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Florida Growers Thread

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Guest 16149

Thinking Green, You will have to water every day or almost everyday. I have a buddy who has what he calls Bio buckets, do not know who's idea it was but it works well. Lets see if I can describe it :) It is a 5 gallon bucket that has a PVC Pipe, about 2 inch diameter, that extends from the top to the bottom, about 1/3 of the way up from the bottom of the bucket he has a platform of wire, he puts a paper towel over the wire and puts in his soil, he then uses the pipe to fill the bottom third of the bucket with water, as the plant grows the roots grow down into the water, he has to water only every 2 or 3 days this way, just a suggestion that may help you not have to go see the plants every day, hope it helps :)


Well-known member
Well boy's and girls summers here with a vengeance, I broke a sweet walking the dog at 6AM.:toohot:

Try to stay and BE SAFE!:tiphat:

komrade komura

Active member
The high today in my part of England is 60 degrees. Ain't no summer here....EVER!!

But I ain't gotta struggle with heat build up in my cab...as long as I keep the heater turned off.

Enjoy it Khan...send some my way.
Cut my GFBB down yesterday. Little lady gave me 50 grams wet. not bad for only a foot of plant. Weighed 30 this am.... Unlike most hollywood celebs im not a fan of rapid weight loss!!. wish it stayed the same from plant to sack.
Hey All, Finally back after an unexpected break. Computer crashed and it took me 3 days to rebuild it. I thought they were to make life easier.:wallbash:

Here are the kids at 23 days, give or take. I really should write things down. I have a photographic memory, trouble is I forgot to get it developed. LOL

Big Bertha (I hope) 23 days


Happy 23 days


Lefty 23 days


Skinny 23 days


The kids taking a bath


Home Sweet Home

So far all 4 are different. I topped everyone one but Happy. All 3 seemed stretched more than the one I didn't touch. Happy seems more compact with a very dense top. Bertha is the biggest and seems more mature than the others. Skinny is like the runt of the litter, while Lefty was abused as a child but appears to be overcoming his disabilities.

I think I'll let them veg for 3 more days before I flip them. I've read about hours and it seems like there are alot of different times. What is best 12/12, 18/6, 14.22639/9.77361? Anyone with a guess?


Happy Growing

komrade komura

Active member
Too old: Have read a lot o discussions/noise about gradual vs immediate hours changes.

I still do the immediate....12/12...straight as a pin on a timer. Don't wanna slow the process down.

Some sativas require 12 weeks...don't want to do anything to add to that time.

Hope your runt gives you good quality smoke. My last runt was really good in the end...except the harvest qty.

Remind Lefty that today is Che Guevara's birthday....that should cheer it up and put a smile on its leaves.

Why can't I see your pictures?

komrade komura

Active member
Too Old: I can see your gallery...but nuffin in your posts.

Looking real good. I got some of a similar slight leaf curl on some of my plants. They calmed down after a good flushing, in the shower too.

You made some really good green little monsters.

What's the wattage of the CFLs? They seem to be doing the trick well.

I use 2 X 125W 6400K Blue CFLs for veg....moving to LED soon for veg.

There are 3000K Red CFLs which are better for flowering.


How tall are they?
Is that an incandescent bulb?

I grow in a large wardrobe...so tight spaces and me ain't strangers. Good to see you got some decent space between them. Hope it fills up with budz for ya.
Thanks Komrade,

I bought 2 of the 3 light fixtures ay Wally World and put 6 of the 23 watt CFLs in them. Plus I have another 23 in a stand up lamp in the center of them. I'm already thinking how to tweek things for the next run. Hopefully I'll get at least a couple of girls out of these and I can clone them. Or I still have a bunch of bag seed I can pop.

Sounds like you got the hook up going on. Have any pics of your setup? Right now I'm doing the ghetto thing. Once things get better I can start upgrading.

Bought all the stuff to transplant into 5 gal buckets today. they don't look like they're getting root bound yet, but I'm ready. Should I wait until they start showing sex to transplant?

Thanks for the good vibes. Happy Growing


T.O.T.C. - it may be a permissions thing in your galleries...like a public view vs. private or something like that...probably some damn check box somewhere.

Anyhow, since I know there are still a few do'ers in here, thought I'd show my gift the mailman brought to me today.

Along with the 300+ sigs I sent in, I ordered a nice shirt for more awareness and support.

So, please do something about the conditions in this state, or quit complaining and move :wave:

Back to your regularly scheduled programming.



Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Hey Old Gray Hair. I see now why you haven't been around. You've been out collecting names. Good deal. I get they're emails I'm just not situation where I can get sig's for them. But I have donated to the cause. we can and will change the medieval laws and attitudes here in Florida sooner or later. :tiphat:

Guest 88950

OGH, 300+ sigs........nice job. i have a white & lt blue PUFMM shirt but i have to get a grey one b/c i fck up white shirts.

Guest 16149

I'll have my laptop with me so I'll be here as normal as soon as I check into my hotel.

EVL called, he has safely made it over there but cannot hook up his laptop yet :)
Hopes to post up when he hits the dam

komrade komura

Active member
Got the iolite full of Maui Wowi tonight in england.

Ain't smoked this shit since the 70's - 80's. Pretty good sativa high...enjoying it.

It was THE strain that handed me my ass on a platter and my worst 'too stoned to be in public' experience when I was young and bulletproof.

Still don't see how they ever let me on that flight...coulda turned out so much worse. Total motor skills breakdown with about half a zip in my pocket.


Hahaha...just kidding...reminiscing a little.


Well-known member
OK, I'm on a HUGE power saving mission. The power bill this month was $750..:yoinks::jawdrop:
I've been putting off changing my flip setup to 220v, so I'll be Mod/RnR-ing my ballast and running some wire soon ( I knew I should have done it from the get go). I've also got a blower that runs 24/7 to cool the lights that I could swap out with a 220v unit.

Here's some pics from the nursery.


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