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finally back in colorado!!!

To each their own...I enjoy Colorado, as do many others..Maybe you should just *stay* in Alaska if thats what makes ya happy. :joint:

BTW, seafood sucks, regardless of where it comes from. Different strokes for different folks. :D


Active member
in case you guys have not read the posts about safercolorado.

WHAB said:
Colorado, SAFER, marijuana initiative signature drive.

These are e-mails I have recieved from SAFER. I thought I would share them in the hopes of promoting FULL participation in this latest marijuana intiative. The drive is on NOW.

__________________________________________________ _______
Tue, 21 Feb 2006

Last week, I informed you that we needed to raise $3,000 in a week in order to launch our statewide signature drive in Colorado. Five days later, thanks to the generosity of SAFER supporters like yourself, we are more than two-thirds of the way to our goal. While this was a great response, we are still $1,000 short of our target. If we don't raise this amount we will not be able to produce a full supply of petition booklets to deliver to our volunteers. Please consider making a $5, $10, or $25 contribution to help us reach our fundraising goal. If just 100 people reply, we will likely hit our target.

Please visit -- http://www.SAFERColorado.org -- today to make a financial contribution of any size. It will take just two minutes of your time and will mean so much to the campaign.

As I noted in the last alert, more than 250 individuals in Colorado have signed up to collect signatures for the campaign. These people are planning to dedicate hours of their free time to fight for the right of adults to make the rational choice to use marijuana instead of alcohol. If you are proud of these individuals for giving up their free time for this cause, please help us provide them the materials they need by contributing just $5 or $10 with a credit card through Pay Pal on our campaign Web site:


If you are in Colorado and would prefer to help the initiative campaign by joining the more than 250 other Coloradans who have signed up to be a part of the signature drive. Please visit our Web site -- http://www.SAFERColorado.org -- to volunteer for the signature drive or for some other campaign activity.

This is not just another request for help on a campaign or a cause. This is an opportunity to be part of history. If this campaign succeeds, it could be the tipping point that leads to the end of marijuana prohibition in this country. So if you have thought about supporting marijuana policy reform in the past but have never quite pulled the trigger, please do so today by making a contribution. Here is the Web site again (in case you missed it):


Thank you so much for any help you can give. Together, we will win the battle to end marijuana prohibition.


Mason Tvert
Campaign Director
Safer Alternative for Enjoyable Recreation (SAFER)


I spoke with Mason today (actually it was tonight, just a short time ago). Signatures and signature collectors are needed. I have volunteered to be a signature collector. There will be a signature sheet at the Colorado Compassion Club 'patient support center'.

*Please be sure and use your current/accurate voter registration address* Many votes are invalidated because people forget to inform the Registrar after a move. They will invalidate your vote if you supply a different address other than the one you registered with. Mason placed special emphasis on this point.

Momentum is in our favor. We need to continue the push for decriminalization, legalization. The recent success of I-100 (legal possesion of 1oz in the city of Denver) has proven the will of the people can make a difference.

It has been suggested that a volunteer force can't perform as well as the 'paid' organizations. Lets prove them wrong.

Please do what you can to help. I hope to see you out there.

Thank you for listening.....be safe and well.


Good to see that change is wanted by some people in this state. I hope that everyone whos posted in this thread will be signing the petition. Overgrow the country



New member
Colorado does have some great genetics
Huge fan of Fort Collins, some of the best beer and medical herb in the state comes outta here. The cough (NLx5 X haze) is a day wrecker for sure. The lime green shit everyone has talked about is a heady commercial strain. The SAGE, Chocolate Chunk, and Midas are now my local favorites. mmmmmmm sweet frosty oraganics. I thought
we already decrimminalized 1 ounce in Denver county?
City law, yes, state law, no. The cops/DA are using state law to prosecute, from what I understand, hence the reason for the statewide initiative.


Hey BudGood, the Denver DA went on record prior to the initiative passing saying if it passed he would honor the cities laws and not prosecute if the FEDs didn't force the issue. This might sound weird, but w/ all these cool CO homies posting up, we should have a meet 'n greet or something. Apprehension due to security is understandable, but as dankbudz can attest, w/ a little leap of faith good things can happen.


Active member
Let's make the statewide initiative victory margin 60% Time to show the rest of the country how much we love cannabis


Active member
nice to see a some people from colorado i hope to get to know a few of you guys and maybe have a session or 2 someday


Active member
not to mention the exchange of tips and tricks as i am always up for some smoke i live in downtown denver just blocks from invesco
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On line networking is a great thing! But having faces and places to associate w/ is even better! Strains could be perfected, grows could be tweeked for efficiancy, the possibilities are near endless. And yes there would be one MASSIVE ASS smoke session, well atleast if I have anything to do w/ it their will be.



Active member
well i have met a few people online and got together with them and smoked some great stuff and would be willing to do it again...


Active member
ColoraDro said:
not to mention the exchange of tips and tricks as well as maybe some beans i am always up for some smoke i live in downtown denver just blocks from invesco

read rule number 7, and edit this post, or edit this post then go read rule 7...no mention of trading of any kind is the general gist of it


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
ColoraDro said:
i live in downtown denver just blocks from invesco
Sorry about pissing on your lawn after that Bronco's game.. :pointlaug

I'm back after 2 years..Now if Tool will just play Red Rocks again..this would be a great summer.. :headbange