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Florida to drug test Welfare recipiients.


I tell my children - Teachers - CPA who work and own homes in FL Scott is what happens when you are too lazy to vote - The turnout was extra low among the young His very low approval ratings are well earned - his choosing in many cases to even listen to any one who doesn;t agree with him. Its a great state for oxi cotton sales but its crazy mean to pot smokers/growers He seems fine with taking money from homeless vets/pre schools/++ and giving it to the rich - I have lived in FL 25+ yrs and like most of it but the drug policys are just mean/costly/unfair/wasteful/unfairly applied. Children learn your lesson - VOTE
good growing


Game Bred
How does Rick Scott, the biggest fraudster-criminal in the history of Medicare enjoy the status of typical big business/government?

Folks aren't overwhelmed by reasoning and logic. They're overwhelmed by ideology and the pandering that insures they'll never know the difference between the rabbit and the skunk.

folks aren't overwhelmed by the merits(or lack thereof)of the actual legislation. They're overwhelmed by the obfuscation of making this about the governor(ad hominem).
kinda like the bullshit distraction of weiner's weiner...

i thought the subject was legislation not the indictment of elected officials?


weed fiend
Because it's tough to talk about welfare queens when the boss is Capone.

It's tough to talk about welfare when Rick Scott shows how criminal enterprise is done white-collar style.

The hardest part to discuss is no statistics backing Scott's proposals as economically driven. Ask Scott Walker to try that tired budget-saving argument after he spent more state money than his predecessors. That's not economics driven policy, it's economically irresponsible ideology.
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weed fiend
folks aren't overwhelmed by the merits(or lack thereof)of the actual legislation. They're overwhelmed by the obfuscation of making this about the governor(ad hominem).
kinda like the bullshit distraction of weiner's weiner...

i thought the subject was legislation not the indictment of elected officials?

Nice distraction. Scott bought himself a $1.7 billion weiner. Now he's having anal sex with the taxpayer.

stickey fingers

i am tired of paying for alchol and ciggerates for people that want to sit
on there ASS, while i work my ass off ! the people who really need
wafare never get it ! mean while all the FUCK NUTS RAPE the system !
i wonder how many mid west farmmers are collecting WALEFARE gov subsides
not to grow, while they cook the meth FUS


I'm sure more an more will jump on the bandwagon if this isnt stopped.
Funny thing is once again this is only for potheads... others drugs are out of your system too fast and Florida is the biggest dealer of opiates.. as Cali is to MMJ Florida is to Oxy.

But if you have a script you're protected unless of coarse you smoke pot.

Come on ACLU


Active member
I'm sure more an more will jump on the bandwagon if this isnt stopped.
Funny thing is once again this is only for potheads... others drugs are out of your system too fast and Florida is the biggest dealer of opiates.. as Cali is to MMJ Florida is to Oxy.

But if you have a script you're protected unless of coarse you smoke pot.

Come on ACLU
I thought it was Cali to MMJ as Florida is to blow..

.. Kinda wish i had some, it's been a few years.

rick shaw

Its sad when government picks on the poor.

Its pathetic when people who grow for a living do it.

To get food stamps you have to be in poverty level,under $9,000 a year.

If people are poor don't kick them. Get over it.


But the govt is paying them to buy food and housing, not luxury items like drugs...
Its a shitty situation all the way around.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Welfare in a Free Market.

Can't dance, no problem. Here's a job you can sleep on.

Sorry, I forgot this shit is hosted in Europe.
Site could probably get sued for an American's jokes:(
Can you see what you call racism/racist comments, could be seen differently by many others? One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.
Shit, you grow weed. You are a criminal! Like me.
Take note Europe.
'The Second Amendment, Your Insurance Policy for the First'


Game Bred


weed fiend
folks aren't overwhelmed by the merits(or lack thereof)of the actual legislation. They're overwhelmed by the obfuscation of making this about the governor(ad hominem).
kinda like the bullshit distraction of weiner's weiner...

i thought the subject was legislation not the indictment of elected officials?

I can't resist the question. How are references to perceived, career moochers any less ad hominem without any statistics to represent why Scott's law appears economically viable?

IMHO, that's opening up the opportunity to ad hominem that Rick will always be a crook.

I offer that fraud is fact in this case [and] relevant. The supposition that once-a-welfare-queen, always-a-welfare-queen opens up the opportunity to suggest that Scott will never fly straight with the taxpayer.

Here's an idea that might deter us from resulting to ad hominem attacks. We could reference statistical history to point to our assumptions rather than making assumptions based on political pandering and/or oversimplification. - One side has actually tied tangible aspects to Scott personally, not to mention his law hasn't in-the-least proved to be economically viable. Scott hasn't even offered preliminary statistics that his law saves money because he has to assume a certain number of violators along with the level of their transgressions.

We know what Scott has done in the name of profits. He defrauded the Medicare program so blatantly that he's the national poster-boy of social fraud. No wonder he has to posture that so many Floridians violate revenues that his law will cost less.

I can't prove it until the fat lady sings but I offer that Scott's law will expand his economy while contracting Florida's. That's based on economics, not political differences.
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How do you call yourself hashguy and hang out in a Cannabis growers forum and proclaim if you are tested all should be. When was the last time you were tested? Did they give you three months notice to clean up? Is bullshit your middle name.
its the fucking truth i was tested when i first got my job 11 years ago and would be randomly tested if i was operating a machine for my job and now these days you cant even get a decent job without good credit aint that a bitch...... second my wife was born disabled talking 85 -90 percent disabled so i now whats up i have grown up around junkies weed smokers all my life it runs in my family ..... iv tried almost every drug if your clean you aint got no problem... and if i lost my job guess what i would quit smoking weed at least till i had another job to support my habit that i enjoy but its not my life..... look i dont like the government laws but they are what they are i deal the best i can me myself dont like depending on nobody and i think a large portion of these benefits recepients are abusive of the help they get....they aint no jobs explain a man with severe mental retardation working at walmart is he at home collecting a free check ? no he wants more so he working for it my best man is faking being mentally crazy and is collecting on that why? cause his words "i dont do that 9-5 bullshit "mean while he sells kush making 65 dollars an eight collecting disabilty laughing his ass to the bank ...look im working being taxed for social security that wont be there when im that age which will be 90 by the time it comes around to me ...maybe i should snap and yell at the people at my job and fake being crazy to collect on everyone elses taxes i need a fucking vacation..... either you want to work or you dont or your really sick like my wife ...its like when i see and 65 year old lady in a new benz and the are parking in the handicap space and nothing is wrong with her mean while im looking for parking so i can put my wife in her wheelchair and have room to do so..... it just aint right ...and for someone who says they dont like cops that is not fair most police mean well and like someone else said just cause theres a few bad apple police you throw the whole batch away ? your wrong and if your your getting offended then you need to look at your self its not my problem i got my own problems ive had a shity life but i still dont feel entitled to anything i work for what i want (like my dank) even if it takes me years i work for it dont get mad cause i speak my mind ....and its hashyguy not hashguy ... peace im out


weed fiend
its the fucking truth i was tested when i first got my job 11 years ago and would be randomly tested if i was operating a machine for my job and now these days you cant even get a decent job without good credit aint that a bitch...

Alright, the key word there is random. If one is subject to random testing, their operation is. If one is only subject to transgressional testing, it's transgression related. The operation doesn't have to subject all to same (until they themselves ferk up.)

Subjecting assistance recipients to mandatory testing is IMO unethical because the executive has neither the random aspect that aggregates up the chain of operation nor the transgression.

... second my wife was born disabled talking 85 -90 percent disabled so i now whats up i have grown up around junkies weed smokers all my life it runs in my family ...
I empathize that your wife is disabled. Personal association with junkies is something we have varied exposure toward. IMO, the fact we know of junkies shouldn't make us subject to proof or not, so long as we don't break the law or transgress the testing authority.

.. iv tried almost every drug if your clean you aint got no problem... and if i lost my job guess what i would quit smoking weed at least till i had another job to support my habit that i enjoy but its not my life..
IMO, you just suggested it is your life for limiting consumption to pass a test. The problem is, weed smokers don't necessarily pay for their vice and if they did there's no data that suggests they're bilking the system any more than folks who spend their money on expensive additions to the home, additions that don't have to pee in a cup or take a blood test.

When we get down to it, how one spends their money isn't justification to get high off the state any more than it is justified to force then into proving the alternative.

.. look i dont like the government laws but they are what they are i deal the best i can me myself dont like depending on nobody and i think a large portion of these benefits recepients are abusive of the help they get..
I hate testing too because weed ain't bad but it stays in the system for months. How would you like to be subjected to a random you had no forewarning of? Might have to detox for 8 weeks before you'd pass. Just because your circumstances provide a bit of forewarning doesn't necessarily mean others are in their circumstances. At this point, you're situation is somewhat padded compared to others with surprise testing when they lose a job through no fault of their own. Assuming they go on to spend their assistance on drugs is speculation and isn't ethically warranted.

Would you like to be fingerprinted for no reason other than ideology that says assistance rolls go on to commit crime so they're gonna nip you in the bud and register your identity with law enforcement before the fact?

You might think my analogy is odd but so is testing when the suggestion is economics but hasn't been estimated, let alone proven. I know it's in the backs of our minds that fraud is depleting our own personal success but there nothing to suggest that assistance keeps the dope boat afloat.

..they aint no jobs explain a man with severe mental retardation working at walmart is he at home collecting a free check ? no he wants more so he working for it my best man is faking being mentally crazy and is collecting on that why? cause his words "i dont do that 9-5 bullshit "mean while he sells kush making 65 dollars an eight collecting disabilty laughing his ass to the bank ...look im working being taxed for social security that wont be there when im that age which will be 90 by the time it comes around to me ...maybe i should snap and yell at the people at my job and fake being crazy to collect on everyone elses taxes i need a fucking vacation..... either you want to work or you dont or your really sick like my wife ...its like when i see and 65 year old lady in a new benz and the are parking in the handicap space and nothing is wrong with her mean while im looking for parking so i can put my wife in her wheelchair and have room to do so..... it just aint right .
IMHO, you're falling for the pandering without the benefit of data that says three people represent the gambit of potential transgressions.

..and for someone who says they dont like cops that is not fair most police mean well and like someone else said just cause theres a few bad apple police you throw the whole batch away ?

That's exactly what you're suggesting. A few bad-apple assistance recipients are no justification to throw folks off the dole collectively, just because they smoked a joint, got caught and lose their paid-in funding to help get to the next job.

your wrong and if your your getting offended then you need to look at your self its not my problem i got my own problems ive had a shity life but i still dont feel entitled to anything i work for what i want (like my dank) even if it takes me years i work for it dont get mad cause i speak my mind ....and its hashyguy not hashguy ... peace im out
I empathize with your circumstances. However your assumptions of what's happening outside your perception is best illuminated with facts instead of personal outlook.

Don't forget that one day, someone's personal outlook may unethically subject you to scrutiny whether you transgress or not.

peace to you and yours.

Billy Jack

This type of dialogue is what makes me happy to be back at IC.

I've always enjoyed my time here because of the amount of thoughtful discussion from so many people of varied walks of life. Rare moments of offensive posts are removed quickly, and the dialogue continues. I've learned a lot from folks here and am pretty damn happy to be back.

A huge "Thank You" to you all for keepin' it civil. Disco, Dag, HashyGuy and most everyone else. It's exactly what I was hoping to come back to.

Enough sentimentality, I've got a Godbud dom Godberry spliff rolled, ready and callin' my name but I just wanted say thanks and it's great to be here again.
Alright, the key word there is random. If one is subject to random testing, their operation is. If one is only subject to transgressional testing, it's transgression related. The operation doesn't have to subject all to same (until they themselves ferk up.)

Subjecting assistance recipients to mandatory testing is IMO unethical because the executive has neither the random aspect that aggregates up the chain of operation nor the transgression.

I empathize that your wife is disabled. Personal association with junkies is something we have varied exposure toward. IMO, the fact we know of junkies shouldn't make us subject to proof or not, so long as we don't break the law or transgress the testing authority.

IMO, you just suggested it is your life for limiting consumption to pass a test. The problem is, weed smokers don't necessarily pay for their vice and if they did there's no data that suggests they're bilking the system any more than folks who spend their money on expensive additions to the home, additions that don't have to pee in a cup or take a blood test.

When we get down to it, how one spends their money isn't justification to get high off the state any more than it is justified to force then into proving the alternative.

I hate testing too because weed ain't bad but it stays in the system for months. How would you like to be subjected to a random you had no forewarning of? Might have to detox for 8 weeks before you'd pass. Just because your circumstances provide a bit of forewarning doesn't necessarily mean others are in their circumstances. At this point, you're situation is somewhat padded compared to others with surprise testing when they lose a job through no fault of their own. Assuming they go on to spend their assistance on drugs is speculation and isn't ethically warranted.

Would you like to be fingerprinted for no reason other than ideology that says assistance rolls go on to commit crime so they're gonna nip you in the bud and register your identity with law enforcement before the fact?

You might think my analogy is odd but so is testing when the suggestion is economics but hasn't been estimated, let alone proven. I know it's in the backs of our minds that fraud is depleting our own personal success but there nothing to suggest that assistance keeps the dope boat afloat.

IMHO, you're falling for the pandering without the benefit of data that says three people represent the gambit of potential transgressions.

That's exactly what you're suggesting. A few bad-apple assistance recipients are no justification to throw folks off the dole collectively, just because they smoked a joint, got caught and lose their paid-in funding to help get to the next job.

I empathize with your circumstances. However your assumptions of what's happening outside your perception is best illuminated with facts instead of personal outlook.

Don't forget that one day, someone's personal outlook may unethically subject you to scrutiny whether you transgress or not.

peace to you and yours.

to keep this short everyone has ther own view mine is aimed at those who are taking advantage and while your waiting to detox there are other jobs you can find that dont drug test shity jobs yes but a job none the less only reason i bring up personal things is cause im being called out as a bullshitter when i do believe in in hands outs for those in need just not to those who know in there own mind they are taking advantage its just wrong period ...i except the fact that i might be screwed for smoking pot but ill just have to find a way to deal if it means washing dishes im washing dishes ...but im going to make it thru no excuse i say this cause of my wife if your abled body and can do anykind of job do it my wife gets her medicare cut cause there aint enough money to go around.... its not her fault she was born with her condition she still managed to go to college graduate and get her teaching credential when she got her first teaching job i got her ready every morning for school.... she tryed her hardest to keep her job only to have a lazy ass assistant flake and quit on her cause she could not work anymore cause her welfare was approved this just hits close to my heart once again to me there is no good excuse not to do this ...you can walk you can work ...and this will be my final rant thank you for listening
(oh yeah i do get finger printed and background check for both my jobs once a year)
i aint nobody free health care for everybody !


Game Bred
A huge "Thank You" to you all for keepin' it civil. Disco, Dag, HashyGuy and most everyone else.

holy shit hell just froze over!!!!
i've been called alot of things but civil?!?!?
wel sir i never!!!

note the use of the sarcasm font ;)


One day you will have to answer to the children of
you can walk you can work ...
Not if I can make 200K+/yr getting you your food stamps.

"Vote Socialist... 'Cause Communism doesn't work."
Socialist Unionized Colorado Kommunist, Associated Secret Socialist Enlightened Society. (a.k.a. 'Suck Asses')

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