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COPS the TV show



I havent watched this horse sh!t in a few years, but had the pleasure of watching an episode last night. I must say this show and the police they follow around have stooped to new lows. On the episode I watched last night this young Nevada cop was so hard on this guy for no reason. The normal looking white guy was just walking across the street with a hotdog and the cop stopped him, almost ran him over and continued to hassle him over having no ID for a good 20 mins. The man had his father come to help straighten things out, the cop was extremely rude to the old man for no reason, yelling at him to go away and threatening to arrest him too. The clip ended with an arrest over JAY WALKING, i cant even believe these nazi mofo's are allowed to waste tax money like this, and get glorified and put on tv. This guy just wanted to go home and eat his damn hot dog.

Hats off to the Nevada PD, you should really be ashamed of yourselves. Im sure there are plenty of real criminals more worthy of your time.


Garden Nymph
Geez, that could easily have been settled with a ticket. I really don't like jaywalkers if they can see cars headed their way.

COPS has always been a sort of hilarious show to me, but in many instances I've been pretty PO'd at the cops.


Active member
I like the concept of the show
all the different kinds of things that happen

but yeah cops can be assholes,
like criminals too


Lessons I've learned from 20 years of Cops

Don't talk to hookers with walkie talkies

Anyone who says, "I ain't gonna lie to you" is lying

You have no rights

Don't fight cops

Naked black men on PCP are hard to wrestle

Alcohol is the biggest revenue for the state

A woman with a kid will roll on you in a second

Men have no idea when a woman's had enough of his shit

If he's not making eye contact.... he's going to run

Take care of your warrants

cops are scared of snakes

Don;t piss off the sherrifs at the central jail

MLK blvd is a shithole no matter which city you're in


Active member
I watch the show here in the U.K and cant believe how so many of the officers are power tripping newbies hassling everyone and anyone for nothing. I hate U.S.A cops and what they get away with its like a bunch of boy scouts who have the mentality of idiots and are a law unto themselves.



"Did you touch my drum set"
"oh, why are you sweating"

"...I was watching cops...."

Edit: I saw the UK's version of Cops one night, I remember some old disgruntled chap tried to burn down a church, the non fire-arm carrying police officer let him off with a warning.

I've also seen the Russian version of "Cops". Now that is entertaining.
Nearly every channel these days has some brainwashed cops shit to watch, always running up into peoples cribs claiming that they heard shots.


Active member
Its a big deal, in vegas atleast, when you dont have any ID. they love bringing mofos in on warrants. Every traffic stop, especially if you dont have your woman in the car, they will ask every passenger for ID. Fucking ridiculous.


cant stop wont stop
Lessons I've learned from 20 years of Cops

Don't talk to hookers with walkie talkies

Anyone who says, "I ain't gonna lie to you" is lying

You have no rights

Don't fight cops

Naked black men on PCP are hard to wrestle

Alcohol is the biggest revenue for the state

A woman with a kid will roll on you in a second

Men have no idea when a woman's had enough of his shit

If he's not making eye contact.... he's going to run

Take care of your warrants

cops are scared of snakes

Don;t piss off the sherrifs at the central jail

MLK blvd is a shithole no matter which city you're in

:laughing: that list was gold!!

naked black man on pcp stood out cuz i swear ive seen at least 3 episodes where that was the instance...

MLK blvd is a shithole no matter which city you're in - QFT


Active member
yea i fucking hate this show and cant stand to watch it at all anymore. i used to like watching the old school 1980s episodes but lately i just get really angry watching any kind of cop show, whether its DEA or even Speeders. i fucking loathe those uniformed bastard agents of the government. they do nothing but oppress and ruin peoples lives while they live in their cushy ass jobs.

cops have terrible social lifes and are probably all drunk ass losers like in The Wire, so i least get some comfort knowing that they hate their lives deep inside.

Coco Budder

hahahahaha i seen that episode too it has been months since I watched the show and I turn on the TV and this fat white guy is running with his hot dog and they arrest him for jay walking and they ask him what was your reason for running and he was like I just wanted to go grab my mom so she could tell you who I was! hhahaha fucking pathetic cop for the biggest arrest of the year "Jaywalking" hahaha
MLK blvd is a shithole no matter which city you're in

I live by MLK Blvd :(
It is kind of a shithole tho lol

Cops has taught me alot of what not to do when encountering LE.
Don't watch it much anymore tho so can't speak on it but I remember some episodes were real entertaining while others were horribly fucked up.


Active member
The one thing that amazes me about this show is how stupid the "suspects" are. Officer asks, "anything illegal in your vehicle?
Suspect replies, "no".
Officer, "Then you don't mind if I search"?
Suspect, knowing that there is dope in the car, but doesn't want to appear as if he's lying, so he says, "sure, go ahead".
How stupid can they be?
Never give the cops permission to search!
The other thing one notices is how brutal the cops are.
It's always overkill.
They smash the guy on the ground, then put their knee on his face as he is mashed into the pavement while all the cops are screaming and yelling like animals, even though they know suspect is unarmed and has already raised his arms in surrender.
God, I hate cops.


Active member
The one thing that amazes me about this show is how stupid the "suspects" are. Officer asks, "anything illegal in your vehicle?
Suspect replies, "no".
Officer, "Then you don't mind if I search"?
Suspect, knowing that there is dope in the car, but doesn't want to appear as if he's lying, so he says, "sure, go ahead".
How stupid can they be?
Never give the cops permission to search!
The other thing one notices is how brutal the cops are.
It's always overkill.
They smash the guy on the ground, then put their knee on his face as he is mashed into the pavement while all the cops are screaming and yelling like animals, even though they know suspect is unarmed and has already raised his arms in surrender.
God, I hate cops.

They are that angry with roidrage they go home and beat their wifes and kick their dogs (fucking losers).
