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Fiddynut's indoor jungle


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
right on brother!
i used to love heavy metal and hard rock
growing up in the 80's we had it so good
my musical tastes run the gamut from old jazz to real shit kicking country music
one minute im listening to pantera or priest, the next some david alen coe (or rihanna or modest mouse or ethel waters or... well you get the picture)

thanks for the link to the food thread!
i havent been grinding much meat lately but that is some good inspiration
instead we have been making fresh pasta dough
i have gotten pretty good at it and can roll out a big ball in about 15-20min
im thinking about getting this raviolli maker next
its like an ice cube tray and you use to fill the pasta
then you lay another sheet over the top and press the top down and it seals and cuts them for you

yeah man, grab a couple small usb fans and check them out
i have them all over the place
some even ceom wiht their own rechargable battery so you can put them anywhere you want

so ready for the weekend,man
for soem reason this week has really kicked my ass and i am just about out of gas


Well-known member
Hey pop
You a django fan I just finished listening my collection of old recordings by him. Mrs Hazard got me his whole collection on CDs.
Alas no live at the hot club of France but a lot of jazz guitar and fiddle . Starting next on Rebirth Brass Band and looking for m o re New Orleans style stuff like Indian red and other masking songs.
The heavy metal years were to me somewhat lacking and I could never find a good chain saw Mic. Although there Was good money in repairs and helping the bass player keep up with those Marshall stacks.


Active member
right on brother!
i used to love heavy metal and hard rock
growing up in the 80's we had it so good
my musical tastes run the gamut from old jazz to real shit kicking country music
one minute im listening to pantera or priest, the next some david alen coe (or rihanna or modest mouse or ethel waters or... well you get the picture)

thanks for the link to the food thread!
i havent been grinding much meat lately but that is some good inspiration
instead we have been making fresh pasta dough
i have gotten pretty good at it and can roll out a big ball in about 15-20min
im thinking about getting this raviolli maker next
its like an ice cube tray and you use to fill the pasta
then you lay another sheet over the top and press the top down and it seals and cuts them for you

yeah man, grab a couple small usb fans and check them out
i have them all over the place
some even ceom wiht their own rechargable battery so you can put them anywhere you want

so ready for the weekend,man
for soem reason this week has really kicked my ass and i am just about out of gas
Good afternoon pop_rocks.
Yep I think it's good to listen to a variety of music, kind of keeps it fresh. Growing up in the 70's and 80's I was raised on a lot of rock and roll from the 60's onwards. The only music I really can't stand is a lot of pop and pop country. Give me punk rock, heavy metal, grunge,80's hip hop, and all the hippie jam band stuff. My wife's dad was a huge jazz fan. He grew up in costal Alabama close to New Orleans and jazz was really popular there.

Glad you like the food thread. That sausage roll recipe is for a traditional Dutch food I'd never even heard of them before. The pics that mex posted look killer. I'm going to try them soon. I needed some inspiration as well and this might just be it.
Glad you are rocking the pasta. I love home made ravioli! So many things to stuff them with. That ravioli maker sounds like a great time saver.

I'm going to Amazon to check out fans right after this post.

I'm with you on being wiped out after a long week. Opening day on Monday wasn't exactly a relaxing day off and I'm exhausted.

I'm also way overdue on an update on the LW's and the GB babies and I'll try to get that done after work today.


Active member
Update and pics

Update and pics

Greetings friends.
The LW's needed water this morning and I'm long overdue on an update so here we go. They are looking good and really starting to stink up my grow area. The frost on the sugar leaves is getting ridiculous, especially on the LW#1. I bumped the feed up to 20ml PBP per gallon of RO. I have a lot of lower growth that isn't getting much light and I find myself wishing I'd stripped most of it off. Going to get more aggressive with trimming up the bottoms next time. I have a lot of huge fan leaves at the tops of the plant that are blocking most of the secondary shoots. Experience tells me that I can get a lot of good buds off the secondary colas and I might have to take off some fans to get some light on them.

I'm also glad to report that all 7 of the Gorilla Bubble seeds are up and growing. In my last three grows I have a 100% seed germination rate 27/27. The seedlings got their first watering a coupes days ago and have all shed their shells and are working on their first sets of leaves. They all popped up really quickly. They are so cute:).

Here is a group shot of the LW's.

Here are a couple of lights off shots with flash. The frost is getting crazy.

Here are the baby GB's.

Here we are at the end of week 5 and all is well. Of course I'd love to see bigger buds but for now they are stacking and I'm sure they will fatten up over the next few weeks. Starting to get really excited to see how these plants are going to taste.

I hope everyone is well and your weekends are off to a good start. After a few rainy cold weeks it's going to be sunny the next couple days and temps in the 70's. I'm going to enjoy some outdoor recreation and fresh air. Thanks for dropping in to check out my grow....Fiddy.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
django reinhardt?!?
that is right up my alley brother!
great stuff, friend
are you a musician?

those plants are looking really bushy at 5wks!
really good job, fiddy
also glad to hear all the gorilla bubble seeds have sprouted
they must have been really fresh,viable seeds!
if there was a strain i would like to try my hand at, its the glue
were those regular seeds you planted?

i hear you about taking a day off and still feeling wiped!
sometimes, i will take a day off and end up doing more than if i went to work
then you have like 5d work to complete in 4d

that sounds like great weather for the weekend
when does spring really start for you
it seems like we are about there but coastal so cal springs are grey mornings and cool temps

hope everyone is having a great weekend!


Well-known member
Pop I'm a gear head sound man repair tech.
I play but not well.
I do appreciate good music as I've had a few gigs were more of an edit than mix.
That fiddle player on the Django cuts wow I can't get enough


Active member
Hey Fiddy looking like the bomb you're going to be happy I know.Two trains of thought on removing existing healthy fans so that lower nodes can suck up the light.Do the fans absorb the light transferring it the budsites underneath?Or is it best to let the budsites absorb the direct light?Only their hairdresser knows for sure lol.I'm a fan of healthy fans and never remove them,especially with 600W or greater.


Well-known member
Hey Fiddy looking like the bomb you're going to be happy I know.Two trains of thought on removing existing healthy fans so that lower nodes can suck up the light.Do the fans absorb the light transferring it the budsites underneath?Or is it best to let the budsites absorb the direct light?Only their hairdresser knows for sure lol.I'm a fan of healthy fans and never remove them,especially with 600W or greater.

Hey Floridian I sort of split the difference I tuck the fans down under if I can


Active member
django reinhardt?!?
that is right up my alley brother!
great stuff, friend
are you a musician?

those plants are looking really bushy at 5wks!
really good job, fiddy
also glad to hear all the gorilla bubble seeds have sprouted
they must have been really fresh,viable seeds!
if there was a strain i would like to try my hand at, its the glue
were those regular seeds you planted?

i hear you about taking a day off and still feeling wiped!
sometimes, i will take a day off and end up doing more than if i went to work
then you have like 5d work to complete in 4d

that sounds like great weather for the weekend
when does spring really start for you
it seems like we are about there but coastal so cal springs are grey mornings and cool temps

hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Good morning pop_rocks.

Wow what nice weather we had this weekend. Absolutely beautiful.
We played some disc golf on Saturday and my bro got an ace.

The girls are coming along nicely. A couple of the GB seedlings look a little pale and are falling behind. I had to go bragging about my perfect germination rate last week then I may have let them dry out a bit too much by the time I watered them on sat morning.

Pop The gorilla bubbles are reg seeds.

I might have a problem with my well pipe. There is a 4" casing that goes through my basement wall out to the well. The power supply goes out that casing and so does the pipe that brings water into the house. There is a cap on the casing that has been dripping water for about a week now. We had so much rain the last month that it could be just that the ground is saturated and ground water is finding its way in. Or it couple be the pressurized pipe or fittings are leaking or worse. For now I can use a bucket to collect the drips and monitor to see if it's getting worse or better. I can handle most repairs inside the house but if I need the pipe replaced or work on the well I'll have to get a contractor in the house. And my tents are right next to where the work would be done. No way I could let a stranger in unless I take the tents down. If there is a problem I hope I can at least put off fixing until after the wookies are finished. Worst case I could take the flower tent down and put the veg tent in my 2nd bedroom upstairs. If I had to do that I will loose a couple months of grow time. I would have to keep the GB's in veg and take cuttings of them and grow out the cuttings.

Glad to know I'm not the only one who sometimes feels like they need a day off after their day off. Looks like another long week this week too.

I hope you had a great weekend and all is well....Fiddy.


Active member
Hey Fiddy looking like the bomb you're going to be happy I know.Two trains of thought on removing existing healthy fans so that lower nodes can suck up the light.Do the fans absorb the light transferring it the budsites underneath?Or is it best to let the budsites absorb the direct light?Only their hairdresser knows for sure lol.I'm a fan of healthy fans and never remove them,especially with 600W or greater.

Hey Floridian I sort of split the difference I tuck the fans down under if I can

Good morning guys.
Thanks for your thoughts. I've been wondering what the buds actually do with the light that shines on them. I know the leaves turn light into food but what do the buds do? I've heard mention of getting light to the bud sights but not sure why.
It seems like the buds that get the most light get biggest. A single main cola gets fatter than the lower branches. Is that because they are getting light or is it because the plant sends its energy to the top? Like Floridian says we may never know.
I don't want to take healthy leaves off and have held off on doing so. I'm guessing that the plant is going to want the food stored in them in a couple weeks or so.
I've been through some defoliation threads and it's a very touchy subject for many. Many of the threads are full of argument from people on both sides. A common theme from people who don't defoliate is that they lost weight when they tried it. Others say it works better for some strains and grow styles than others.
Lots of questions and maybe bits and pieces of answers. For now I'm going to try to do like Rodehazrd and tuck as much as I can.
Thanks again for your thoughts....Fiddy.


Active member
Ahh but if ye tuck thy fans,are they receiving thine light fullyiest?Damn religious threads..I need to stay out of the den.


Well-known member
We'll be camping In the panhandlers soon it'll be the Lord's radio to the max . Being a recovering southern Baptist I'm immune to most of their scams.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
that sucks fiddy
i hate it when i have to call in outside help around the house

its good that you have an alternate site to move the plants
i hope it dosent impact your schedule that much
how long do you think the repair would take?

defoliation is a tough subject
i feel like if the plant spends all that energy making leafs, they must be important and provide benifit
not saying i dont pick off any dull or fading leaf as the plant grows
/i think at a certain point, the leaf is not really adding to the overall well being of the plant and it would be better to open that space up to air and light
but i dont pluck off the large green fan leafs, esp in the first several weeks of flower
/anecdotally, ive never had a plant with scrawny leaf structure produce what i would call super dank bud

"It seems like the buds that get the most light get biggest. A single main cola gets fatter than the lower branches. Is that because they are getting light or is it because the plant sends its energy to the top? Like Floridian says we may never know. "

at the top we have the most light but also the greatest concentration of hormones in the plant
in not very knowledgeable on this subject, but i do know hormones are important
this is why if you bend (or cut) the top branch back, the next branch down will experience a burst of growth

do you camp out year round rhode?
depending on where you want to camp he in cali, you go at different times of the year
this is the desert season right now but its been years since ive been


Active member
Ahh but if ye tuck thy fans,are they receiving thine light fullyiest?Damn religious threads..I need to stay out of the den.

They hath stored their righteous treasure to be used in the time of their fullness

Hahaha guys that's funny.
I had been trying to remember some of what I'd read in the defoliation thread so I went back last evening and had a look at the thread that Payaso started to try to settle the arguments in the other defoliation threads. Payaso's thread "Defoliation Experiment ~ Trimming Fan Leaves": https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=275852

Just like the older defoliation threads his turned heated quickly. Not sure if I've ever seen that many banned members in the same thread before or since. There are bits and pieces of interesting theories and ideas.

Then I came across another thread that pertained exactly to what we were talking about. This one is by Redrum92 and is called "Does bud itself need direct light? Why?" https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=308524

More bits and pieces of info in the above thread. Had me reading for a few hours. It seems like the more I read the less I know.


Active member
We'll be camping In the panhandlers soon it'll be the Lord's radio to the max . Being a recovering southern Baptist I'm immune to most of their scams.
Haha yep people might be taking their religion too seriously if it makes them talk and or dress funny.


Active member
that sucks fiddy
i hate it when i have to call in outside help around the house

its good that you have an alternate site to move the plants
i hope it dosent impact your schedule that much
how long do you think the repair would take?

defoliation is a tough subject
i feel like if the plant spends all that energy making leafs, they must be important and provide benifit
not saying i dont pick off any dull or fading leaf as the plant grows
/i think at a certain point, the leaf is not really adding to the overall well being of the plant and it would be better to open that space up to air and light
but i dont pluck off the large green fan leafs, esp in the first several weeks of flower
/anecdotally, ive never had a plant with scrawny leaf structure produce what i would call super dank bud

"It seems like the buds that get the most light get biggest. A single main cola gets fatter than the lower branches. Is that because they are getting light or is it because the plant sends its energy to the top? Like Floridian says we may never know. "

at the top we have the most light but also the greatest concentration of hormones in the plant
in not very knowledgeable on this subject, but i do know hormones are important
this is why if you bend (or cut) the top branch back, the next branch down will experience a burst of growth

do you camp out year round rhode?
depending on where you want to camp he in cali, you go at different times of the year
this is the desert season right now but its been years since ive been
Good morning pop_rocks.

Yep not looking forward to it. Right now I'm getting about a gallon of water every 12 hours. If it doesn't get worse I'm going to finish this run at least before fixing it. Not sure how long it will take but a couple weeks delay at least. So I've got like 4 weeks left on the wookies that would put them at just over 9 weeks total bloom then a week or so to dry then I can take the tent down and allow for at least a couple weeks to find and fix the problem with the well. Since the seedlings are already a week old they would have to veg for almost 2 months before the flower tent is set up again. I've never vegged that long and my plants would get too big I think. It might just be better to get cuttings of the GB's I have and by the time they are ready the flower tent should be ready again. The veg tent I can have in my chill room upstairs but I don't think the flower tent would work up there with all the fans and stuff. It likes being in a cool wide open basement and would be too hot upstairs for it.

From the threads I've been reading defoliation may be one of the most controversial topics on icmag. The more I read the more I see people get good results doing things their own way and there doesn't seem to be a right or wrong. It also shows that using the wrong technique can drastically reduce your harvest.

I want to read up on the hormones a bit. I have a fuzzy idea of how they interact but have to check some things. If the hormones are affected by how much quantity and duration of light that might be of interest as well. More to read for me it sounds like.


Active member
Hormones?Very unfamiliar with the subject.Kinda thought is was the sound emanating from one of my very cheap dates when I get lucky


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
i hear you fiddy
defoliation can be a very touchy subject in some circles
i think there are so many variables to consider that there is no one way to grow the kine
also what might work with one strain will not necessarily be the best for another
and then add in that all of our grow rooms have a unique micro climate and you are really muddying the water

as far as hormones go, do some reading on auxins
i recall hearing about them in a biology class a long time ago and kind of took interest
im no expert but its a good place to start
definitely post up anything you find or even questions you might hvae
maybe we can figure this one out together

yeah, two months is a long time to veg
maybe you can veg for that long, take cuts and prune the plant down and then put it into flower
that way it will have an enormous root system already in place but wont be too big a plant to manage

how everythign going on your end brother?
i used to be the king of the cheap dates
good mexican food, a couple fatties* and a walk on the beach and its on!
i know the all the best spots to watch the submarine races
*sometimes i would even roll a j or two