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Florida Growers Thread

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Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Whut up Johnny? Good to see ya round these parts, havent seen ya in a minute. Sux to hear bout your back troubles, I can only imagine how much that must suck.

You know youll be growin again in no time :D aleast thats what I hope for ya.

Ioni lookin very nice brother. I can smell that grape from here, lookin mighty taste my friend.

Guest 88950

Johnny Rotten

sorry to hear your out due to back probs. hope all goes well if you have surgery.

one ?....can you do a small grow inside to provide some good meds or is indoors out of the question?
Thanks guys....If I have a successful surgery like the last time I should be good to go in 8 months and fully healed in a year and a half. I'll be back at it sooner or later. Time flies when heavily sedated....except for all the vomiting....time pretty much stops then.

I wish I could do an indoor grow but I'm living with a sibling and they have little ones. I would never even ask to do a grow there....I won't even bring in paraphernalia. Nothing is more important than a child having their parents around.

Hope everyone had a successful season. We've had excellent growing weather this year. Hope everyone took advantage of it.

Peace Fellas

komrade komura

Active member
Vacation cancelled: No return to the evil empire, no week on a cruise boat floating around the Caribbean with evil mutant in-laws, no seeing wife and daughters.

One of my managers quit and I have no one to replace him, so I have to do his job too for the next 6 months. Working for a global IT sweatshop sucks.


BTW - Homegrown Fantaseeds is discontinuing the REG CHEESE strain seeds. It won a cannabis cup and is one of my favourite strains, more sativa than other vendor's cheese strains. The only strain (non-hash) I ever buy a second time while in Dam. Snagging seeds while still available. Preservation project.

Sorry to hear about your back Johnny. Hope you make a full recovery. My elderly mother is recuperating from back surgery and it is slow. Let's hope yours is faster.

Graham Purwatt



dammit man,i just found out that i will be getting 2 years probabtion next month,that sucks bad.what sucks even worse is i hired a lawyer and its a pretty weak case from 06,hinging on a witness that is no longer available to testify and my attorney is doing nothing.now i've paid this guy 1500 and i'm getting nothing for it except getting my case first on the docket.they were offering 2 years probation from the jump and this guy won't even hire an investigator without my paying for it first.i'm taking the deal cause i can't afford another attorney and i sure as hell ain't going to trial with the one i have now,i'll end up with life or worse! space coasters,be careful who you hire,the brevard bar association isn't a good place to look for lawyers for sure.no more smoke for 2 years!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Shit man hate to hear that. First thing on every growers list is to put funds aside for a good attorney. If not number one on the list it should be right behind security. Always hope for the best but prepare for the worst. One thing I learned about these lawyers is most of the time you get what you pay for. They are hungry in the beginning and work hard cause they see the money. The longer the case goes the more lazy they get, cause more than likely they receive full payment. The more they cost usually the more they can bend things or know someone who can. At least this is the way it is here. Plus the PI(Private Investigator) is very important to the case. Thats another fee coming out his pockets. So if it is not worth to him he will try and get you to will and deal and plea your freedom away. Be extra careful with that probation almost like a rat trap waiting to snap. Hope the best for buddy. Im quite sure 2 years from now you will be yelling us you finish that bullshit. Keep ya head up and stay safe.

P.S. You have the avatar of being the most interesting man in the world. Have a Dos Equis you will be alright

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
I wish I could do an indoor grow but I'm living with a sibling and they have little ones. I would never even ask to do a grow there....I won't even bring in paraphernalia. Nothing is more important than a child having their parents around.

Peace Fellas

Congrats for being a man and knowing what's important in life.

Best wishes for an end to your pain and a bountiful crop ASAP!

Graham Purwatt

well,i posted my troubles too early,i am indeed going to trial and not signing the crappy deal for 2 years paper.btw,this has nothing to do with growing,this is something from 2006 before i started growing, just a really dumb decision made from having hard times. hope evryone else is faring better than me and staying safe

heady blunts

prescription blunts
grew up in broward county. just wanna say thanks if any of y'all grew the weed i smoked in high school. it was bomb.

Guest 88950


im sorry to hear of the robbery and all you can do is learn and move forward.

are you on any probation for the mm poss & paraph? if so no grow.

i understand your frustration but using a racial slur in your post is uncalled for. once you calm down a bit maybe do some editing.

there are scumbag worthless people of all ethnic backgrounds it just happens that the ones who robbed you were black.

either way i hope the get met with gunfire on their next robbery.

in polk co there was a homeowner that shot kids crawling through his window and one died and the shooter was arrested b/c of drugs & paraph., not for shooting someone.

good luck

Guest 18340

THINKING GREEN, We know each other somewhat so take this fwiw but please refrain from using racial slurs. I understand you're upset but using words like that just make you look ignorant. And I don't think you're the ignorant type so how about editing your posts.:ying:


I'm sorry if I offended anybody, I truly am. I'm entitled to my opion but I shouldn't have shared it on the boards. You guys can call me what you want I deserve it. It takes a bigger man to admit he was wrong and I'm telling you that I was wrong.


Active member
ok time to clear the air and put some plant shots in here :smoke out:

left my man to gaurd the trail to the crop :biggrin:


medi week 2

ecsd week2

c99 day 35



ecsd day 28


hope every1 had a safe halloween :pumpkin:

stay safe


cops find 20 plants, some reaching 6 foot tall after somebody called the cops because there was someone robbing the house!!!!!! HMMMM sound all to familiar. Didn't catch the county but I thought I would share with everybody.
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