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Firefighters knocking on my door


Now in technicolor

Woke up to firefighters pounding on my door at 7 AM. Looked outside and saw 3 firetrucks and countless police. They didn't see me peaking even though they were trying to look inside w/ flashlights.

Lights in the house were flickering and then shut off. It also smelled like smoke but I couldn't tell if it was an adjacent house or what. It wasn't mine, at least nothing I could see from the inside.

After the initial adrenaline rush, I got my senses and thoughts back together and felt somewhat serene. Not much could be done if they busted the door and came in at this point. I was fucked. Worrying wasn't gonna make things better. Best to man up and keep my lawyers on speed dial if shit hits the fan. It was a weird feeling. The plants with woody stems reeking and carrying enough wet bud (I'm expecting 12 oz dry) on them that they couldnt' stand up straight and certainly couldn't be moved out of the house. If they came in they would have no doubt asked wtf this cab was (and it smelled a bit, even the 1-10% the filter doesn't get to was still enough to get a warrant.) Not much you can do except wait it out at this point. This thought made me somewhat calm.

Walked into the basement, unplugged the cab and made it as innocent as you can make a giant wooden box taking up 50% of the basement room and reeking of Cannabis (esp with the fan off.)

Called some friends to walk around the area surveying what the hell happened. I kinda knew it wasn't for me at this point, because I noticed the firefighters knocking on neighbor's doors also, and they've been knocking (very very hard) on mine nonstop for 15 mins. Turns out the main power line RIGHT in front of my house caught fire and had to be turned off. They were evacuating homes in the area because the CO was seeping into people's homes on this block.

Friends said they smelled a fire but there was no smoke. My neighbors said the firemen were coming in to inspect the power meter to make sure it was off in every home and to check CO levels to determine exactly where the fire was underground and check concentration to see how long homes should be evacuated.

If they came to read my meter, I would be *fucked* because my cab is close by (behind a wall but still noticeable as they would likely be walking around to test CO in different parts of the basement.)

Long story short, after literally 30 mins of knocking (and more knocking every hour for a few hours) one got on the walkie and said "we have 3 unresponsive homes" and left. ... win! :shooty:

Phew.. no matter how many precautions you take, shit happens. But now I'm thinking, OK what's the chance of that happening again?! Very very slim, but I'm downgrading my grow into a micro cab (600w -> 250w) to be on the safe side. Man. It's gonna suck cause I just got this dialed in. Chop day is in 3 days too.. would of been the worst time to get busted.

Had CO accumulated in my home I could have died (I knew to stay near an open back window though) and thank the atheist gods there wasn't a fire, but shit..! I'm still flying off the fucking walls. Time to roll a fat ass blunt and begin plans for a micro cab.
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fuck the ticket, bought the ride
Praise the atheist gods!

Lesson learned: some things you can plan for and sometimes an act of god can really ruin your day. Glad everything turned out okay and you didn't die trying to hide a cab grow.


Active member
Good thing you stayed calm, and everything worked out for you! Enjoy that blunt and your newly appreciated freedom :)


Now in technicolor
Yeah it's sad that people get in deep shit over weed. You have no idea how much I appreciate not being locked up or in a police wagon right now. shit..! Just donated $100 to NORML NY and $100 for ACLU NY. Not much, will give more when I sell this bud.


Very scary stuff! It seems you have a head on your shoulders, good to see you didn't freak out and do something silly. Stay safe.


I love my life
Phew.. no matter how many precautions you take, shit happens. But now I'm thinking, OK what's the chance of that happening again?! Very very slim, but I'm downgrading my grow into a micro cab (600w -> 250w) to be on the safe side. Man. It's gonna suck cause I just got this dialed in. Chop day is in 3 days too.. would of been the worst time to get busted.

Had CO accumulated in my home I could have died (I knew to stay near an open back window though) and thank the atheist gods there wasn't a fire, but shit..! I'm still flying off the fucking walls. Time to roll a fat ass blunt and begin plans for a micro cab.

My plants produce O2 for me, but fuck if I'd want to die. Still I don't think I'd open the door and let them check for CO, cause as you said then you are fucked.

What I want to really ask you is AFTER you had this and really had to assess your balls, and it seems you did great..... WHY would you downsize now? We need to overgrow and you've proven your stones! Mr. !!!

Please don't downsize. My lame NON-commercial dehumidifier is bigger than 600w! If you are going to grow, grow big!!!



Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
close call player!

had the same thing happen to me 14 years ago. except it was MY house of fire! fucking 4 felonies from that one.....


How many rolls of TP did you go through?
I know I've would of s%$# myself seeing that.
Karma was on your side my friend. BIG TIME!


Active member
well homie after a few close calls i stepped up my wattage to make sure its worth it !! when u live high density urban there's always gonna be some action, i get spooked a few times per year.

last summer i had a cop yell "you're under arrest" into my open window, several feet from my ear, while he was chasing a kid down the block. (the kid won the race of course)

keep it peace


Scary, glad you're ok.

Earlier this year I noticed several officers in my back yard, one with a dog going back and forth not to far from my basement window.

Turns out they were there on a domestic type issue, trying to find a stalker or a peeper the neighbor had called about.

I figured, if they ran a dog around my place and were all hanging out in my yard for a while without issue, I must be doing something right.

You had them on your front doorstep for half an hour. And you just got your 600w dialed in? I'm going to echo others and say don't step it down. 600w is a great amount for a small home grower, and it sounds like you handle yourself just fine.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Let me guess, ballasts on the floor?????

Just messing with ya Krunch. :wave:

HAHA good one!

I would also be curious as to how that happened, fires always scare me, so everytime I hear a story, I try to learn, to prevent a future mistake for myself :)

had a partner with a grow at my house. this was before we knew anything about electricity.
the house had screw in type fuses and one kept blowing. so, my partner decided to put a fuse that was the next size up. that night, while sleeping,some wire that went to the fuse box caught on fire in the wall and .....


aka "Doc"
Good move...but if you were gone that day--you probably would not be aware that anything even happened. Be smart, learn...but do not retreat; besides what are you really accomplishing by reducing your watts?

If they did enter (to perform a "security check") and discovered your grow--isn't the penalty/risk growing under 250 watts the same as 600 watts? I understand that some jurisdictions even count dead rootballs as a plant.


gets some
But now I'm thinking, OK what's the chance of that happening again?! Very very slim, but I'm downgrading my grow into a micro cab (600w -> 250w) to be on the safe side. Man. It's gonna suck cause I just got this dialed in. Chop day is in 3 days too.. would of been the worst time to get busted.

Had CO accumulated in my home I could have died (I knew to stay near an open back window though) and thank the atheist gods there wasn't a fire, but shit..! I'm still flying off the fucking walls. Time to roll a fat ass blunt and begin plans for a micro cab.

Downgrade? Shit man, it's time to blow that house up! You said yourself, what are the odds of something like that (x-factor) happening again? About zero chance so you're home free! Make the meter spin like a record, my friend.
Glad everything is all right, I was shaking just reading it.

Did everyone else play this scene in their head head at their house?


Now in technicolor
I'm still looking at my options for how to continue. I definitely don't want to stop, but at this point there's simply no place in my home where I can have a big grow and feel comfortable having (for example) my wife's friends walking around when I'm not there. A small cab that can be locked and is relatively silent would be feasible for sure, but I was hoping to go up to 1kW by the end of the month rather than downgrading.

I'm also evaluating my options for moving to a medical state. Rhode Island perhaps? Denver? The wife is in college so it might be a year or so before this becomes a viable option.

Man I have sour bubble and blue satellite packs I'm dying to pop along with some dieselrella clones from this grow.


Señor Member
Why downgrade? The issue is not really about wattage or size here, right? It's simply about stealth. Why not just rebuild a better, more stealthy cabinet to continue using the 600 in? Man, just put it in a large armoire of about 2' x 3' footprint, and then cover up the noise with a server rack right next to it.

Yes, that's right, a server rack. Have you ever heard how loud servers are? And even if you don't have some old broken random servers or computers laying around, they can be purchased for dirt cheap. Remember, this doesn't have to be a working server rack... it just has to look like one.

If people see it and ask you about it, or want you to show them in detail what these computers do, (and you decide against kicking their nosy ass out of your house), just tell them you are a huge astronomy nerd and you are linked up with the SETI servers, running that software that looks for evidence of alien life in the universe.

Even if you don't want to hook up actual live computers, you could grab a few empty server cases and just attach some run-of-the-mill 80mm fans to them so they will at least sound like they are live. You could even put a few blinking or steady LED lights here and there, to complete the image.

As far as the smell is concerned, for those times when you might have to power down the cabinet fan and smell might leak out... just keep a few scented candles around for those times... but most of the time, the power will be on and your carbon filter/fan will do the job for you.

I think, while this was a close call, and your concern is justified, you will not be having this problem again. Lightning rarely strikes the same spot twice! ;)