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Final round on Change.org We need your votes NOW

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
If Obama snubs us again, we will finally all know he is just another run of the mill, say anything to get elected piece of shit polytrickster.

For a campagin based on "CHANGE" it seems like alot of the same ol' shit....

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Im suprised there is nothing in the top 10 pertaining to college grants or health care.

Save the Apes made the top 10 and college didnt? Really !??

College should be paid for by our goverment. It should be something available for no cost to any U.S. born citizen. No student should be forced to miss out on something as substantial as college simply because lack of funding and it certainly should not be a debt that continues to loom over post-graduates in this weak economy.

...and nothing about healthcare?? Really? We spend 60 Billion dollars a year to house prisoners, yet we cant afford a national healthcare system to insure that we all get treatment needed and are not burdned with ridiculous hospital bills???

What about prison reform? How can we sit here and justify the ludacris amounts we spend to house non-violent offenders? I demand the immediate release of all prisoners locked up on non-violent offenses and prisoners compensated for time spent imprisoned.


Im suprised there is nothing in the top 10 pertaining to college grants or health care.

Save the Apes made the top 10 and college didnt? Really !??

College should be paid for by our goverment. It should be something available for no cost to any U.S. born citizen. No student should be forced to miss out on something as substantial as college simply because lack of funding and it certainly should not be a debt that continues to loom over post-graduates in this weak economy.

...and nothing about healthcare?? Really? We spend 60 Billion dollars a year to house prisoners, yet we cant afford a national healthcare system to insure that we all get treatment needed and are not burdned with ridiculous hospital bills???

What about prison reform? How can we sit here and justify the ludacris amounts we spend to house non-violent offenders? I demand the immediate release of all prisoners locked up on non-violent offenses and prisoners compensated for time spent imprisoned.

education has always taken a back seat in this country we are the only country in the world ware 95% of the population only speaks one language. every ware else they speak there native and common it seriously needs fixed fast all the jobs out there require a college education.
The powers that be have to be scratching their heads at this point. This issue continues to top the list of important issues on the minds of Americans. How long can they ignore it?

At some point, it must become obvious to them that they have no choice but to take this seriously.

The question then becomes what action will they take in response? I just hope that action doesn't include continuing to bury their heads in the sand.


Its awesome and it sucks at the same time, number one on the list, but not good enough to be taken seriously, not even to be intelligently talked about.

Last time really was annoying. I’ve never felt like people on t.v where laughing at me, and the way they contributed it to stoners with a bunch of free time. It‘s hard not to feel their going to do the same this time around, but I am glad its number 1 even though there are allot of important issues about.

I can already see the smile on his face when this is read.


Active member
...and nothing about healthcare?? Really? We spend 60 Billion dollars a year to house prisoners, yet we cant afford a national healthcare system to insure that we all get treatment needed and are not burdned with ridiculous hospital bills???
I love what you do.... but please stop beating this dead horse.

Making our corrupt and broken healthcare system mandatory is not going to help people get the treatment they need. It certainly isn't going to decrease the size of hospital bills either.

The Federal govt has no business being involved in the "Individual Welfare" of the citizens of it's nation. Not because it doesn't care... but simply because of logistics. It's inefficient and wasteful when implemented by anyone other than local organizations.

A Ball-Hitch is a great way to control the junction between a trailer and the vehicle that's pulling it. It has a wide range of movement, with only a few restrictions. It's actually pretty perfect for the job it does.

You don't see a trailer with ball hitches being used as bolts and screws and nuts... to hold the rest of the trailer together.... it would take too much extra hardware and work to keep it together.

Having Federal govt dictating what you can and can't do in your home... in every part of the land.... for every citizen of the land.... is ridiculous to even contemplate. Only slow poisoning of the constitution has allowed it to exist at all.

Educate Yourself! Then Educate Your Neighbor! It's this spread of information that will speed the healing of America.

Stay Safe! :tree: :blowbubbles:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Its awesome and it sucks at the same time, number one on the list, but not good enough to be taken seriously, not even to be intelligently talked about.

Last time really was annoying. I’ve never felt like people on t.v where laughing at me, and the way they contributed it to stoners with a bunch of free time. It‘s hard not to feel their going to do the same this time around, but I am glad its number 1 even though there are allot of important issues about.

I can already see the smile on his face when this is read.

So if its a 'save the ape' foundation, they are deidicted to their cause. But us stoners, were not dedicated, we just happened to be inbetween a bongload and our 4th nap of the day and happened to incoherently stumble upon his website, right?

What a prick.... I hate to say this, but all my black friends are right.

...obamas just another uncle tom house-niggah.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I love what you do.... but please stop beating this dead horse.

Making our corrupt and broken healthcare system mandatory is not going to help people get the treatment they need. It certainly isn't going to decrease the size of hospital bills either.

The Federal govt has no business being involved in the "Individual Welfare" of the citizens of it's nation. Not because it doesn't care... but simply because of logistics. It's inefficient and wasteful when implemented by anyone other than local organizations.

A Ball-Hitch is a great way to control the junction between a trailer and the vehicle that's pulling it. It has a wide range of movement, with only a few restrictions. It's actually pretty perfect for the job it does.

You don't see a trailer with ball hitches being used as bolts and screws and nuts... to hold the rest of the trailer together.... it would take too much extra hardware and work to keep it together.

Having Federal govt dictating what you can and can't do in your home... in every part of the land.... for every citizen of the land.... is ridiculous to even contemplate. Only slow poisoning of the constitution has allowed it to exist at all.

Educate Yourself! Then Educate Your Neighbor! It's this spread of information that will speed the healing of America.

Stay Safe! :tree: :blowbubbles:

Federal Goverement doesn't need to dictate your doctor visits, what they need to do is stop this glutton spending they have been doing for the last thirty years and redirect it to something that will do good in OUR country. Fuck the rest of the world. We dont need to be the earth superman. We need to seriously stepback our overpriced war machine, stepback all the money wasted into prohibition, and release all non violent offenders. Doing so would give us enough capital to not only fund a national health care project, but we would also be able to fix every street and school in america and fund many local community family help programs. This would not only put money where it needs to be, it would also open up thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of new jobs.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Back on track now! http://blog.change.org/2010/03/15/announcing-the-top-10-ideas-for-change-in-america/

this is what change.org said would be done with all the top ten questions now.

"Now that the voting has concluded, the hard work of real change begins. We will be presenting these ideas to relevant members of the Obama Administration and Congress, and subsequently helping to initiate national campaigns behind each of these ten ideas."

We just have to wait and see now. The democrats realized they have fucked up with this health care debate. They are going to be listening now for the purpose of getting enough votes to stay in office. Some will now be more pro pot, and some will only be more pro pot until the next elections pass. Either way if we get a solid backing in the government we will win in the next three years. Solid backing from a major political party is the only thing our movement is missing. However it is a big piece to be missing.
Last edited:


Active member
Federal Goverement doesn't need to dictate your doctor visits, what they need to do is stop this glutton spending they have been doing for the last thirty years and redirect it to something that will do good in OUR country. Fuck the rest of the world. We dont need to be the earth superman. We need to seriously stepback our overpriced war machine, stepback all the money wasted into prohibition, and release all non violent offenders.
What you said here is totally and completely correct... except the corruption and spending issues go back over a hundred years.

As for "change.Org"? They just stated they're not going to address #1. Obama doesn't have anyone that's interested in talking to them about it. They're off the hook. (You watch)

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
What you said here is totally and completely correct... except the corruption and spending issues go back over a hundred years.

As for "change.Org"? They just stated they're not going to address #1. Obama doesn't have anyone that's interested in talking to them about it. They're off the hook. (You watch)

How can he do it 2x in a row? He would look like such an uncaring dick. Its not like we are participating in some random CBS internet poll, this is something that his administration took the time to set up, monitor, and poll the american public.

Unfortunatly, I feel like your right. As much as id like to believe he will take it seriously as a letitimate topic, I think there not going to discuss or hes going to make us all look like retarded stoners.

I heard South Park is doing an episode on Marijuana Legalization in their up coming 14th season. Not really how I feel about it, normally south park likes to shit on everybody.... and if they make good points about legalization, nobody will give a shit or make a deal about them. However, if they do something ridiculous making all of us weed smokers look bad, you know damn well its going to make every conservative talk show around....

....Cant we just fucking legalize it already? ...shit this seems like such an archaic topic. Weed has pretty much been legal in CA for the last 10 years. Why cant we just accept that cannabis can be safely produced, consumed, and sold in a retail market?

p.s. does anyone have an idea as to when we wil get a response from obama regarding change.org ?


He will think hard about blowing it off the second time around

He may or may not blow if off again if he does I think he will lose allot of voters.

New season of south park starts tonight


Active member
The guy they're going to talk to is the Drug Czar. (Can't believe we have any Czars in this country at all... but that's corrupt America for ya)

Here's his latest statement on legalization of cannabis

March 12th

What do you think his response is going to be to Change.org coming to him and requesting a talk? He's already flatly stated that America is not a bunch of doctors and he really doesn't care what we think.

Stay Safe! :tree: :blowbubbles:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^this is why we need to make it clear to the president we dont care what he thinks. we elected him to do the job we want, and we expect it to get done. If you dont your fired. He is a public servant, and he works for us. He doesnt tell us what is ok, we tell him. All these politicians (both corrupt ass parties) need to be put in their places, and be publicly talked shit to by americans, until they realize they are nothing with out us.

Totah Sam

Change.org will never submit the question. I'm sure a phone call will come from the Whitehouse telling them to omit it. Obama has already said he has no interest in dealing with Cannabis legalization.

Personally, I don't blame him. Due to the racial propaganda that started the Cannabis prohibition, it would be political suicide. He gets enough shit about being a Muslim, a foreigner, a communist, a socialist, THE ANTICHRIST, even HITLER for God's sake. He is pretty much backed into a corner.


Active member
^this is why we need to make it clear to the president we dont care what he thinks. we elected him to do the job we want, and we expect it to get done. If you dont your fired. He is a public servant, and he works for us. He doesnt tell us what is ok, we tell him. All these politicians (both corrupt ass parties) need to be put in their places, and be publicly talked shit to by americans, until they realize they are nothing with out us.

They only have power because WE give it to them. Correct.

Unless the people know their rights.... how can they stand up for them? They don't even know what's going on... just that they're upset.

Educate Yourself! Then Educate Your Neighbor!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^anyone elected for president in 2008 committed political suicide, and obama knows that. There is no one who can clean up this mess and please enough people to get re-elected, so he might as well just help us.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Keep grasping for those straws called politicians.

I'll never vote in this "America." Ever.