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Florida Growers Thread; Reloaded

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I'm not making this up, but I heard a while ago that at least a couple people bought set ups like this, and they got nailed a few months later. It was never revealed as to how they got found out, but instinct tells me there must have been some hidden tracking device planted, because it was just too damned convenient. Already, there has been a history of people buying used hydroponic gear from sellers on C-list, with hidden chips planted in them.


Well-known member
Gotta love youtube, just learned how to fix my washer. i'll be a regular old handyman before long.

Glad you love Youtube! It will be your friend during you A/C upgrade.
I figured a whole lot out just from them. I have a thread covering my install but I kind of gutted it when I removed a album during the "Ban-Wagon/Gypsy Arrest/Freak -out/ SECURITY CHECK".

Here's a link to the page with the most links, I know your doing a mini-split so most of that won't be applicable....unless things go wrong....then it just might help. All in all it's good research to get you ready.


Well-known member
I'm not making this up, but I heard a while ago that at least a couple people bought set ups like this, and they got nailed a few months later. It was never revealed as to how they got found out, but instinct tells me there must have been some hidden tracking device planted, because it was just too damned convenient. Already, there has been a history of people buying used hydroponic gear from sellers on C-list, with hidden chips planted in them.

I always felt those where for people with more money then sense, aimed at the "bandwagoner" ..excuse the slight pun.
Have you ever taken a good look at the anal probing stations on the side of the road that ALL BIG TRUCKS MUST pull over for? :angrymod:

I'd rather pull a trailer half loaded with cocaine across the country, then one of those across the state....EMPTY!
btw, got about as much use for coke as I have for meth and those that frequently use it...none. Just to be clear, I'm referring to risk.
Already escaped that trap in younger dumber daze. :bashhead:

Take Care of yourselves, if you don't no one will.


So I now have some Karma - White Biker and GHMS - Chem91 x DMT going in veg. Should be interesting. Pics when they are big enough. Hope everyone had a good weekend.



So I moved back to Florida after living in California. Helping a friend get setup & he knows all the typical ways to raise red flags but the only variable is a high electric bill... How much is too much? 12 lights + veg too much for a 2000sqft house? Been home for 6 months and all I see is shitty cali OD and I know people who are considered to be relatively well connected.



invest in pv panels and battery bank to reduce your consumption or go for it and pay your bill.

Not worried about paying the bill... Worried about a tip off from a FPL employee. I understand that usually only happens for elec theft but you never know.

What is a realistic # of watts per day I can expect to save if I did throw a couple of PV panels on the roof (full sun day)?


Well-known member
Not worried about paying the bill... Worried about a tip off from a FPL employee. I understand that usually only happens for elec theft but you never know.

What is a realistic # of watts per day I can expect to save if I did throw a couple of PV panels on the roof (full sun day)?

That all depends how many watts and the quality of the panels.
A ball park on 4500 watts is @ 10k +/- 1.5k.

As far as the power, also depends on the size of the house, a good rule of thumb is 1k watt per bedroom.
My bill ranges from $650-900 a month, I always pay before it is due.


Active member
12 lights that's one hell of a heat signature. I would think 12 lights would have half your house lit up like a full moon. and with all the cowboys in the sky around here it's nothing for them to point a flir at your house and just omit that info in court after a legit 6 month investigation revealed something in your garbage ... not to mention, speaking of garbage, all the grow paraphernalia it would take to hold down something that big ... grow room build out, nute bottles in and out, grow medium, water

If I was going to go that big here in FL, I would want to be out in the woods somewhere ... and I would want to create a good front. a dummy company per say ... like a nursery. or landscaping business, it costs $35 to get a business license ... something to pseudo justify all the growing behavior and elevated utility costs. get the electricity in your business name, water, business class internet ... live it like a real business. never blowing your cover. keep business hours. have signage (nothing obnoxious, just enough to legitimize your illegitimate enterprise). a company car. the whole nine.

If I was in a house in a neighborhood with nosy neighbors, forget it one light per bedroom max.

just an example ... I know of a nursery in Holly Hill near Daytona. their delivery guy was telling me one time about when the sheriff's office and DEA raided his nursery. they combed the place knocking over plants, digging up trees, basically ran sacked the joint. they found nothing and left ... but, on their way out, as a parting gift they gave the owner copies of the aerial photographs they took of his nursery. that was their main proof of marijuana cultivation. it was these photos they used to get a warrant. most of them were nothing but, in one photo you could see a bunch of dinner plate hibiscus stacked together ready to be delivered. it was those hibiscus that got these guys raided.

I'm telling you man there's cowboys in the sky.


Active member
You would think there is enough weirdo's, psycho's, hookers, crackhouses, meth labs, and hoodlums to keep em busy enough out in daytona to not risk a "possible" bust. But maybe thats a different unit\dept. I have to take like 3 showers if i ever get near that place...and im not washing off the ocean sand.

Sorry if i have offended anyone but that place has been in need of house cleaning for about 15-20 yrs.


12 lights that's one hell of a heat signature. I would think 12 lights would have half your house lit up like a full moon. and with all the cowboys in the sky around here it's nothing for them to point a flir at your house and just omit that info in court after a legit 6 month investigation revealed something in your garbage ... not to mention, speaking of garbage, all the grow paraphernalia it would take to hold down something that big ... grow room build out, nute bottles in and out, grow medium, water

If I was going to go that big here in FL, I would want to be out in the woods somewhere ... and I would want to create a good front. a dummy company per say ... like a nursery. or landscaping business, it costs $35 to get a business license ... something to pseudo justify all the growing behavior and elevated utility costs. get the electricity in your business name, water, business class internet ... live it like a real business. never blowing your cover. keep business hours. have signage (nothing obnoxious, just enough to legitimize your illegitimate enterprise). a company car. the whole nine.

If I was in a house in a neighborhood with nosy neighbors, forget it one light per bedroom max.

just an example ... I know of a nursery in Holly Hill near Daytona. their delivery guy was telling me one time about when the sheriff's office and DEA raided his nursery. they combed the place knocking over plants, digging up trees, basically ran sacked the joint. they found nothing and left ... but, on their way out, as a parting gift they gave the owner copies of the aerial photographs they took of his nursery. that was their main proof of marijuana cultivation. it was these photos they used to get a warrant. most of them were nothing but, in one photo you could see a bunch of dinner plate hibiscus stacked together ready to be delivered. it was those hibiscus that got these guys raided.

I'm telling you man there's cowboys in the sky.

I've always wondered... what if I run my lights during the daytime?


Well-known member
I've always wondered... what if I run my lights during the daytime?


I would worry more about the suitability of my location.
12k is on the very aggressive side considering the cooling, fans, blowers, dehumidifiers, etc. I didn't add that up but I'd bet we've pretty much saturated a standard 250amp service panel ( this also go's to location, does it support that kind of current, SAFELY?)
Even if that doesn't use it all you won't have much for yourself, A/C frig,TV,computer, etc. Also back to location, does it have gas for water heater and dryer, maybe even co2. Good insulation to keep A/C cost down. Can you put in a second A/C? Will it look natural? It's kind of hard to stash that size of a unit. I'm thinking 5tons?

Don't Smell, don't sell, don't TELL! I'd worry more about those things then the power company, trust me Duke don't give a fuck, they just want your money! And really by the time they are looking at your power bill, the jig might be up.

If you found the right place, with say, two units and power connections, like a garage conversion or a rural ranch house with a large power tap for out buildings you might be good, but in a city that is really pushing it.

Be Safe guy's, Shiny side up to some of you,


Active member
Just a thought here on something i noticed with daytime running......

I have seen the power company meter reader take a double look at a meter spinning pretty nicely on an once active house near me and kinda shake his head. This was with 2400watts plus fans and central ac. Luckily this was a younger guy reading the meter and probably didnt care much as nothing became of it. I just happened to be out smoking a cig at that time and saw the incident. I about shit my pants as this guy i could tell knew what was going on. Luckily the neighbor had some help averaging out the consumption on the street :) but my nerves were bad for a little while.

I also know someone that has had a neighbor watch his meter and said something to him about it. The guy told this someone that he knew what was going on. Luckily this guy was just a douche and trying to leach something for free. Person closed up shop and moved the next week.

Now it could be different now with the smart meters, that i dont know because all of the above incidents were about 4yrs ago.

At that point you got look at your surroundings and calculate the bigger risk. Might be easier to run at night and risk the ghetto bird if you got a nosy neighbor or meter reader.

Just some food for thought.

I wouldn't be able to remain sane running 12k personally without some sort of biz front. But if you can your gonna be loving life.


Not worried about paying the bill... Worried about a tip off from a FPL employee. I understand that usually only happens for elec theft but you never know.

What is a realistic # of watts per day I can expect to save if I did throw a couple of PV panels on the roof (full sun day)?

Let me try an ease your mind here an now so's you can get to planning your grow.
As long as you're not blowing up the transformer on the pole FPL
does not care how much power you're using so long as you pay ofr it. I myself run in the 'hood of $450 during the summer, $200-$300 in the dead of winter. Been that way for 5+ years at this location. Several growers i know run $700+, for YEARS now. No issues whatsoever. Even after the smart meter installs.
If the police are looking at your electric bill then they already have a clue what you're doing and your high bill will confirm it. UNLESS you're stealing power. In which case FPL WILL contact the cops.
Myself and 7-8 other growers I know personally, we all have ridiculously high electric bills, we all pay them on time. We keep our mouths shut, we stay on top of odor and security and we blend in. Go on and grow on:tiphat::ying:


Active member
Yea its lost under the root of the growers forum, seems like there should be no threads under that forum but there are. seems odd to me but oh well.

Same way i access it, thru my posts, nice and easy way to see the other threads you've posted in
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