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pardon my ignorance, help me out right quick.

one Q

Who do we wirte to in FL to push for similar decrim/legalize as they are doing in Ca? I dont really want to be associated with the local MJ organiations here localy for personal reasons. But want to write directly to the local government. But who?

one Q

damn I cant spell. I promise to spell check any letter that I write to improtant ppl.


you are a good man one Q.. fighting the good fight in a state where 21gs is a felony! :respect:

Storm Crow

Active member


To the ever-growing ranks of cannabis activists. You need to run a search on "Florida government" "Contact " That will get you many hits on any search engine. Then you go through and find an address list you like- some are complicated, some are easy. If I were you, I'd bookmark the best one so I have it ready for frequent use!

And guys, no matter what your state, run a search on "(your state) government contact". Remind your senators and assemblymen that the polls have CONSISTENTLY shown anywhere between 65 and 95% of the public (voters) support medical use of cannabis. Take a peek at my list (link is below)- cannabis treats so many things! You might want to quote from an abstract (means less writing for you! :woohoo:)- like one about how cannabis can STOP MS, Alzheimer's, maybe cure cancer and more!

If we all get busy, we can do this!

Get busy!

Granny :joint:

one Q

This is what I want to send.

This is what I want to send.

As I’m sure you know, California has considered the legalization of cannabis in order to help with their failing economy. It has made national headlines, and many people across this great country are very excited. I am one of those people.
Since President Obama has been elected there has been a massive influx of people paying attention to the politics of their state and country. These people are voting now, and they are young, vibrant and want good things for our communities. A great majority of these people do not find any problem with taxing cannabis for legal consumption, and would support a bill to change the laws as they now stand.
As a resident of the state of Florida, I am concerned about all of the challenges that we face from sprawl, to water, and our ever rising murder rates. But when it comes to marijuana, the laws don’t reflect the common attitude of this state. I’m sure these laws reflect the religious people and most conservatives with the money to get your attention, but I can assure you, it does NOT properly represent the everyday working man and woman.
Most cannabis arrests are non-violent. This is a common fact.
It would be big of you take seriously the taxing of cannabis for consumption. Then money we could raise would be phenomenal. It could help our schools, roads, the sick and state budget.
Thanks for your time.
Should I revise it? I didnt want to get all crazy on the guy, just voice my thoughts. I think it's simple enough. :confused:


Freedom Fighter
Should I revise it? I didnt want to get all crazy on the guy, just voice my thoughts. I think it's simple enough. :confused:

That looks good-- Thoughtful and well written--
The only thing I would change, is at the end, I would put a comma after "the sick", and I would capitalize and ad "The State Budget"--
Other than that, good job!!:respect:
Someone needs to say something in Fla, for sure. They just cracked down on growers there. I would guess it will be one of the last states to decrim.

Good luck.

Storm Crow

Active member
About that quote-

About that quote-

"Someone needs to say something in Fla, for sure." WRONG! :noway:

"Everyone needs to say something in Fla, for sure." Right

If you are reading this, and live in Florida, you should be opening up another window and running that search by now! Or do you like the way things are?

Incidentally, my dad was from Jacksonville and some of my happiest memories are of fishing from a dock on Brown's Creek. I had kin in Pompano Beach and Marianna.

Granny :joint:

one Q

will do. Ill revise it in the AM and send it then.

I am not an activist by any means. I have strong opinions, and I stand by them. I have some facts, and I use them.

I dont want to be affiliated with NORML here. Not a professional group. Think 'collage pot head kids.' While I myself am a minimal user, and a strong part of my community. Plus a biz owner. But I look like a straight up weed head. I plan on changing this. I'll be cutting my hair, and cutting the beard soon. I have a friend who attends the meetings and he tells me all about them. Those guys are just like everyone else here in CFL, ALL TALK, very clique-ish and exclusive. My city makes me mad, my officials make me angry.

we need an emocon of a smilyface zipping its mouth shut so I can stop ranting. I talk too much sometimes.

Storm Crow

Active member


"I am not an activist by any means. I have strong opinions, and I stand by them. I have some facts, and I use them."

Now you're writing about it! What do you think an activist is?:yeahthats

And you aren't talking too much!


Granny :joint: