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First homegrow


New member
Thank you , so kind !
darwinsbulldog, perhaps you can recommend a good shop to order seeds ? There are so ... many I really don't know which one to use. I knew of sensiseeds, but unfortunately they don't ship here. Any suggestions?


Landrace Lover
do you mean company not shop? this forum's affiliated with a great one seed boutique (and seedbay too) they have shit loads of seed companies that sell their stuff through them. it really depends on what you want to grow though, lol like you said there are so many different strains etc, so you gotta decide on indica vs sativa vs hybrid of both? indica will flower quicker normally 8 weeks, sativas can take longer. sativa highs are more exciting and uplifting, indica highs tend to put you on the couch and are more of a full body high that slows you down. there're different tastes, and smells, and looks of plants too. lol so it really depends. i've done a fair bit with a solid strain called white widow which is pretty famous and yeah i'd say it's definitely worth a go. a strain called northern lights is said to be one of the easiest plants to grow inside and great for beginners though i haven't grown it. best thing is to get on seedboutique and read up on different stuff out there, work out what you can afford and what sounds like it'd best suit you and then give it a shot :D if you don't want males in there, go feminized, but these will cost more than regular seeds for the same amount (so i always go regular seeds) i don't have issues with males and want them for breeding stuff anyway. but yeah suss it out mate


New member
Thanks for all the helpful info, really good!
I was just curious if you can recommend any particular online shop where I could order seeds!
Earlier I read somewhere that fine grinded eggshells + a little meal can be a great homemade fertilizer .. what do you think about that?


Landrace Lover
yeah there's a lot on here about making your own fertilizer teas, which are effectively compost material in water left for a while. you can also buy manure and put it in a pillow case and sit it in water for a few days then water the plants with that etc. any organic matter that's breaking down should work if given to the plant appropriately. i can't recommend other online shops as this site is owned by one and advertising other shops would harm their business, they are really good though so definitely suss them out. if you're still after other stuff, once you get your posts above 50 you can private msg me and i'll talk to you about other places there if you like.


Active member
high and welcome to the world of cannabis cultivation'

i see you've already gotten some great info from darwin
so you're already in good hands.

one thing that i wanted to mention is to tell you that
vermiculite isn't a nutrient, it is used as an additive
in soil to make it more porous to improve drainage
and increase oxygen in the root zone.

anyway, here are a few links i think you will find very
interesting and very helpful.

Organics for Beginners

https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=36542Organic Fanatic Collective

https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=40637ICMAG'S OFFICIAL ~DIY~ LINK-O-RAMA

https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=25851 <br />Wanna Ask The Old Farts A Question?

i know it seems like a lot to take in all at once but
be patient with yourself and don't be discouraged
by your 'failures' as they aren't failures but rather
learning experiences.

btw, am i right in assuming you are in Germany?
if so, you have a very beautiful country and very
friendly people.

i spent almost a year in Wiesbaden back in '73
and i had a blast, lol.

anyway, good luck with the grow and have fun,
if it aint fun, it aint worth it.

peace, SOG


New member
Wow, that's amazing! Thank you so much SOG for all the links. Really really appreciated.
Thanks for the info on vermiculite.

@darwinsbulldog: Today I gave my plants for some fine grinded eggshells , a little bit of meal and some boiled rice water in the pot. I read somewhere that is a quick and powerful homemade fertilizer. Let's see in a few days if there will be any positive changes or not.

Thank you again,


New member
Okay here some new pictures ! They are now about 22 days under 20 - 24 hours CFL light


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Landrace Lover
totally up to you in the end mate, and how soon you want weed, and how much of it you want, the longer you wait the amount you'll harvest will go up exponentially. and from what i've noticed it seems plants triple in height by the end of flowering so check out your grow space if it's indoors and divide the height by three and flower once the plants are 1/3 the height you want them to get to. i've a closet about 1.5m high so i flower at about 1ft. so probs one and a half to two months veg time. really depends on the grower, a lot will grow them from seed for a month then flower straight away. but the longer you leave it the higher the yield you'll get.


New member
Thanks as usual very helpful.

I remembered you saying they triple in size, so I will let them grow another 20 cm and then go in 12/12 mode to fit them in my closet growbox.

Another question came to my mind about the 12/12. Can I have them 12 hours under the lamps and then 12 hours in a room that has a window and a little daylight , or it has to be really dark?



Landrace Lover
has to be totally dark mate, if they get light on them at all in that period of 12 hrs of darkness then they may not flower. so 100% darkness for 12hrs is what they need.


New member
Thanks man , appreciated ! :)

Have you seen my last pictures? I gave them some nutes and the new soil. What do you think?


Landrace Lover
yeah mate i saw, they're looking a fair bit greener which means they're getting healthier than they were, so hopefully they'll take off and grow into giants in no time :D

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