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Feminized vs. regular seeds?



My first and only fem seed run resulted in 2/2, beautiful, identical, potent ladies...

Female Seeds Super Skunk - great smoke, like I had 2 clones.

I still have 2 beans outta the 4 pack I bought - I'm a believer...


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
If I had 5 female plants from femmed seed growing, mixed in with 5 female plants from regular seeds, there isnt a grower reading this that could tell the difference or pick the fems out at any stage of growth: Not in the seed stage,seedling stage. the veg period or during flowering can any differences be detected.. Even further, there isnt one who can look at the product or test the potency and identify the plants that originated from femmed seed. Wonder why??? Results are often more telling than theory and surely if one of the 2 seed forms was inferior, then you could tell the difference in the plants and the smoke. You cant.

I started growing fems from Dp as far back as 2003 i think and i feel there are at least 2 myths currculating about femmed seeds. One of them being that fems in general have a greater tendency to hermie. After the 40 or so packs ive grown out, i havent found that to be true.. Ive found them to be equally if not more stable sexually than regular seeds . I dont know anything about breeding so i cant explain why that is, but i do know that if you grow yourself out 20 or 30 packs, you'll come to the same conclusion. Maybe if f lighting is inconsistent or unstable or its 110 degrees then cannabis plants will hermie regaurdless of their sexual orientation.

Its also common to hear that there is lots of variation in femmed seed. Iim not sure where that comes from either. Ive found just the opposite of that.

Nearly all of my fem packs have come from reputable companies - Dp, Paradise, Greehouse, Sensi, etc. and were nearly all grown outdoors, but i just dont see the negatives that people claim exist with fems.
I don't think there are any real negatives to breeding with fems. An exceptional specimen can come from fems too.

Im sure others will disagree

well said my man..
i throw a few femmed beans in every grow and have come to the same conclusion as you..i have even crossed them with male reg. seeds producing very good offspring..
dude buy what you like, play around a bit and come to your own conclusions and write us all a thesis on your findings..


fem seed is a disgrace on the whole philosophy of responsibility of a breeder..[/q
fuck fem seeds,if everyone started growing out fem seed then where will all the awsome crosses come from and how the fuck would marijuana be bred and how would marijuana last as a plant full stop..,and since when did a few males become a problem in a grow??? its easier to remove a couple of males before flowering occurs then it is to remove pollen sacks from hermied plants that are in the last weeks of flower when the damage can realy be done. does anyone know when greenhouse seeds is gonna change there name to transvestite fem seed bank!


in my experience...

the old day were the 1's where we were all sceptical about fem seeds

and yes, alot of us got fuk'd with hermies everywhere

but things have moved on since then

the 1st ever company i found selling 100% true fem seeds was seedism.

i phoned them up and asked if they would stand by their products. and yes, they were 100% on giving away free beans if they werent all fem inside the pack.

i am pretty sure no1 else offered 100% fem b4 them. yes there were people selling fem, but if you got a hermi they would just say 'shit happens' or 'you shouldnt be germinating them anyway'

i have a few strains right now that came from fem. the quality is outstanding in every way. from smoke to cross.

a buddy of mine grows out 40 beans at a time. and im sure they are all correct in being fem. he might get two or 3 beans out of them (2 or 3 beans from 40 plants) , but i had that with shanti's ssh.

on from that, i buy a mixture of reg and fem. but thats just how i am

note to greenhouse... that quote was one of yours when i tried the haw. snow fem.... lol


If you're BREEDING then I'd go with regular seeds if possible, simply because they're, well, more natural. But if you wanted to breed with feminised seeds, I don't see a single problem in that either, and I've created feminised C99 from feminised C99, with superb (mmm pineapple) and 100% feminised results. Several other icmaggers have enjoyed it :)

So yes you can create feminised seeds from feminised seeds, possibly infinitely...

But not many of us are breeders ...

If you're simply growing for buds ie. to produce females, then you can't go wrong with feminised seeds.

I can only sigh and shake my head in dismay when a person says feminised seeds = hermies ... they have absolutely no idea what they're talking about, yet they keep spreading their misinformation as if it were gospel, even though they have no experience with creating feminised seeds (and probably just as much experience in growing them).

I find this misinformation a very sad 'blight' on the cannabis community. We have this wonderful ability to create seeds that will only grow out female, yet some growers just don't seem to be able to grasp it. Well, that's their loss :)

Let us let SCIENCE and EXPERIMENTS lead the way, not misguided information from inexperienced people who've had nothing to do with it.

The only hermaphrodites ive ever grown out were from regular seed (and that's not to mention all the males i've had to cull along the way!).

Feminised seeds on the other hand have returned me 100% females, with zero hermaphrodites, over half a decade.

The only PROBLEM with hermaphrodites from feminised seed is when people create feminised pollen from a plant that IS a hermaphrodite (ie. easily stressed into becoming a hermie, or simply genetically, or left to overly-mature aka "Rhodelization")

That's why we use colloidal silver / giberillic acid / silver theosulphate etc, to __FORCE__ strains that are stress-resistant/hermi-resistant to produce pollen.

As a result there are no hermie issues.

We've learnt a lot since the 80s. :)
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Active member

"of course" please explain why......
I wrote :
"Of course there may be problems with hermis so have this in mind when you make a choice.."

Judging from your comment I believe I should have put a comma there after the "of course" as I what really wanted to express is my concern for hermi probs in fem lines based on what I 've been seeing with all the reports where people had many probs with hermis and still have with various companies. I didn't want to make it sound as if there will be definitelly probs with hermis in all cases like I believe you took it.
English is not my first language and sometimes expressing myself can be tricky esp like in such an occasion where a comma can make a lot of difference in the meaning.So if you misunderstood me I m sorry for that , hope its clear now.

Btw for your information I would like to say that I personally dont hate fem seeds infact I have grown 2packs/20 plants from fem seeds and I didn't have any problem whatsoever with hermis. I dont if growing them well was the reason but personally I would not buy fem seeds for various reasons.Seeds were gifted from Fet and the quality of the plants and buds were no different to what I 've seen from other lines.

Breeding practices , sex reversal method and quality of genetics seem to play an important role when it comes to fem seeds and just like with reg seeds one needs to get a good product to avoid unexpected probs.

Claude from Serious Seeds made a good point:
"Because most seedcompanies use plants which respond easier to sex changing treatments, the result is that many feminized seeds will give rise to a (much) higher % of hermie plants compared to regular seeds."


I started growing fems from Dp as far back as 2003 i think and i feel there are at least 2 myths currculating about femmed seeds. One of them being that fems in general have a greater tendency to hermie. After the 40 or so packs ive grown out, i havent found that to be true.. Ive found them to be equally if not more stable sexually than regular seeds .

Try DP Blue Moonshine.... a whole strain sold no matter how many reports are on the web that say they are hermies...

Mine had male flowers too...

ghost of sage

Active member
the only herms I have ever gotten came from regular seeds not fems.I have always got little variation and no herms from fems.If I am not making seeds they just make more sense and you can start cloning almost immediately for your outdoor crop.Not to mention what a bitch it is to dig a 4 ft wide by 2 ft deep hole only to come back in a month and it be a damn male you have done all that digging to grow.


Grown + 50 femmed plants, two have had few balls..
I`ve grown since late 80´s and % of hermies from regular seeds are way worst than femmed..
I`d say skill of grower is the point...everyone can fuck up a grow if they don`t know what they are doing.
Femmed or regular.

Breeding wise...i just can`t tell difference. But hey, that`s just me.
Would not try to make femmed seeds on my own thou..


Active member
you can take a cutting from a 3 week plant , which is almost immediately

One can use reg seeds , start seeds under 12/12 from seed , sexing them will only take approx 2-3 weeks from the time they get out of the soil, and then turn the lights to 18/6 to veg the females till you are happy before flowering them and finishing them..

Ime it works great ...No need to veg plants of unknown sex even with regular seeds , with this method I focus only on females and lose almost no time with males. With good genetics the plants will have no probs whatsoever ;)


kopite,I wrote :
"Of course there may be problems with hermis so have this in mind when you make a choice.."

Judging from your comment I believe I should have put a comma there after the "of course" as I what really wanted to express is my concern for hermi probs in fem lines based on what I 've been seeing with all the reports where people had many probs with hermis and still have with various companies. I didn't want to make it sound as if there will be definitelly probs with hermis in all cases like I believe you took it.
English is not my first language and sometimes expressing myself can be tricky esp like in such an occasion where a comma can make a lot of difference in the meaning.So if you misunderstood me I m sorry for that , hope its clear now.

Btw for your information I would like to say that I personally dont hate fem seeds infact I have grown 2packs/20 plants from fem seeds and I didn't have any problem whatsoever with hermis. I dont if growing them well was the reason but personally I would not buy fem seeds for various reasons.Seeds were gifted from Fet and the quality of the plants and buds were no different to what I 've seen from other lines.

Breeding practices , sex reversal method and quality of genetics seem to play an important role when it comes to fem seeds and just like with reg seeds one needs to get a good product to avoid unexpected probs.

Claude from Serious Seeds made a good point:

Hi l33t,

yes that was how I took it, theres nothing wrong with the practice if done right, all the plants miss is being male... but yes its all about how its done, and selection etc just like with reg seeds...

and english isn't my 1st lang either, scouse is :)


Regular seeds offer the ability to maintain a particuliar strain of marijuana in your garden without the need of additional purchases, and without the need of unpleasant chemicals. Besides, making your own seed is fun as hell.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Personally I have had a different experience with this fem seeds .. I never bought any fem seeds but I did notice that all my crops were turning hermie. At first I didn't know what was going on then I found out through the net that they had been working on fem seeds and I think now I know this was the answer. I had nothing against fem seeds and if ppl want that, I get it but IMHO it's ruining the crops. Hermi traits show up once in awhile and everyone knows this.. But now they are showing up on a regular basis so somthing has changed. FOR SURE!! The other part of the fem seed thing is it's a real Monsantos type move in hoarding the genetics. It would be different if the breeders sold the fem seeds and reg seeds for the same price but they don't .
I get the part that you don't want ppl stealing your genetics as is very common now, I just wish this wasn't the way to do it. just my opinion lol , if a breeder knew that this was ruining the crop do you think they would stop?peace out Headband707


Active member
ICMag Donor
A lot of good info here... I have never grown fems before, just ordered a pack to try out. Seems like those who have the experience with the fems like them so I am not so worried now.

As far a intersexed plants it happened to me once when the males were really stressed (whiteflies) and I used them for pollination. The resulting seeds when grown out were all intersexed and had to be discarded.

I just won the Rez Sour Diesel so I'm gonna have me some fun....

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I didn't know that Rez's seeds were fem I just seen 10 seeds and no listing of them being fem??? Are all Rez's seeds fem? Thanks peace out Headband707


Regular seeds offer the ability to maintain a particuliar strain of marijuana in your garden without the need of additional purchases
As do feminised seeds.

and without the need of unpleasant chemicals.
Colloidal silver is simply the element silver suspended in water - hardly an "unpleasant chemical", and people actually drink it for its supposed health benefits.

And no, it doesn't get passed down to the seed or it's resulting offspring.

headband707, yes Rez makes feminised seeds tho I believe he uses STS


I've grown 40 fem seeds with no hermies, I fucking love female seeds. I don't have time or space for breeding, so reg seeds are out of the question.
I agree, keep your hermi shit. one fan and a couple bananas in a room and you do the math.... dont want some shit with half developed seed making the smoke shitty.

i started with fem seed.. i thought it would be easy and make my plant amount raise quick because i would have to sex them, but my first harvest was good but i had trainwreck hermi bad.. it was a BIG disappointment.. my bud wasnt as good as i wanted and i had to pick out undeveloped seeds before i smoked

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