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fidibot's gardens


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
mmmmh holding out on me ey...keeping your second room a secret ey...lol....nice work my friend...and thx for the heads up in my thread nice of you to share with me !!
Awsome work Fi_Di !!!


Son Of Botany - Green Block Original Shrdana
Hi Core mate!
tnx to you and your crew for the reps points. with them my ego'll grow like as a gal with a shoot of roots booster :D

some good new to share:
- just bring at home some cuttings from the 2nd room:
bubblegum, mt cook, cxc, ghandi and ml01;
- super Wapsas gifted me some PTK f2 done by him popopow!;
- 3 on 4 th heavy duty fruity put out the root. just put in soil and waiting for the first pair of leaves :D

have a nice time and see ya soon!


Son Of Botany - Green Block Original Shrdana
wd f2

switched the light from 24/0 to 20/4
02 wd f2 (another one will say hi in few days)

01 serious bubblegum
01 cxc cheese pheno
01 mt cook
01 ghandi s1
01 ml01
01 nl x haze s

have a nice weekend!


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
nice thread fi-di,i just read the whole play.
you have some real nice strains goin in hre bro.i'll be watchin for sure.
peace yo.


:bow: :bow: bobow figlio son, I sincerely love your gardens and 3d...

:bow: :bow:

amazed Grace.... :bashhead:

just subscribed lol
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Son Of Botany - Green Block Original Shrdana
hello homiez
tnx for di gentle words!
some "manicure" for a ml01 and a pearl (jamaican pearl f5) gal:


very easy to trimm


meanwhile in the "mother" room
wd f2

one ghandi s1

the nl x haze s1 clone is died... no good

working on a new closet

have a nice evening and a fat fat fat dinner



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Fi_Di

the closet is looking good mate ...seems your quite a handy fellow 2...should give some serious buds inthere :smile:


Son Of Botany - Green Block Original Shrdana
Hi Core! still working on it for the internal airflow, then to check if it is 100% lightproof and then put inside some good gals.

Hi Dr.Dog, nice to have you here :D the dinner was sauteed mushroom with moist potatoes and pig coulets, not a light food but i need to store some fat for the winter


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
i was wonderin what you was eatin to...goin fear factor style huh ;)
just kiddin bro,you know i had to get a joke in;)

new closet is really lookin good bro,i think you will haul some huge lil monsters out of there.
peace bro.


Son Of Botany - Green Block Original Shrdana
hi :wave: all!

bad news due to hard hard rain, lost all di gals flowering. bad news from the 02 wd f2 in the other space, other 2 males. so let's see to try with 07 soma lavender, 6 seeds cracked after 24 hours and put in soil! must back to dry home. bye


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
to f'n bad brother,sorry to hear about the troubles...my condolences bro...i feel for ya.


Son Of Botany - Green Block Original Shrdana
Hi tonatiuhs :wave:
don't worry just back in action :D
saved from the flood only one wd f2

and some cuttings from the other growroom:

03 ghandi in 2 pots

a cxc

trying to have a great winter grow with some soma's lavender, 6/7 sprouted after 3 days

meanwhile i've some th heavy duty fruity growing outdoor, but no pics taked.

must back at work see ya later


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hey my italian friend...thanks fro droppin gthise cab pics in my thread last time....i know you did a great job on it !!!
she shure will hold the plants warm and cozy :D


Son Of Botany - Green Block Original Shrdana
hi core :wave:
how is going there? this day s i got very busy at work and i got a bad bad flu!
yeah hope to fill the cab as soon as possible, but is hard to store some cash for buy a garden home.

just a fast update from the 1st room, under 18/6
there are a mtcook, 2 ghandi, a cxc, a ml01, a wd f2 and 6 lavender.
changed the lights, from 5x 18w neon to a 250w, so it's a bit more warn inside the room.

pic taked last sunday afternoon, after a repot session.

must run at home see ya later bye fdb


Son Of Botany - Green Block Original Shrdana
i still fell ill
a fast update, pics taken on sunday afternoon


havy duty fruity


cxc f1



miss to take a pic of the mtcook and of the last lavender
must back at bed see ya soon

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
get well soon Fidi

Your plants are starting to look good, should be seeing some buds on them very very soon


Son Of Botany - Green Block Original Shrdana
Hi all!

new year and new post!
sorry for being so desaparecidos but got a bad bad bronchitis with blood spitting. now i fell better. here some pics from the first room
not the best well looking gals but got an horrible december so the plants had suffer too much, both cold and some stress for flood missed.
not only bad news i got from a friend a 400w, first positive thing of the year.

wd f2

cxc f1
this gal is very nice, she had a good vigour and i know she will give me some dank and havy buds! popopow!

now it's uncle Soma's Lavender's time:

only 4 gals from 6 seeds. i removed the 2 males. sorry for the member of the club that was interested in some f2 of this strain but i'm smoking nothing in this time so i'd like to have something stored before back on doing f2 seeds.
also i had a big amount of strains to test for friends and many of them are very very cool! As you can see one of the gal is suffering after the repot, hope she will recover as soon as possible.

some days ago i was searching something in my old home and i found some trimming stuff. big big smile on my face and few hours later i collect this

only 0,4 gr but enough for a fat and amazing spliff!

must back at home hope soon to take some pics of the other gals in this room (mtcook, ml01, ghandi and heavydutyfruity) and from the other room (cxc, mandragola, bubblegum, jamaican pearl f4) meanwhile have a nice and relaxing time! popopow!
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