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Good all-around strain?


Active member
Hi everybody.. here's the deal.. I started smoking as quite young (HC style) 14-17 years old.. mostly crappy hash (soapbar?) and when i was 17 i got my firs really bad panic attack or "psychosis" .. after that i continued smoking and after half a year or so it came again (not so bad as the first) and then again half a year or a little less AGAIN, and i said enough.. i'd rather die than go trough that sick experience again.. ok then 18-26 i smoked maybe 1-2 times a year just a couple small hits.

But this summer i had some outdoor growing going on and i have been thinkin alot that i want to smoke again (bud) and i felt that i was maybe ready. Started easy, smoking at home with my girlfriend, had some benzos near if something would have went wrong or so (just that i know that i have them gives me more secured feeling) . And there was this one strain that was just so perfect for me, i could smoke a little spliff at the mornig day evening ... tired happy vivacious.. in any mood any time it just gave me that nice high and no negative thinking or freaking out. The strain was Doubleruder x Lowryder = (Ruderalis indica x Lowryder) x Lowryder. Its a outdoor strain made by my buddy.

Now my question is what would be a good strain for a guy like me? (i know its impossible to just name 1 strain. I think its some kind of hybrid bud sativa & indica mix. I'we been browsing a lot of diffrent strains from diffrent banks and from what i'we read i think one really good strain for me could be White Widow (Sensi seeds)? I would just appreciate if someone else maybe with some mental problems in the past have found a good strain or if someone else have had these kind of problems and found the right thing. Also very kind and nice if you like to suggest or list some strains that maybe would be the right deal.

Gert Lush

Active member
IMHO, none at all.
It would seem that cannabis is just not for you.

At any rate, not while you hold the view that
i'd rather die than go trough that sick experience again
Showing up core insecurities is one of the greatest gifts you can get from canna, I wonder if you'd be willing to entertain the idea of having those very same experiences again, but perhaps in a more supportive and positive context.

If not, I fear that even the weakest, most easygoing strain, which wouldn't even alarm a mouse, might trigger the same symptoms again (they do tend to surface most when you're pushing them away, you know) and then what would you do? I mean other than add another crappy statistic to the anti-canna lobby's war-chest.

Gert Lush

Active member
Then again White Widow may be just what you need! LOL
I've seen it scare quite a few people - always a good laugh!

Which reminds me, do you know the origin of the word "panic".
It meant the close presence of the ancient Greek god, Pan, the god of Nature and the universe. Make any sense?


Well-known member
GertLush is absolutely right....self-reflection is a gift from cannabis and can be a wonderful tool for self improvement/growth. I have always found that it dismantles the protective wall around our ego and allows us to see the skeltons in our own closet:)

If you are not prepared to deal with the good and bad, I would second the vote for not smoking at all. That being said, I think FLO, Blueberry, and Acalpulco Gold are all wonderful strains that could be called 'day-time brightners' that put me is a happy but reflective state:)

Good Luck.



Active member
I am ready now, i feel it when i smoke, but i wont do the same stupid thing as i did when i was 14-15-16-17, smoke daily some crappy soap bar.. i mean human brains are "mature" about 20 years of age. And it's just some mental battle going on in my mind back in the days because became so passive cause of the daily smoking when i was young and should have xperienced other things. Cannabis can also rebuild and make the mind stronger... grow as a person on mental state.

p.s All 3 bad trips / panic attacks were all caused by crappy hash, so how the hell do i even know what caused it, bud has never caused me any kind of bad feeling. Never!