

For information or interviews with medical marijuana patients in PA please contact PA4MMJ media coordinator Chris Goldstein 215-586-3483 or email [email protected]


New member
Medical Marijuana Day in Pennsylvania this Saturday, July 11
with simultaneous events in Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.
The Harrisburg March is from 2-4 PM at the Capitol steps, and the
Candlelight Vigils are in all three cities from 8:30 until 10 PM.


As we've done before at the Capitol, we'll carry signs (Chuck's and homemade), march peacefully and lawfully from the Capitol past Strawberry Square to Market Square, hand out pamphlets, engage any interested citizens in civil discussion of why HB 1393 is an issue of medical compassionate for patients suffering from debilitating diseases, and urge more people to contact their Pennsylvania Representatives and Senators.


The MoveOn.org Candlelight Vigils I've done in DC start with greetings, a few brief speakers on the MMJ message and why we honor the suffering, then maybe break into circles of 5-10 to tell each person's story of who they know and why MMJ might have helped, using words, photos, artifacts and mementos. Plenty of good press photo ops with flickering candles and a few signs, preferably with PA4MMJ and Medical Movement websites. Handouts with basic talking points and core advocate contacts. Bring candles, drip guards, electric lights, flashlights, cell phones BUT NO LASERS. Any other ideas? Thanks for coming out!

Thanks for all you do.

Jeff Spangler, Press Agent for The Medical Movement and Chuck Homan. www.MedicalMovement.com, www.JeffreySpangler.com



Pittsburgh is calling for horrible, severe thunderstorms/lightning/rain/hail all day tomorrow, July 11th. On into the evening hours, with forecasters saying the rain will let off around 11PM.

In this case, is the PGH event postponed, canceled or still go on? There is no roof cover on flagstaff hill.


boo Katie True personal vendetta Mark Keller Mr. Marinol

boo Katie True personal vendetta Mark Keller Mr. Marinol

if your wondering what the running total is for yes and no

please see these links below

running tally of our legislators positions at




If you or your friends have not emailed or called you better do so

If you want Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana

http://www.phillynorml.org/forum/index.php join us
I crunched some numbers and wrote up a little article. I'm not sure what I want to do with it.. I sent it off to one of the lobbyists for the Marijuana Policy Project; but I figured I'd put it here too.

At first I was writing it intending to send it into a local newspaper. I finished it though and I wasn't sure if all of the information that I had in it had been pulled together specifically for PA.

Anyway - It's kind of long - read it if you want to. Suggestions on any changes and where to send it would be much appreciated.



The commonwealth of Pennsylvania is experiencing a state-wide deficit of approximately 2.3 billion dollars. According to the Commonwealth Foundation, it is not a lack of revenue, but over-spending that produced this budget deficit. In order to fill this gap, there have been all kinds of proposals; it has been stated that everything should be on the table. I would like to make a new proposal: the legalization for medical use and decriminalization of Marijuana.
Pennsylvania spends millions of dollars enforcing Marijuana prohibition. According to the Miron report, published in June of 2005, Pennsylvania could save millions of dollars with Marijuana decriminalization alone. Data shows that 16,471 of the 493,339 arrests made in PA in the year 2000 were for Marijuana charges. Of these 16,471 arrests, approximately half of them were for Marijuana possession alone. That’s nearly 8000 people that were arrested, charged, and run through the judicial system using Pennsylvania’s tax money for possessing a small quantity of Marijuana for personal use.
As unemployment rises and the state deficit continues to increase, Pennsylvanians have to ask if this is worth it. Looking at the Police, Judicial, and Corrections budget from the year 2000 shows that the Commonwealth spent 198.33 million dollars on marijuana prohibition; adjusting for inflation that’s approximately 245.64 million dollars annually spent on the capture, incarceration, and “rehabilitation” of Marijuana users.
With one modification to existing policy, Pennsylvania’s annual deficit could be decreased by one quarter of a billion dollars. This is not a radical proposition - Pennsylvania would become the 15th state to adopt a similar model joining the ranks of: Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington.
Marijuana as a medical treatment is legitimate. Ten years ago, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) published a comprehensive report commissioned by the Office of National Drug Control Policy, entitled "Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base." Among many other things, the IOM concluded that further research on the medical utility of marijuana and individual cannabinoids was warranted and that resources should be devoted to developing alternate, smoke-free delivery systems (http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/no-index/about-ama/13625.shtml). Since then, a further study has concluded proving that inhalation of marijuana smoke does not cause cancer, and if anything, maybe have a protective effect against cancer. This study was conducted by UCLA’s lung specialist Dr. Donald Tashkin, and is one of the most comprehensive studies on the subject to date.
Other studies from sources that are as reputable as this one have concluded that these shifts in policy had no effect on the overall use of Marijuana by people, and that this shift in policy did not have a negative effect on crime rate either (http://norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=6696#summary).
Legalization for medical use and decriminalization of Marijuana would decrease Pennsylvania’s budget deficit by 250 million dollars. Furthermore, scientific studies shown that Marijuana does have medicinal value and that it does not cause cancer like smoking cigarettes as was initially feared. All of the other myths concerning Marijuana (Gateway Drug, the killing of brain cells, that it makes people lazy, etc.) have since been debunked. These things coupled with the fact that ending Marijuana Prohibition would save the state 250 million dollars a year need to be considered and taken into account for; Pennsylvania should push to legalize for medicinal use and decriminalize Marijuana.