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Florida Growers Thread

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Guest 18340

Fucking A Tropical! Right up my alley, Got some borrowed Bubblebags for some Grapefruit/blueberry that yield suffered from the cold.
Teach bro, I'm watching.
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komrade komura

Active member
Florida Eastern Colony (UK)

Florida Eastern Colony (UK)

Woke up this morning...looked out the window in England.

Snow...fucking snow!!! I hate fucking snow!

Fortunately, I grow indoors.

Hey anybody use that jr. ozone generator? A friend in Florida has only two plants and needs something for smell.

Not that one....this one:

Remember only 2 plants....whatcha think?

komrade komura


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Both sound great Ioni, but me personally i would go with the mob boss...or better yet why not grow both??? Cant have to many strains in your garden ya know:D

Looks like some tasty hash there tropical

Whut up to everyone else...smokin on some Coastal Collision right now, and its like jimmy walker, its DYNOMITE!!!! lol...peace

Guest 18340

What up Spicoli. You missed a helluva session with some cool folks. We'll put the call out again soon for sure.

Ioni, i'm with Spicoli, pop both of them, can't ever have too much of a variety:biggrin:
Make room bro:whistling:


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Ya i know im pissed...wish i could have made it...next time for sure though...peace


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
ya def a bong man myself...love vapes but can beat a nice BR (Bong Rip):D...peace


Active member
Fucking A Tropical! Right up my alley, Got some borrowed Bubblebags for some Grapefruit/blueberry that yield suffered from the cold.
Teach bro, I'm watching.

I certainly don't claim to be an expert on bubble hash. I only did one run. Everything I know came from posts by bubble man at OverGrow and his video on Pot TV.

One tip I forgot to mention in my last post: reuse your spent trim for Cannabutter. After you run your trim through the bags, you can take it out and put it in a pot of boiling water and a stick of butter. Use about a third or quarter as much butter as you would use for the same trim if it hadn't been run through the bags first. Then, the Cannabutter will turn out just as potent.

EDIT: That last tip is the only one that didn't come from bubble man.


Active member
When is their enough agitation?

There is a tradeoff between yield and purity. Bubble man is a purist. He thinks a little stirring with a wooden spoon is enough agitation. Some people run the trim through the bags once with just the wooden spoon for the highest quality hash and then do another run with an electric cake mixer on slow to get more yield. Some would even do a third run at a higher speed for some extra hash even though it will be low quality.

More agitation, such as setting the cake mixer on high or using an electric paint mixer, will grind up the trim into tiny shreds that will pass through the filters and contaminate the hash.

I take a middle road. I run the trim through the bubble bags one time with an electric cake mixer on slow. It is too much work to do an entire run of seven bags with just the wooden spoon too. Instead of doing a second run at a higher speed, I use the spent trim for Cannabutter.

Guest 18340

My wife is into making Cannabutter so I'm gonna go middle of the road as well.
Chopping up buddage as i type and into the freezer overnight. I'll post the results tomorrow night. This should be interesting...

Ioni Botani

Uhhh, huh?

Uhhh, huh?

Sup Florida...space coaster here.

Shitttt..... I dunno what the hell you are talking about.

BUT on that butter note, its true.

Take all the leftover water, ice, and mash and just put some butter in it and right into a pot.
There is still some THC but mostly the CB's....still quite potent however.

They call me The Indian, cuz I use every little bit! :shooty:

Iogna Batogna

good drown

too bad this shit is illegal.
imagine renting out a meeting room in a hotel. setting up a basic AV package of lcd projector, fast fold screen, a few wireless lav mics, 2 speakers on stands, a basic hd camera and tripod for imag, and BAM. you could run some awesome seminars like...
how to make...
bubble hash
basic growing
advanced with hydro

edit: they did that shit on the wire, just no AV, and all the bosses met to discuss territory.


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
I would sign up for that. Sounds like a great idea if it could ever happen.

good drown

hrm, is it illegal to teach this, without having anything illegal in your meeting rooms?

Ioni Botani

Yeh, I believe they'd try you on conspiring and intent...plus if there are enough people they could consider it "Organized Crime" and we'd all be sitting ducks for the Feds.



Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
It would have to be a underground grow collage. All stealth. That's really organized crime.
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