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Fisher's Farm


Active member
u cant dry in a hoophouse, but u can work in it. although i dont suspect the workers will be pleased as it will be hot and humid as fuck. the bud they will be working with will get soft and super sticky and hard to trim. I use a 2 trimming machines, love em. wouldnt consider harvesting without them. i can fill my drying rooms in one day where as it would take 3 days easily by hand.


classy grass
jackel, ok so no drying in the hoophouse, but we'll probably have to work in there. Hopefully I can get some kinda ventilation going on...

What trimming machines do you use? I couldn't load that vid...out here on the celly


classy grass
crazy...there are so many different machines out now, thought I'd seen them all...

just rocking one standard trim pro here, it's going to be hell
spinpro/SALAD TRIMMER thingy sounds exactly like what a buddy of mine was showing me. Bunch of long whisk looking wires, toss your buds in and start spinning...my lazy friend loves it for his less than 2 lb harvests-couldn't ever get myself to do that under my circustances...but now something like what all you fellas got going on...:) gladly...and of course another WOOHOOO for Fisher!! wish I was closer-handy with the skizzors


I never got the spinpro. Did get the trimpro original, though I'll probably dish out half a twister to the trimmers...arrrgg Are you saying people around you speak highly of the spinpro/handy trimmer/salad spinner thing?

My buddy at Trim Scene says the salad shooters get the thumbs up. He has sold a shit load of them. Trim Reapers too. He said guys are even doing dry bud with the Trim Reaper.

I have not had a single caterpillar in my gardens this year. I have had them plenty of times in the past. The worst bug issue I ever dealt with was actually grass hoppers. About ten years ago I lost most of my starts to them. They would eat all of the fan leaves down to the blade. I haven't had a problem like that in years thankfully.

Here are some pics of us using the Trim Pro to big leaf a Bubba branch.

You should get more shipping containers. They are great and they are easy to resell after you are done using them. I have also used those big screen houses to have trimmers in when the weather is still good if your place is private enough. Hoop houses are a no go.


classy grass
Thanks bro, I'm trying

The local boys did stop by this morning to practice counting though. You can see all the top colas in the field over my truck as you walk in. 'Whoa' they said to that. Bullshitted with one about strains and support fencing, what not. He really liked the Casey Jones. Overall, they were pretty cool, did hear one say...'this is a lot of marijuana' though. And maybe it was directed toward the dogs, but I also heard 'I'll see you later' as they were leaving.

Somewhat relieved, yet not. :joint: :joint: :joint: <<today :)


Fisher what happens with something like that? If they decide to come back and its the worst time possible do they just take the harvest and leave you on your way or do they arrest you or ?

I would guess since it is Cali and your following the rules, they would just seize your harvest..... I dunno the whole Cali thing is something I cant grasp because I've never lived it.

- Jenn


Active member
next year, i am going to have a lawyer on retainer. when they show up and ask to see the garden, i am going to say... "sure guys. you're welcome to come on it. as soon as my lawyer gets here. all due respect."

i am grateful that my county sponsored guided tour came at the beginning of the season. 18 pretty small plants give them no reason to put you on the "visit again at harvest" list.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit..?? Just peeping the thread see those updated PHAT ASS MONSTER BISHES>.. woohooo!!! sorry for yelling gotta a lil outta hand there.. lol... be back later peace..


Madrus Rose

post 69
hey fish hows the goo boo ? ;)

weather been holding nicely with some lower temps @ nite
good for some perfect purpling this yr ....


classy grass
gonzo, thanks and glad you like. My yields will be all over the map this run. Some issues, too many strains, etc. Across the board, I might see an avg of 2-4 per. The big ones should be 6++ ;)

Sack- whatup broski? The yellins cool, maybe that will get me to upload some dam pics!!!!! Really though, I've tried to recently and it hasn't worked out for one reason or another. Maybe today??

Madrus, the goo turned out so super dank. It's dry, as of yesterday...trimmed up two Ps of cola nugs and fuuuk. So sad to see them go...burkle is cut and should be dry by the weekend, looking forward to that as well. Things are purping over here, too...love it. Just hope we don't get pounded next week...

The fukin sheriff's chopper flew me yesterday. WTF? Seeing how many we've cut? Who knows, but it's worrying me a little. Don't think I'll be getting much sleep for a bit.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Fisher hope nothing comes of that fly over...I'd like to see this all finish nicely for you and see those final pix..good luck and karma your way...DD


The fukin sheriff's chopper flew me yesterday. WTF? Seeing how many we've cut? Who knows, but it's worrying me a little. Don't think I'll be getting much sleep for a bit.

Hey Fisher :joint:

Back from the dead I see. Couldnt you just tell the sheriff you cut some plants down because they were mold infested and burned them....

~ Jenn


No Longer a Human Watering Can
stay safe man !!!!! thats a lot of work to be snatched by LEO ,,,,,, i hope all goes well and you get every last nug trimmed and right


Active member
It sounds like you really have your hands full there with all that trimming. Hope it's not too leafy. Leafy strains are driving me nuts with all the trimming, and I only have small plants!

Good luck getting it all in safely bro!

Madrus Rose

post 69
Hey fisherman , bet ya been workin hard !

love to see some of those finished dried nugz sometime soon ...we got the Twister in the friday before the rains set in following tues & sure was a pure lifesaver . Don't know about 5ps an hr but 10-12 a day more realistic with a bunch of buckers with 2hr interval cleaning sessions with power spray . Beauty of a machine & built like a Harley !

hope alls going well mon , send up a flare & let us know ya made it thru .

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