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Following Your Dreams? Literally


Lover of Life
So, around the New Year, like the 1st thru the 3rd or so..I had several dreams..one of them was about travelling, one was about some video game, and one was of me doing a stand up set and making people crack up.

So that third dream, about being a stand up comic...it felt so real..and it felt so good, that I had this wild idea to follow through with it. Next Thursday, I'm going to be doing my first open mic night.

I don't know exactly where it will go, but, I feel like trying this and I have a positive feeling about it and I think it could come true.

I've always had people go "Damn, you're funny", but never really tried it out on stage. Can't wait :)


Do it man.....
Never know till you try. Id rather fail than wonder my whole life about the what ifs, to me thats the REAL failure. The one who never even tries.


What were we talking about?
Last time I followed my dream, it ended in a restraining order . . .
I also want to add that I've personally noticed that if I have a precognitive dream it usually means big changes are happening... I would take it as a (good) omen. The last one I had was 2 days before the cops showed up at my last spot.


if it smells like fish
good luck ..people say I am funny too but I don't think I would make a good stand up comic...good for you tho on following your dreams ...I hope ya crush it ...stand out front and get peeps high beforehand lol...yeehaw..I very rarely remember my dreams but I also don't sleep well ..haven't slept any amount of time in 3 days even using sleeping pills this new prescription sucks TRAZADONE blows..they just don't give out the good stuff anymore...and no I aint a tweeker or anything


Respect for doing what most would only dream of.
Prepare the fuck out of your routine and you'll do great.
Break a leg!

Green Squall

Well-known member
Nice! The world needs more comedians. Do you have a certain kind of comedy your into? Personally, I like Curb Your Enthusiasm type humor.

Here's a quick link.


You also chose the most realistic and mature of your three dreams in my opinion. Everyone want's to travel, but it takes serious money. Video games are fun, but they don't accomplish anything and are kind of a waste of time.

Good luck on your new venture. I could be a comedian if I didn't suck at talking in front of large crowds. Hate it!


Lover of Life
thank you all so much for the kind and positive encouragement! I totally appreciate it, you guys rock!

I really like Joe Rogan, Joey Diaz, Bill Burr, Louis CK...I love the east coast type of comedy that is just in your face and kind of aggressive. I don't really know what my style would be until I get on stage, but, I like to tell stories..I have tons of funny stories.

I'm still going over my short routine..I think I've got roughly 5 to 10 min. maybe...I know I can pull off 3 easy, but I don't know how long I could actually go; theres gotta be a time limit of sorts at an open mic.


Lover of Life
So, I found a place that does open mics near me. I think there's actually several in the area.

I'll be doing my first open mic next Thursday at 7pm.

I've got some material that's about 4 to 5 minutes long..some pot jokes for sure with a few other funny things.


Well-known member
Good luck to you man...props on having the courage to follow those dreams!

Green Squall

Well-known member
Just an idea for some pot jokes, don't be afraid to poke fun at yourself a little. You could probably come up with some clever jokes on how you ended up on probation or something like that.


Lover of Life
So, I recently joined the gym. Noticed that when i get sweaty, I smell like weed...like really bad. It's like a skunk walked into the room and farted Northern Lights everywhere. I had a girl literally get up and leave the rowing machine she was on after I got a good sweat going.


Lover of Life
So, it's been like a month since I posted this..going up this week though for sure..the weather has been good so no shitty roads on the way up there and back...I'm still a bit nervous, but it's a positive feeling nervous energy..I have no fear about standing up and making a fool of myself if that happens...I've got 5 minutes that I feel confident in right now..pretty much got it memorized with a few little exceptions that I'm still working on.

thanks for all the positive vibes and encouragement everyone :)


Active member
People think I'm making it up, but I've probably had 20 dreams in 20 years. When I'm dreaming it means someone is trespassing or something is wrong that I need to check into.

The first time I thought I had died was at least 20 years ago after spinning 360 degrees on one wheel in a truck that got plowed by another truck. I had a dream right around that time.

Funny enough, I had a dream last night. But I was poisoned earlier this week by a critter that's now on it's last leg, so it's just the venom working it's way out of my system. I've had two dreams as a result. The hardest part about being poisoned or bitten is you have to be very still or you'll be permanently still.


Lover of Life
So I'm just going over my material and trying to get more of a feel for it so I can improvise a little bit on stage. I've got it memorized, now I need to add a few funny words and descriptions..like the funny names of strains of weed..I'm going to, in one of my jokes, go something like "There's lots of strains and some weird names too..funny names..non sense names..names like Deadhead OG, Bubba Kush...Stinky Gorilla Butt."

anyways, tomorrow is going to be fun and then I'm going out of town for a road trip on Friday..should be fun man, see you guys next week and I'll let you know how it goes.


Lover of Life
It's now or never...gotta be a soldier like Joey Diaz says..get up there on stage and do my thing man.

T minus 5 hours and counting..lol..I can't believe I'm going to do this..this is so f'n crazy and different.