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First Grow (Cali Backyard Greenhouse)

El Bandito

Thanks MM and Penguin!

I have two plants left standing now. Two are in jars and two more are drying:


The two that are in jars are decent but nothing to write home about. The high is a little speedy and jangly and short lived, as is to be expected for plants that didn't quite make it to the end.

The third plant I chopped has been drying for a few days, and this morning I sampled a little nug. I am SO high right now! Nice thick happy sativa high with a little bit of warm muscle relaxation. I am truly surprised that I am this loaded right now, as I have a world class tolerance.

This plant was hanging in a closet in the house, but Mrs. Bandito put her foot down after it made the entire house smell like skunk. Now it's in the garage. It actually tastes a little like Earth Juice Bloom- sweet and earthy with an oat molasses flavor. It burns clean and it's so goddamned sweet and delicious that one is inspired to slowly exhale it through the nostrils to savor the experience.

My first grow journey has been all about adjusting and readjusting expectations. Like all novice growers, I have a notebook with all of my harvest weight calculations that I put together before I started. By the beginning of October I was just praying that one of my plants would produce some good quality smoke. Mission accomplished! This plant has a twin sister that's coming down tomorrow, too!

The next generation is coming along and i am shopping around for a 5x5x7 tent. Going to run out of space in my little seedling cabinet.

Excellent first run Bandito! Especially with heat issues etc. I grew veggies in a greenhouse for the first time this year very similar to yours. It's a blast!

El Bandito

Greetings friends! Last night I dreamt I was sitting on my couch, trimming a never ending mound of buds while listening to the television and my soul left my body. I watched myself trimming while floating in the room.

Suddenly a cold shock of pain jolted me back to my senses. I actually WAS trimming and had snipped my index finger a little bit. Good Lord when will it end? Maybe I should slow down on those little balls of resin from the scissors... I am in a haze.

3 plant in jars and I have to start trimming the 4th one tomorrow. They dry out faster in the garage and it's been hot here.

Here's the haul so far- the stuff on the right is trim and loose buds.

Feels fantastic to look in there and know that I don't have to drive to the dispensary and pay out the ass in the near future.

In other news- I got a 600 watt light and am setting up a really simple veg area in my garage. Got some of it done:


Shrug. We shall see what happens. The mini veg box is working for now still:


Ok... Back to trimming. Be safe everyone.


Wow mang, nothing like looking at jars packed with your own home grown smoke eh?

Good on you for achieving what you set out to do. I might have missed it but what was your total harvest weight for all those plants?


El Bandito

Total dry weight for first 4 plants: 12 oz.

I trim tight though and throw a lot of small buds into the trimmings. I have lots of trimmings too :). Wish I owned some bubble bags


glad to see you let em stand a while longer..they look great man..killer first grow...only bigger and brighter things to come...

El Bandito

Yeah the extra time for the second pair of plants made a HUGE difference in quality. I am going to try and let the last two go for another week so I can get a break from the trimming.

El Bandito

Empty greenhouse!!! Last two plants (one GDP and one unknown sativa) are in the new veg room in my garage. One is already chopped and drying and the other is getting another 24 hours of darkness before I cut her down. One big branch broke off her while moving her in.

I spent a long time pulling leaves off these plants, so hopefully the trimming goes relatively quickly. The GDP is a twin of the first plant I harvested a few weeks ago, so it will be interesting to compare the two.

It's been an interesting first season and I plan to write up a list of the most important lessons I learned. In the meanwhile, let me summarize by saying I have only begun to understand the enormity of what there is to learn about growing cannabis.

Total yield will be nearly 20 ounces. Not bad considering the pests and a 100 plus degree summer! Plenty for me and some extra for friends and family. Christmas shopping will be super easy this year!

Thank you all got following along and giving me advice and encouragement. I will make a new thread about my indoor endeavor shortly.



Hey Bandito man if only I could say that I had too much trimming to do! Us micro growers can never get enough of it haha.

Awesome yield and a great accomplishment after a big season mate. You must be so stoked to have your own home grown wares for you and a few others. I Love how the branches are falling over from their weight in that picture! Always a good sight.

Can't wait to see how your indoor escapades go mate so keep us posted when you get set up again.


El Bandito

I JUST finished trimming the very last of my harvest and thought I would get a group shot of my jars.


The bags are the larf and trim.

Sitting here in a chair staring at this mountain of weed feels like the panoramic vista one is rewarded with after a long arduous uphill climb.

No more dispensary for me. Thanks again, IC.

El Bandito

I should add that I looked up the Gumby Method (thanks Chunky!!) and made a few oz of hash. Kind of labor intensive but ended up with a ton of potent meds.



passing the gas
look out! Bandito getting concentrated... I can see the future...and it's butane on the horizon ;-)

nice work, now let's see that tent jump off with some GSC and sour bubble!