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FIRST OUTDOOR: 58n typhoon and nanda devi

Big Eggy

Active member
wow ....yours are looking amazing ,mines look crap but in using indigenous soil with a little amendments..im trying to acclimatize them to the soil for the next batch of seeds ...soon they will thrive in the clay soil ... well i hope they do :)

hey rocket high.. Are you inbreeding form your best performers for next year seeds??

rocket high

Active member
Yes Eggy im going to grow a few males indoors of same strains outside so they dont get cross pollinated , its a more controlled method really, the males outside will be pulled when they show sex.


Keep us updated Hoots, really enjoying this thead.

Nice one Big Eggy

wow ....yours are looking amazing ,mines look crap but in using indigenous soil with a little amendments..im trying to acclimatize them to the soil for the next batch of seeds ...soon they will thrive in the clay soil ... well i hope they do :)

Cheers rocket high, they have really come on in the last few weeks with better weather. Shows what they could have done with a warmer early summer.

Seems I will have no lack of typhoon pollen, most have started showing and most are male with one female at spot1 and one at spot2. Still a few to go though so it will be interesting to see which way they go. The big nanda is likely a male as well with the others nandys not showing yet.

Really amazed at the growth on the nanda devi. If the wind doesn't get them they will grow tall.:)

Spot1 typhoon female,

Spot2 typhoons,

Spot2 typhoon male,


Some more,

Jungli x Mandala#1 are starting to come on,

One of the JxM was munched by slugs just over two weeks ago just before they started putting on weight,

And this is her now, good recovery!!!!

Nanda devi B, D and E

NandaB is branching out nicely,

NandaA likes large leaves:)

Nanda devi A


rocket high

Active member
your Jungli x Mandala#1 in the first pic looks like a indica dom pheno .. i must say she looks good in fact all your plants look good. Love the hand pic as well :) with the loads of veg time you get here in Scotland your plants might top 5ft+ if the weather permits but the weather has gone back to normal of late which doesn't help us much ...sadly ..

good luck with them :)


your Jungli x Mandala#1 in the first pic looks like a indica dom pheno ..

Cheers Rocket, I am fascinated to see how the Jungli x Mandala#1 turns out. The two plants where as different from each other as can be imagined but both have good traits to bring.

So far they are growing very similarly though not like either parent!!

Heres one taken yesterday,

Couple of weeks of quite good weather here have done the plants wonders, not much wind, warmer and spells of sun have worked there magic.

If there had be more of this weather this summer they would have done really well as they seem to like it here.

Weather has gone back to northerly winds this week and there was a few nights last week where the temps have dropped to 4-5C.

Plants looking good though,

Spot 1 (jungli cross in middle)

1 male, 1 female and 4 typhoons still to show here.

Also seem to have some oats growing here from somewhere,

Ganja and porridge - a Scottish heaven(maybe need to plant some barley to!)

The female typhoon,


And at spot2 we have,
The typhoons with NandaB in the background,

NandaC about 5feet,


And NandaA which I have started training,

None of the nandas have shown yet.

Both the nanda devi and typhoons are growing strange veg growth,

Looks like 3 females, 8 males and one to go among the typhoons here, pulled a really early week male out but will leave the rest for now.

Heres a female typhoon,

And a male,

Hoots for noo :wave:

rocket high

Active member
exceptional work Hoots ...the Thyphoon's look swell :) i think some landraces might not finish here because of the photo-period we have but boy are they some size :biggrin:
i hope they do finish for you ... someone i knew got seeds from the same seed company as you got your nanda's from and his didnt finish for 15 weeks and that was indoor with E&F hydro... poor guy.


exceptional work Hoots ...the Thyphoon's look swell :) i think some landraces might not finish here because of the photo-period we have but boy are they some size :biggrin:
i hope they do finish for you ... someone i knew got seeds from the same seed company as you got your nanda's from and his didnt finish for 15 weeks and that was indoor with E&F hydro... poor guy.

Cheers Rocket, Typhoons are just superb, didn't think for a while that they would come to much with the weather but they are proving me wrong beautifully.

Looks like 7 female typhoons:jump: and 10 males with one to still to show.
Really happy about that as there was an awfull lot of balls around for a while.

I think it will be good watching the nandas grow on.

I took cuttings last week from all the nandas and a very short bushy typhoon female-quite different from the rest. This is mt first attempt at trying cuttings. I stuck them in bags of wet moss and rushed home- quite good fun.
Checked them tonight and they seem to be rooting. :)

Plan to collect some typhoon pollen and flower the cuttings indoors for seeds next year and start selecting for earlys then.

As you say Rocket very unlikely they will finish this year but I think it will be interesting to see how they handle late autumn storms:yoinks:. I like the idea of seeing buds in the snow!

Bit more hope for the mandala#1 x garhwali jungli finishing but this will be very tight. Looking forward to finding out though.

Is it any coincidence that the guy at RSC has a scottish name?

I had noticed that to......


Good luck with this project and you need a wire mesh

Cheers nopi, its not clear in the photos but spot 2 is surrounded by fallen trees and the only ways in I have put up deer fence, no guarantees but it should work.
Looking good Hoots :) I'm sure those Typhoons will start flowering soon.

Hi JGP, its a great feeling starting to see the female typhoons flower, even better I'm sure when they really kick in.

Well they were getting a bit dry untill the rains came last week and only stopped yesterday for a while so I took the chance while the midges were asleep early in the morning and got these photos.

Today was fuckin horrible tho, rain rain and floods. Rivers are raging in spate and the ground is saturated, the plants have done well this far but I wasn't expecting SLEET just yet.

Spot 2

Nandas are doing well, bent them back a bit to keep them out the wind.




No sex yet the preflowers on all the nandas just grow on into wee branchs but it can't be long till the nights are long enough.


Spot 2 Typhoons,

All the males are flowering and dropping pollen. Chosen my favorites and have been collecting pollen from them to pollinate my nanda clones indoors,

Really pleased as they are my first cuttings and most took.

Heres a male typhoon,

4 females here, the rest males. All the females have just started flowering. It will be good to get rid of the males soon to get more light to the lassies.

Another female,earliest here,

This female is really squat, quite different from the rest,

And from the side,

And also this female, much smaller with a touch of the fey about her,


Spot 1,

Felt lush here yesterday,

The four Garwhali x Mandala#1 are growing and stinking great,

Wonderful leaves,

No sex yet but preflowers starting.

4 female typhoons and 2 males here as well so its starting to get a bit tight.

Happy with the number of females, starting to see the reality of a sticky Highland bud and it feels great:jump:




I come from the land where the oceans freeze
wow following this intently. great update. i would like to know more about your location. you worried about it getting cold to quickly?

rocket high

Active member
looking good Hoots ... the GxM look huge the typhoons also, you have to be happy so far Hoots :biggrin: good to see something good come out of this summer ... this rain is unreal at the mo ..summer might be over by the looks of it.


great show hoots

Nice one Smokinweedgi, its good to start to see the fruits of our labour!

looking good Hoots ... the GxM look huge the typhoons also, you have to be happy so far Hoots :biggrin: good to see something good come out of this summer ... this rain is unreal at the mo ..summer might be over by the looks of it.

Had a better few weeks here, never great but If it could carry on like this it would be fine.

It is a joy to see the start of flowering, every day now I count as a success for my first outdoor. Just seeing pistils on healthy looking plants is enough. To see resin would be the icing on the cake and to smoke something at the end would make me happy as :pie:

Really like the look of your GG x danish passion, was that your own cross?

wow following this intently. great update. i would like to know more about your location. you worried about it getting cold to quickly?

Hey Budman, if your asking about the weather then I'll tell you of my weather,

Heres a bit of old-school Highland dub to listen to while I rant, MacCrimmon's Lament - R.I.P Martyn Bennett, the best are aye taken to soon.

I'm in the North Highlands of Scotland, a fairly small area of land surrounded by three masses of water.

Dreich is our prevailing weather, cold and wet has turned the land to acidic peat bog, once we were forested but the systematic burning and looting of our native woods by shooting estates over the last few hundred years has 'improved' our land to where it is today.

In a way we are people of the wind as much as rock and salt spume.

When she blows from the East the sun may shine for a while but she has a cut to her blow, and the Harr can cover the lands for weeks(often in the height of summer). And in winter the people hide when she really sings.

The southerlies are a strange rare breeze, full of the soft easy life of the southern folks, full of the smells of exotic fruits and naked lassies frolicking in summer meadows. The south dosen't blow here much, mores the pity.

But the west is my favourite, pulling the mysteries of the deep pondoon they call the atlantic to these shores, wet, wet and wet but fresh and free, lovely.

And the north that brings us cold and cold and sleet and sometimes the glory of the solstice freeze.

The day changes the wind and the weather shifts immediately, a soft summers day can become sleet, wind and heavy grey cloud in an hour if the wind shifts a few degrees.

Frost and snow can come at any time but that is not as big a concern as the wind chill when she really blows.

The old folk here talk of the battles every year between the goddesses of winter and summer. Once they have settled there disagreements the weather can sometimes settle, but when they dance in spring and particularly in Autumn then the world here can spin.

The Nor westerlies bring the howling fury and cold of Greenlands shores.

The Sou westerlies bring us all the wet of the oceans in a wild rage, all the trees at my grow spot were hammered by the SW wind.

And the less said about the Nor easterlies the better!

However on our good days there is NOWHERE in the world like it, these are the days we treasure and polish and dream of.

In fact in typing this, three days worth of weather have passed my window!

Hopefully get some photos up next week.

Catch yous later!