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First Grow (Cali Backyard Greenhouse)

El Bandito

Thanks so much Ganja Queen. It is a thrill to know people look at these diaries.

Been HOT this week and I worry about my preciousssses but they are looking good.


Zen Master

man those things blew up. Lookin real nice, especially for a first timer.

its gonna get REAL stinky soon, all your neighbors will be able to smell it just fyi...

El Bandito

Hi Zen and Grow! Thanks for dropping in and taking the time to say hello. I don't have anyone here that appreciates these plants like we do.

Thanks for the heads-up on the impending smell. I am a long way away from all but one neighbor, and he's a sweet retired guy who is pretty much convalescent.

Rippers are just a calculated risk I guess- i have mentally prepared myself for coming home to empty pots at some point. I'm taking the entire greenhouse indoors after this season and am looking forward to the increased peace of mind.


Active member
nice plants man i agree that the peace of mind thing is always great to have!!!

i had a huge grow the begining of the year indoors and it was at a house that i hardly stayed in and i used to worry so much about showing up to everything gone! lucky i got through that one and moved on i am running my first plant outdoors this year slacked off and put it out around the middle of july from a clone so it may not get as big as your girls but we will see!!!

Keep up the good work!!!


El Bandito

Today is a very sad day. My county allows me a maximum of 6 flowering plants, so I have to say goodbye to my three smallest daughters. I've tied their tops down, pruned out any dead leaves, and packed them up some nutes to keep them fed for a few weeks. They will finish up (hopefully) at a friend's house.

Even though they are the smallest, they are great plants, with good vigor and thick stems.

Stupid 6 plant cap. *sniff*



You will not be forgotten
i wouldnt worry about plant count personally, especially if its only over by 3... unless you have a reason that would include a good probability of having a compliance check.. other than that the girls are lookin good , best wishes with the season :joint:

El Bandito

Well- better safe than sorry. Plus, only 6 fit in the greenhouse, and that was the deal I made with my better half- 100 percent by the book and legal. :). Thanks to all of you for dropping in!

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
What an awesome grow! Love the greenhouse, man. So clean and organized. I hear you about the mulch. I'm using some old old redwood mulch on my fabric pots and it's cut down on my watering time substantially.

Looks to me like you got some sativa divas in some of those pots. The leaves on at least a couple of those plants are skinny and long and heavily serrated from the looks of the pics. Don't know what they are, but they look good.

Prediction: You will be crawling into that greenhouse to check on your plants in another few weeks! LOL. That greenhouse is going to be full of kolas very soon here! Kick ass job so far, man.


El Bandito

Another exciting first for this newbie grower today! I have these two dark green plants with completely purple stems (think they're GDP). It was awesome to see that they had some smaller branches that needed support. While I was tying them up, my fingers got sticky and coated with resin. It's the very first time I've had that happen and I think I'm still sexually aroused!! Can't see it too well from this picture, but the little buds are beginning to frost up pretty good and the sugar leaves are too. Swear to God my heart started racing when I felt my thumb and forefinger stick together!!!



Active member
Hello, Plants look awsome :) Word , looks like spider mite speckels on some of those leaves in that pick.
Check under-side of the leaves with 30x loupe and look where the specks are.


just poppin in and takin a look around..great looking garden bro! man do these forums help overcome and avoid beginner mistakes....looks like youve done your research...LOL..at the sticky fingers...i remember that...now i wear long sleeves and nitrile gloves when Im working on them as I hate getting all sticky and stinky...its hard to get off of your hands (petting the dog vigorously helps) and he smell will linger through about three showers....on the other hand, some people love it and revil at the opportunity to make some good finger hash......keep enjoying the process one cool little new discovery at a time....bc come trimming time...its not so fun. Happy Harvests..

El Bandito

I can't stop thinking about the 20 years I have spent buying overpriced weed from shady people in shady places. Imagine adding up the miles driven, the hours spent sitting in filthy couched listening to shitty stories. Even the dispensary here is 20 minutes away and shady as f@ck.

I am a responsible citizen who pays his taxes and has worked at the same job for seven years. I could have saved so much time, money, and grief by doing this sooner.

Walking into my little greenhouse full of sticky ganja represents freedom from a 20 year sentence that put me in places I was never meant to be. I'm never going back there.

I am on the road this week but will update next weekend with more pics. Thanks for the encouragement, zdub and whatthe215!


thats really cool.. yes you will save so much money, plus the satisfaction of growing it yourself and also the quality. I really never had any close friends that sold, and I never wanted to have to buy from someone shady either, so I have always grown just a little bit for me and a buddy or two. It doesn't take much... with those plants you'll be good to go for quite some time. Growing is half (or more for me) of the fun anyways..


passing the gas
looks Nice! mystery weed will be exciting. I love Dutch Crunch too! CBCB in Berkeley used to have awesome Dutch Crunch and it was super speedy way up in your head buzz. it had a real strong nose that reminded me of jack herer.

I predict a big stinky harvest homie! good luck!

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