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First time grow 400w scrog


Pass That S**t!
I honestly think you're doing a good job so far with the ScrOG. They always look a little mismanaged at first, but end up looking quite pretty in the end. You'll notice this once the buds start forming.

The yellowing may be from the lack of Nitrogen in your res solution and/or from the stress of transitioning from veg to bloom.

Nevertheless, everything is looking good to me so far. :yes:


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
yeah i second that pontiac - they always look a right mess at that stage of the training, but then seem to come good, just keep moving and adjusting to close any gaps and the plants will do the rest

nice one



cut yourself some slack on the scrog, its your first time after all...really nice grow man just read the whole thread!

just a thought but youre son may not be ready for nycd x c99widdow if he is smoking shwag like I was when I was 16 lol, he'll probably puke (-;


The yellowing may be from the lack of Nitrogen in your res solution and/or from the stress of transitioning from veg to bloom.

Nevertheless, everything is looking good to me so far. :yes:
Thanks, I tend to be a prefectionist so anything that does go right or look right messes with me. The yellowing did occur the second night of 12/12 so it is probally from stress.

they always look a right mess at that stage of the training
nice one
Thanks VerdantGreen, I liked your mini screens too. I wish I could do that with my RDWC. It would have made getting at the back plants easier. Next run will be with all female clones so I will be able to train them a little better.

just a thought but youre son may not be ready for nycd x c99widdow if he is smoking shwag like I was when I was 16 lol, he'll probably puke (-;

Now isn't that what life is all about learning from our experiences! Thanks for dropping by. Always welcome new opinions and comments.

Like the set up, nice work!!
Irieeyes808, it really was a work in progress then I kind of rushed it, But all in all it turned out well. There are somethings I would do differently but I think This room is just going to be a flowering room from now on so It will serve its purpose well.

Thanks alot for all your comments and for stopping by. I have to go out of town this week and won't be home till Sunday. I hope that there is enough water in the res and buckets to keep them fed. They have only been drinking maybe 6 gallons a week now. With pulling those two males out I am right around 19 gallons total in the system. I think they will be ok. I was going to have my wife take care of them but would be to much trouble.

I think I am going to take some clones tonight of the two seedlings. I am going to try it DR.Buds sytle. This way I can find out if my seedlings are male or female in a few weeks.


Just a little update, I have buds starting to form on my plants now. What a beautiful sight. It is funny the largest plant I have still has not shown sex on its main stem, but on some of the branches there are some definite pistols.


YES SIR! First thing at lights on tonight. Just for you my friend. I kind of got impatient with my seedling and burnt them a little. I jump from 1/4 strength 5-10 to full strength 5-10. And the end result a little burn. I will thru those picture up tonight as well. Lights on in 3 hrs!


Day 20 of 12/12

Day 20 of 12/12

Okay here they are. I guess I need to download another copy of Photoshop, Or learn to use my White balance on this camera.






Air temp 74.8
RH 53%
Res temp 70.7
Ph 5.5
0-8-16 Lucas
Fresh R.O Water 19 gallons

I forgot to take pictures of the seedlings. I will get them up tommorrow before I top them and take the clones from the tops. I will try to work on my photo taking ability.


Pass That S**t!
O SNAP! :eek: I see hairs :jerkit: They're really coming along now! :D Plus the ScrOG is looking sexier too :yes:

Keep up the good work!

Btw, you don't need photoshop to mess with the white balance and such. Grab the freeware irfanview, it has a pretty sweet color enhancement tool that will get the red out of a pic taken under an HPS in a heartbeat!

Or if you're looking for a solid free photoshop alternative, grab gimp.


Keep on going..... those things want to bloom for ya! Great advice given throughout and great listening skills on your part.


You plants are looking nice Asil. I like the PVC scrog! Are those just just eyelet/hook screws? Is that wire or yarn for the netting?


O SNAP! :eek: I see hairs :jerkit: They're really coming along now! :D Plus the ScrOG is looking sexier too :yes:

Keep up the good work!
Thanks alot, Yes it is filled in nicely. Not to bad for my first run. I have learned alot thru this grow.
Keep on going..... those things want to bloom for ya! Great advice given throughout and great listening skills on your part.
Thanks for stopping by. Yea they want to bloom bad. I can't wait to see them put on the weight. I will only get to see them every five to seven days now so the changes for week to week should be great.
Looking good Asil now things will get interesting, keep it up
Thanks buddy, I hope yours start taking off for you soon.
You plants are looking nice Asil. I like the PVC scrog! Are those just just eyelet/hook screws? Is that wire or yarn for the netting?
Thanks for the compliment. Yes they are eye screws in 3/4" pvc 2" on center. For the screen I used weed eater string.

Ok well I finally got to see my girls tonight. There are bud sites everywhere. I realize now how I should train them as they grow. Plus my next run will be with all females so I won't have to worry about pulling out the males. I am leaving in the morning for the week for work, then straight to a family reunion so I won't be home till next sunday. The res got changed tonight and fresh nutes and ph'd 5.4.

You all have a great week and post lots of pictures because I will be missing my girls.


Day 25 of 12/12

Day 25 of 12/12

Okay heres some pic for you all, and me so I can look at them while I am on working out of town.










Pass That S**t!
Glad to see ya back buddy :yes: Everything looks awesome so far :eek:

Did you notice any problems after you returned from camping? :chin:


There where no problems noticed when I returned from camping. I still had plenty of water in my res for about 3-4 more days and things looked good. I really need to give them a good trimming but how much is to much?


New member
Wow great grow man! :bow: I'm thinking of doing a bagseed grow for a test run soon as well. How good was the bag it came out of?
Here is a shot of the hole group. Really need to be thin out alot. I am not sure what I can remove safely.

Hey man I just wanted to know what you used to support the pvc screen. It kinda looks like it is just floating there, lol. The setup is great love it man. Keep repin the medicine.