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Fiddynut's indoor jungle


In my empire of dirt
happening guys?!

you are so right about music being a different experience back then,man!
who remembers having a blank cassette tape in the slot just so you could record your favorite song off the radio when it came on?
or listening to whole albums, like fiddy said!
/best complete album: rush:2112 or pink floyd: the wall; please discuss
oh man,fiddy, that brought back some great times,brother!
/rolls a fattie and puts on heaphones

a lot of strains will throw nanners late in flower
/it sounds like your may be like that if the seeds were mostly white and immature
keep an eye out but as long as you dont find a bunch of hard brown seeds i think this strain might be ok if you were ever to consider breeding
i wonder what aridbuds thoughts on this ...are/would be...hahah that joint just kicked in

i dont get into the pussifer as much but dig on the apc stuff
esp their album 13th step, lots of great memories associated with that record
/all this talk about tunes needs a link or two to some music

/song title: vanishing

or the kick ass bikini bandits stuff he did

/bikini bandits go dutch

f*tweakers, packersfan
if thats your first impression, i am sure you dodged a whole shit show of stupid working for these guys
sounds like you have some nice bloodlines in those plants!
/hoping you strike gold


Well-known member
Hey Fiddynuts, pork came out amazing. I used cherry and hickory wood. Took the kids swimming
Saturday and Sunda., kinda getting irritated, the wife never wants to do anything with me and the kids. She's kinda like that she is busy with school, but she's lazy. Funny cause i have the never-ending honey do list.

I got 12 of 18 seedling above ground, super excited about the LVTK also.

So I went to check out the supposed ranch job. Lol smh. Not really a ranch, 2 acres with 250 goats, a few cows. I had a weird feeling when I got their, the guy was tweaked out. Then his nephew shows up. I gave it a try but when I went to get hay and came back they are in the feed shed smoking meth. Lol. The guy tells me his wife doesn't think this is the job for me. Paid me for 3 hours and I went home. Yeah I have worked for tweakers before not doing it,again.

Looks like the outdoor is chugging along nicely.

I am not really surprised that their are the occasional nanner, gg4 came from a clusterfuck of hermied crop. I have avoided gg4 because of this. Besides doesn't really suit my taste.

I wasn't aware that Maynard was involved in a perfect circle. I was tripping out trying to find tool on iTunes, lol he's not their. Just read an article about the last few holdouts from iTunes. Tool has been a go to for me for many years.

Lol, distractions are crazy now days. Sometimes I try to kick back , and the mind keeps turning. That's probably the biggest reason I blaze. Helps to shut off the constant barrage of thoughts. Hard to concentrate when things are distracting.

Had that weird feeling when you got there eh?
That was a good time to run. Glad you got away clean anyway. Those folk have a shit storm swirling around them and guess who else it lands on. Anyone near by.
These names of artist are new to me tool?'
I have a lot of regional favorites from the old days New Grass Revival John Prine. King Crimson Savoy Brown from england,
A regional guy you might check out is Ben Solee he rocks the cello like a savant used to tour around pulling it with a bicycle protesting mountain top removal.
I never really got into the metal bands I couldn't find a good chain saw/ guitar mic and would not prefer my snare drum to sound like a cannon. Im somewhat of a Luddite that way. I feel any guitar player with over 50 watts should be hung by the toenails and pummeled with a damp carp. Of course thats just my personal preference.


Active member
Hey POP rocks, I do remember cassette tapes, I had shitty reception for the only station that played hard music. My tapes always sucked. I thought I was the shit when I got the 5 pound Sony diskman, needed a freaking back pack if you wanted more than 1 CD.

Pink Floyd, and rush are great. My greatest album would probably be Black Sabbath Paranoid. But black Sabbath is kind of an obsession of mine. Lol.

Do you guys ever listen to Primus? Definitely an awesome band that is totally unique.

I had a feeling the ranch thing was a joke, I guess I should listen to the almighty gut.

So far all but 3 seeds are up. I dug around 1 has cracked. 1 I couldn't find, 1 I think is a dud. I have 1 more GHOST OG, and one more terpanado. Extras in the packs. I will probably replace the ones that haven't popped.


Well-known member
Hey PF
Yeah I did rock out to Iron Man a time or too. But Spirit twelve dreams of Dr Sardonicas. Dr. John the night Tripper and Haystacks Balboa got more time on the turntable then for me.
So you start your seeds right in the soil? I like the towel method, I put them in a wet towel and mist with Hydrogen peroxide. After they crack I go to the dirt.Too long in the towel and the root hair starts to attach to the fibers. I have trouble orienting the root down too when they sprout very far before moving. I had a couple duds in my WW so I dumped them into the soil a week later I had extra starts coming out of the corner of two pots so some do take a bit longer to crack.
Terpenado I just love the way that rolls off the tongue.


Well-known member
Hey Jungle Tribe
I got my 6 white widows in 6" pots finally but I have that green veins thing going with light tips and some speckling on the fans of several phenos. Feeding the fish has helped two plants that have fatter leaves but the other four have skinny looking leaves and are light colored and speckled. I had this same problem with my mix running Bangi Haze but it cleared up in the stretch and never came back. I still have about 8 weeks to veg these so I think I may go to some OF instead of my normal mix when I put them up in 3 gal pots. I plan to run them in three 30 gal tubs so if the OF works I may fill the tub 2/3 with my peat mix and top it off with the OF. It may be time to lose the old mix to the tomatoes and start a fresh batch.
When I make the new blend and let it work 4-5 weeks It always gives me confidence.
My Larry is just loving the same mix, in the middle of the stretch I see no issues at all, rich green without burnt tips. I have 6 girls out of the 9 to sprout.
I wish I were doing a better job on the WW. I will try to post pix later so you can tell what I mean.


Active member
What's up jungle mates, fiddynuts I do have to find things the wife likes to do. It's hard now because she likes to go out to eat, which she can't do with the weight loss surgery. She likes going to the movies, which is giant snoozefest for me. Boring.lol. other than th at it's shopping, or the nail salon. Nothing I like. She kinda bugs, she wants to go hiking but she has to have special boots. It all leads back to shopping.

As far as hermies and seeds, I have never had a problem so far. I am pretty selective about what,strains I grow. That chem 91x sl. Is probably a good choice. I have a pack of Cobra lips that has chem 4 I think. I grew goji and love triangle, both S.L. crosses, they seemed to be nute sensitive, could have been on though. I was using ph drops at the time. Seems like the S.L. dominates the cross.
Good morning Packerfan.

You know what they say about woman and shopping, you just can't stop em. Must be in our genetics from our hunter-gatherer days. My wife is less active than me as well and we just went through a similar situation where she through I didn't want to do things with her. I was thinking that she didn't want to do them with me so we both felt like we were growing apart. We just had to plan a couple activities to get us going out and hanging out again. We went berry picking onece and then just started doing things more often. Sometimes it's working in the yard together or on another project around the house, other times it's out to a movie or on the couch for Netflix. I don't like a lot of movies latley but maybe you could find one that interests the both of you.

I wish I could say I haven't had problems with hermies like you. My first two grows had a lot of seeded buds, then an autoflower grow was hermie free as well as the lemon wookie that followed that, then the gorilla bubble had them but I don't think I'll have a lot of seeds in her. I'm still not sure if something is off in my environment that I'm not catching or if I'm just unlucky. Since I had such great lucky with the lemon wookie I'm going to stick with Bodhi gear for a whil. He has so much to choose from that I could probably grow his gear out for the next ten years and have plenty of variety. I feel like this next run will go well if I remember the lessons I've learned and don't do anything stupid.


Active member
Hey Fiddynuts, I would say sticking with bodhi is always a good idea. The B man is a gifted breeder, and so freaking generous it's crazy. Every pack I have gotten has at least 1 extra seed, and the prices are way good. None of this 200, 300, 500 $ packs like some crazy breeders.


Active member
happening guys?!

you are so right about music being a different experience back then,man!
who remembers having a blank cassette tape in the slot just so you could record your favorite song off the radio when it came on?
or listening to whole albums, like fiddy said!
/best complete album: rush:2112 or pink floyd: the wall; please discuss
oh man,fiddy, that brought back some great times,brother!
/rolls a fattie and puts on heaphones

a lot of strains will throw nanners late in flower
/it sounds like your may be like that if the seeds were mostly white and immature
keep an eye out but as long as you dont find a bunch of hard brown seeds i think this strain might be ok if you were ever to consider breeding
i wonder what aridbuds thoughts on this ...are/would be...hahah that joint just kicked in

i dont get into the pussifer as much but dig on the apc stuff
esp their album 13th step, lots of great memories associated with that record
/all this talk about tunes needs a link or two to some music

/song title: vanishing

or the kick ass bikini bandits stuff he did

/bikini bandits go dutch

f*tweakers, packersfan
if thats your first impression, i am sure you dodged a whole shit show of stupid working for these guys
sounds like you have some nice bloodlines in those plants!
/hoping you strike gold
Good morning pop_rocks.

Im going to make an effort to start listening to music the old fashioned way again, whole albums songs in order. I'm so use to Pandora playing random songs off diffrent albums I think I don't get the feel for the music. Another factor is that 20+ years ago your at home entertainment options were reed a book or mag, tv or music. Now the Internet and even icmag is top of the list and other things seem less important sometimes. Full albums or better yet full live performances are so much better than random songs.

Taping songs off the radio brings back all kinds of memories. Those were the days. Or using the high speed dubbing to copy a new tape a friend just bought. Too bad the quality and durability was not so good with tapes.

Man I don't know if 2112 or the wall is the better album. They both have come to define the bands that made them. The sheer musical talent of the members of rush make 2112 one of the best of all time. The wall was maybe not as good musically or instrumentally but was a game changer for sure. They are both great and I can't pick a favorite. The only problem with the wall for me is that I overdosed on it in high school. We listened to it like every day for years. I might give 2112 the edge as far albums but I'd give pink Floyd the edge as far as bands go. Everything they made kicks ass from Piper at the Gates of Dawn to the Devision Bell.

Headphones are another great idea. I feel less distracted with headphones on and able to concentrate on the music more. Great thinking pop_rocks, going to roll a j and put the phones on tonigh and listen to something good.

Your links arnt working on my iPad but that vanishing song rocks. I haven't seen the bikini bandits movies but I'm going to now. They look like they would be super funny. Being a punk rock guy too I love me some jello Biafra and some Dee Dee Romone too. I hadent heard of these movies before and now I have to see them.

I'm thinking that some of the nanners were thrown late and I didn't see them because the plant was bushy and they were obscured by leaf and bud. But I know some of them were there at weeks 3 and on. I picked as many off her as I could but I'm sure I missed some. I haven't torn a bunch of buds apart but I don't think there are many seeds. I had a cut of her but thrashed it when she hermed on me. I have 1/2 pack of those seeds left for future use, at first I didn't think I'd grow them again because of the hermies but she is so frosty and potent that I might have another go with them, maybe even make f2's.


Active member
Hey Jungle Tribe
I got my 6 white widows in 6" pots finally but I have that green veins thing going with light tips and some speckling on the fans of several phenos. Feeding the fish has helped two plants that have fatter leaves but the other four have skinny looking leaves and are light colored and speckled. I had this same problem with my mix running Bangi Haze but it cleared up in the stretch and never came back. I still have about 8 weeks to veg these so I think I may go to some OF instead of my normal mix when I put them up in 3 gal pots. I plan to run them in three 30 gal tubs so if the OF works I may fill the tub 2/3 with my peat mix and top it off with the OF. It may be time to lose the old mix to the tomatoes and start a fresh batch.
When I make the new blend and let it work 4-5 weeks It always gives me confidence.
My Larry is just loving the same mix, in the middle of the stretch I see no issues at all, rich green without burnt tips. I have 6 girls out of the 9 to sprout.
I wish I were doing a better job on the WW. I will try to post pix later so you can tell what I mean.
Rodehazrd said:
Hey PF
Yeah I did rock out to Iron Man a time or too. But Spirit twelve dreams of Dr Sardonicas. Dr. John the night Tripper and Haystacks Balboa got more time on the turntable then for me.
So you start your seeds right in the soil? I like the towel method, I put them in a wet towel and mist with Hydrogen peroxide. After they crack I go to the dirt.Too long in the towel and the root hair starts to attach to the fibers. I have trouble orienting the root down too when they sprout very far before moving. I had a couple duds in my WW so I dumped them into the soil a week later I had extra starts coming out of the corner of two pots so some do take a bit longer to crack.
Terpenado I just love the way that rolls off the tongue.

Good afternoon Rodehazrd.

Your description of the WW makes me think of a vid I watched when I first started growing. The guy was showing what a mag deficiencies looked like and he kept calling it "tips and stripes" meaning light tips and visible veins. Not sure if this is what you have going but a quick folar with Epsom salts would clear it up if it's a mag deficiency. I sometimes get some speckles in early veg usually but it could mean a ph issue as well. I'm no expert but I'd like to have a look at the pics.

Glad to hear that the Larrys are happy and healthy. How are they stretching for you? This is the time to watch closley for those pesky hermies.

You mentioned King Crimson in your post and it's funny we were just listening to them the other day at work. The court of the Crimson King rocks. That band had great influence on many of the metal bands in the late 70's and 80's. I'm sure Ozzie listened to them a lot before his black sabbath days. Great stuff. I'm not familiar with some of the other bands you mention I'll check them out.

I have great luck with soaking beans overnight in RO water and then straight into moist soil. I usually fill the pots and drench them when I put the beans in to soak and by morning they are saturated and drained out. I put them in the dirt pointy side down and I've had like 25 of the last 27 come up fine.


Active member
Hey Fiddynuts, I would say sticking with bodhi is always a good idea. The B man is a gifted breeder, and so freaking generous it's crazy. Every pack I have gotten has at least 1 extra seed, and the prices are way good. None of this 200, 300, 500 $ packs like some crazy breeders.
Packerfan said:
Do you guys ever listen to Primus? Definitely an awesome band that is totally unique.

Good afternoon Packerfan.

Yep I think I can't go wrong with bodhi genetics. I think when I ordered I payed 60 bucks each for two packs and got the third one free. I didn't get any of the limited release strains but I think his normal crosses are fine. I've heard of some super expensive packs by some breeders and most people seem to think they are not worth the extra price. It seems like you could get 1000's of seeds off one plant and to charge hundreds per pack sounds a little greedy.

Primus rocks for sure. Claypool is one of the best bassists all time. They are unique and I love listening to them. Clay pool has a couple of other side projects that are very diffrent but worth checking out. Primus is coming to town soon and I'm planning on going to see them.


Well-known member


Here's the WW's I have given them all the same mix and feeds. I may not have stirred the mix well enough. I plan to screen with hardware cloth in the future for starting seeds. The veins have gotten less pronounced since drenching with FF Big Bloom thats my micros and Fish Hydro at 3 oz per gal. In between feedings they get Black Diamond humic acid and Orca myco blend at 5ml to 10 gal.


  • White Widow.jpg
    White Widow.jpg
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Active member
Here's the WW's I have given them all the same mix and feeds. I may not have stirred the mix well enough. I plan to screen with hardware cloth in the future for starting seeds. The veins have gotten less pronounced since drenching with FF Big Bloom thats my micros and Fish Hydro at 3 oz per gal. In between feedings they get Black Diamond humic acid and Orca myco blend at 5ml to 10 gal.
Good afternoon Rodehazrd.

Looking at the pics and comparing them with the images I found when I googled mag deficiencies they look kind of similar. Yours isn't nearly as bad as most of the pics so it's hard to tell. The bit that I read says that often there is plenty of mag in the soil but low pH makes it unavailable to the plant. I'm no expert so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

Maybe Google mag deficiencies and see what you think. Anyone else have any thoughts about this?

Great job with the humic acid, I've heard a lot of good things about using it and I've been using it with the autos seedlings. Makes the ca more available to the plant so you don't have to use as much which can lead to lockouts.


Well-known member
Thanks for the opinion. I should pay for some soil tests and know for sure but it always goes away slowly just a week 3-4 veg issue on some seeds, haven't seen it on clones yet. This widow seems to be mostly a heavy feeder. I think I see two pheno's in there. Is that regular epsom salt or a special type.

Here's some of the Larry two pheno's here also #1 skinny leaf and #8 fatter leaf and flowering later.


  • L1.jpg
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  • L8.jpg
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In my empire of dirt
thanks for the heads up fiddy
went back and edited the links, hopefully they work now
as far as 2112 or the wall being better albums, i dont think i could choose either
like you, i kind of went overboard with pink floyd in my teens ,plus rush has put out newer material since then
still, both are great bands and game changers in their own way
i wonder if bands still think of the whole album experience when recording, fiddy
a lot of the newer stuff i hear is basically one or two hits and then a bunch of filler songs
a lot has changed in the music industry and im glad i grew up in the good old days of rock and roll


Well-known member
I miss the album experience too. After Sgt Pepper and Tommy the bar was way high.
Pinball Wizard would make you get up and boogie.
1970 I was working with a black man my age who invited me to see Dr John at a club in the black part of the city, being somewhat of a snappy dresser I wore a new white T and jeans. Roomie and I were the only two honkies there. We sat down feeling a little stiff till the lights went down and the night trippers came from the lot beating a base drum and in full Mardi Gras dress. Being fresh off the turnip truck I was blown away. We had brought a bundle of fatties and started lighting them and passing it back as was the custom at concerts we had been to before. Everyone else was dressed to the Nines and to say the least we were noticed, The weed was good and by the third song we had 350 new best friends. One dude in a white suit and panama sent a couple of his girls over to loosen us up. White boys scared shitless we were a little stiff at first.
The point is John Rebinick was awesome and the Gris Gris Gumbo album he was touring to support tells a story of New Orleans lore. Each song follows a nola theme of voodoo or local history, I got to see Jump Sturdy, Marie Lavoe and the biggest homemade drum set on the earth at the time. Men in feathers women in wild crazy outfits It was a wake up call for me.


Active member
Thanks for the opinion. I should pay for some soil tests and know for sure but it always goes away slowly just a week 3-4 veg issue on some seeds, haven't seen it on clones yet. This widow seems to be mostly a heavy feeder. I think I see two pheno's in there. Is that regular epsom salt or a special type.

Here's some of the Larry two pheno's here also #1 skinny leaf and #8 fatter leaf and flowering later.
Good morning Rodehazrd.

Larrys are looking good! That's strange that the skinny leaf is quicker to flower. I thought that skinny leaves are a more sativa trait and I'm led to believe that sativas take longer to flower.

I think that any pure Epsom salt will be fine. Not sure on dose but there should be plenty of info about that here on icmag from guys that know a lot more than me.
Here is a link to a thread I found on icmag with some good info on Epsom salts and mag deficiencies: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?threadid=135837


Active member
thanks for the heads up fiddy
went back and edited the links, hopefully they work now
as far as 2112 or the wall being better albums, i dont think i could choose either
like you, i kind of went overboard with pink floyd in my teens ,plus rush has put out newer material since then
still, both are great bands and game changers in their own way
i wonder if bands still think of the whole album experience when recording, fiddy
a lot of the newer stuff i hear is basically one or two hits and then a bunch of filler songs
a lot has changed in the music industry and im glad i grew up in the good old days of rock and roll
Good morning pop_rocks.

Your links are working on my pad now. Hahaha that bikini bandit clip is fucking great. I'll have to check out some more of that. Has a real "dukes of hazard" kind of feel to it. Love it.

I rarely can choose a favorite of anything. Songs, bands, food, weed, I love variety and my favorite depends on my mood sometimes. Both great albums by all time great bands.

You may be right that albums these days arnt made to be listened to front to back. I don't think I've bought an album/tape/cd since I got the tool's 10,000 days in 2006. I don't get exposed to much newer stuff so not sure but I think you are on to something. You are defenatly right that the industry has changed a lot in the last 20 years. Bands too. I think I'll keep my music from the good old days and listen to that.


Active member
I miss the album experience too. After Sgt Pepper and Tommy the bar was way high.
Pinball Wizard would make you get up and boogie.
1970 I was working with a black man my age who invited me to see Dr John at a club in the black part of the city, being somewhat of a snappy dresser I wore a new white T and jeans. Roomie and I were the only two honkies there. We sat down feeling a little stiff till the lights went down and the night trippers came from the lot beating a base drum and in full Mardi Gras dress. Being fresh off the turnip truck I was blown away. We had brought a bundle of fatties and started lighting them and passing it back as was the custom at concerts we had been to before. Everyone else was dressed to the Nines and to say the least we were noticed, The weed was good and by the third song we had 350 new best friends. One dude in a white suit and panama sent a couple of his girls over to loosen us up. White boys scared shitless we were a little stiff at first.
The point is John Rebinick was awesome and the Gris Gris Gumbo album he was touring to support tells a story of New Orleans lore. Each song follows a nola theme of voodoo or local history, I got to see Jump Sturdy, Marie Lavoe and the biggest homemade drum set on the earth at the time. Men in feathers women in wild crazy outfits It was a wake up call for me.
Good morning Rodehazrd.

I grew up on the Beatles. My parients had many of the old albums and I listened to them a lot when I was younger. Pin ball wizard is a great song always loved the who.

Your storie about seeing John Reinick is great. I'm going to check him out for sure. Sounds like it made a great impression on you. Part of the storie reminds me of when we moved to Oakland. I had grown up in a very white suburban part of Wisconsin and there were almost no people of color in my high school. I didn't have an opinion of people good or bad just not much exposure. The part of Oakland that we lived was very colorful. We could go days without seeing any white people there. I got a temp job at a printing press and made some friends with some of the black people that worked there. At first I wasn't sure if they would not like me because of my skin color. As it turned out I had nothing to worry about and I made some friends and learned more about people. The longer I live and the more people I meet the more I realize we are all capable of being good people. Has nothing to do with the color of your eyes or hair or skin for that matter.


Active member
Beer cup challenge

Beer cup challenge

Greetings jungle tribe.

The beer cup challenge is officially a go. I'm tagged in I just need to decide how I'm going to approach this grow. A couple others are in too and one is using hempy beer cups with perlite which is a great idea. Anyone else going to give this a shot?

Here is the link: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=344673


Well-known member
I always torture my girls in too small pots anyway so Im in for the beer cup. I'm thinking some sativa leaning strain would be tall skinny. go for one bud. Feeding from the bottom constantly seems the only way with daily 2 hr drying out.
I gave the WW 1/2 t per gal of epsom in a foliar and drenched with the excess. I had just regular salts I don't know if it matters. also watered in a little dolemite.