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Feds reply to Cali Prop 19


If you don't edit your post it still reads the same.

Why is everyone so hurt that I edited your posts to just include the part I'm referring to?

I do it because I hate seeing a good discussion blanded with reposted posts that I don't see a need for in mine?

No it doesnt. It reads as if I am only mentioning the busted one. That is not my intention and chopping up my words to make your point and taking it out of context is BULLSHIT. I was pointing out that 9 that were in compliance and not a drug dealer front are not being hassled. Something you neglected to mention. That tactic is bullshit. BULLSHIT.


Bong Smoking News Hound
I was about to reply BBB but I guess I'll respect your edit.

Go ahead SCF, call JJ and erase whatever post you don't like.

Ban me for speaking my mind, I'll leave quietly.

What I have the most distaste for is false fact.

Knock yourselves out.

I don't tolerate misinformation.

Not in the growers' forums, not here.

Sorry.... Homey don't play that.

Ask dag about my "morals".

I kept quiet for a while, I know Cali wants to see this through.

I won't let someone lie.

My bad I guess.

I never said i will call JJ, i simply stated if you go off topic, he will do his job as a moderater, and most likely clean up the off topic post.

I NEVER stated i would Ban you, i am wondering where your fear and ideas are. I dont get why you would attack me like that. As i have done nothing to you except gage in a controversial conversation. What Mods cant discuss things? I work for free here! remember that. Im a Volunteer as im a MARIJUANA ACTIVIST.

and once again. Whos lying, and giving mis information here? Now thats a matter of Opinion.

Yes the Feds are full of crap, and only trying to SCARE people, as that has been their tactics since day one.

William Randolph Hearst , and the Reefer Madness in 1938. Due to his Cotton plants might have gotten taken over by hemp. But because of his ASSUMPTIONS. Look what William Randolph Hearst Created.......

About Willian Randolph Hearst

Regarding Reefer Madness which was a Movie based on Fear...



Get real.

They are all what if's...


If you say so. You are saying, instead of redeeming your credibility, you are willing to just agree with me? instead of proving your points?

my opinion is, thats not a fighters point of view....



Bong Smoking News Hound
Unfortunately the "NO" side really doesn't have legal precedent to our concerns.

Please cite legal precedent to my concerns (i'm not going to debate these topics, i just want legal facts to counter them):

I believe Mexican cartels will have more availability to production resources for export into the rest of the country.

I believe that there will be a few large producers of the majority of marijuana in california. IE walmart for weed. This is not a greed base, I have a background in agriculture and there are major concerns to large ag-business.

The taxation will not be the miracle cure for californias debt. I feel that most want to pass this law for this reason and have overlooked important user rights.

Please cite precedent and I'll stfu. I don't think you can. Its speculation, hence a debate.

If you look through the threads we have participated in, you will see a continuing trend of a handful of yes people, you included, attempting to debunk the "NO" people every turn possible. Wouldn't you feel like the strange kid on the playground that the group of "bullies" (not calling you bullies) picks on? Well, thats how it feels.

Yes, you can call it fear. I'd prefer to call it "intellectual concern". But as we all know, complex emotions boil down to basic emotions; IE anger is a secondary emotion to the primary, fear.

You call it fear mongering. I feel that I've evaluated the situation and feel concern over it. I express my concerns, in an attempt to either have them assuaged or dive deeper into the topic. Everytime I bring up a concern, I feel I hit a brick wall.

I could be wrong here... but I feel if someone is opposed to Prop 19, your ears are closed and you instantly try to stop it.

In to your first response regarding more Mexican drugs into US. Well here is proof that Mexico is not letting this happen. and they made sure to let media know!


I agree with you on the large Ag business. And this is one of my first, and most concerns, Is environmental reasons. But it took me looking at the downfall of the Industrial world, and how Hemp, can save us from this. As this bill finally since 1930's has opened the doors for industrial hemp. Which can replace a few things like cotton fields, lumber industry to slow down, oil companies fighting for this type of Bio Diesel that creates Oxygen vs carbon dioxide.

i really can see how it can feel like an attack when someone is trying to disprove you. I too can feel this way, and have during this 19 prop talk too. So instead of getting upset i took a step back, to breath, and come back with intelligent debates vs emotionally drawn debates. Thus helping people not feel that energy expelled. And maybe sense the calmness in my post, and read it for what it is. I see you did the same thing. And you have very mannered, intelligent post. just food for thought on that one.

There have been a few people on both sides that have been very ANGRY as you stated. Anger goes hand in hand with sadness or depression. Its the flip side. And i think we are all saddened by what prohibition has caused us.

i for sure dont close my ears, as i prove that with post i make re battling these things i do not agree with, giving the other poster a chance to come back with factual answers to debunk my post.

I had to decide to ignore some people who posted here because of there attacks and its not worth the negative energy. Your post are always a welcome to me, as well as everyone else who post in a tactful way, without attacks, and name calling.



mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I never said i will call JJ, i simply stated if you go off topic, he will do his job as a moderater, and most likely clean up the off topic post.

I NEVER stated i would Ban you, i am wondering where your fear and ideas are. I dont get why you would attack me like that. As i have done nothing to you except gage in a controversial conversation. What Mods cant discuss things? I work for free here! remember that. Im a Volunteer as im a MARIJUANA ACTIVIST.

and once again. Whos lying, and giving mis information here? Now thats a matter of Opinion.

Yes the Feds are full of crap, and only trying to SCARE people, as that has been their tactics since day one.

William Randolph Hearst , and the Reefer Madness in 1938. Due to his Cotton plants might have gotten taken over by hemp. But because of his ASSUMPTIONS. Look what William Randolph Hearst Created.......

About Willian Randolph Hearst

Regarding Reefer Madness which was a Movie based on Fear...



If you say so. You are saying, instead of redeeming your credibility, you are willing to just agree with me? instead of proving your points?

my opinion is, thats not a fighters point of view....


I never attacked you.

I wasn't aware my credibility was soiled either.

I'm not a fighter.

I hate hearing REPEATEDLY that the no side is using fear to try to sway anyone.

It's either greed or fear mongering scarlet letters that get handed out instead of anyone really respecting what people have to say.

For the record... once again.... I am not a vote no individual.

As for proving my points, that will be somewhat impossible... my points are simply speculation and questionable consideration.

I wonder why we still go in these circles.

It's pretty easy not to continue to mislead others into thinking that anyone who doesn't immediately want to vote yes by claiming that greedy fear mongers are on a certain side of the fence exclusively.


Active member
It's pretty easy not to continue to mislead others into thinking that anyone who doesn't immediately want to vote yes by claiming that greedy fear mongers are on a certain side of the fence exclusively.

I imagine if you were to break down the anti's into 5 categories, it would go something like this.

1.A prohibitionist (someone against any legalization)
2.A grower/dealer that thinks they will lose $$
3.Someone that doesn't think 19 goes far enough
4.An uninformed voter
5.Just an idiot who doesn't understand what a huge step this will be.

#2 represents folks that are part of our culture but would rather you go to jail then have it legalized to keep their profit margins intact.

#3 represents folks that are just being silly.

#4 represents someone that either has not taken the time to read and fully COMPREHEND the prop. Or they are misinformed or believe some of the fear mongering lies.

#5 Prop19 is being watched world wide. And millions of people around the US are hoping this passes. This is a huge first step..the biggest one in 100 years. It is the most liberal cannabis law in over 10 decades! It legalizes marijuana. you want more? Push for more later but don't fight against this one...cause then your against the whole cannabis movement. you can be a punk ass or an activist. The choice is yours...punk ass.

So there you have it:rtfo:


Active member
This is exactly my point. Its hard to smuggle drugs over the Mexican border, so why not produce and smuggle drugs over the California border? I don't really want to get into a debate, as its all speculation and neither side can win a debate.

Fantastic side of this bill, agreed. It just doesn't need to happen through this bill...

Non-drug hemp could easily be legalized, but the US lumber industry in the 30's thought it would hurt their business... which it would have. Thing is, lumber is no longer a domestic product, therefor hemp will become legal in the near future, one way or another.

As for biofuel... its not so great for that. Canola is best crop in terms of fuel per acre in our climate. Biofuel is also not going to solve the worlds energy/transportation needs... but that's another topic.

"Finally, there’s the relatively low oil productivity of hemp. Hemp seed does have a relatively high oil content of about 33 percent, compared with canola at about 40 percent. However, it has a low seed per-acre yield. Typically, an acre of hemp yields about 700 pounds of seed, although some farmers have enjoyed production numbers as high as 1,200 pounds an acre in good years, Hanks says. Canola growers, on the other hand, can reap a crop of anywhere from 1,500 to 2,600 pounds an acre. "

I appreciate your response.

I've reacted emotionally throughout this entire thing... which was wrong. I've had to breath and think logically in response lately. I love seeing my hard work (its hard for me to not become emotional sometimes) pay off with such wonderful responses.

I believe we can all create a healthy environment to learn if we remain calm, kind and intelligent, without conceding our beliefs.

great post +rep.

Yes on 19


Well-known member
we still get the 'visions' of the walmart of weed springing up, with massive corporate presence etc.
of all the views i've seen here, this is the most silly, at least in the immediate future
federal will remains strong on this topic, prop 19 may have a framework that could allow this
but the immediate reality is this won't happen yet
the only way that weed walmarts can happen is if there is massive federal change, prop 19 would become small change at that point
I just hope we can keep in mind that this is a "catch 22" for medical and recreational smokers. If its legal, than that could discredit the efforts of the medical movement and legal patients. Also, we must remember that cigarettes are legal and controlled by "big tobacco," not to mention all the toxic shit they add to cigarettes. Does anyone think that "big cannabis" would be any different..? I mean, if they get bugs, do you think they care what they put on the plants to kill the bugs and what we end up smoking? Marlboro "Greens" won't be found in my stash!


I just hope we can keep in mind that this is a "catch 22" for medical and recreational smokers. If its legal, than that could discredit the efforts of the medical movement and legal patients. Also, we must remember that cigarettes are legal and controlled by "big tobacco," not to mention all the toxic shit they add to cigarettes. Does anyone think that "big cannabis" would be any different..? I mean, if they get bugs, do you think they care what they put on the plants to kill the bugs and what we end up smoking? Marlboro "Greens" won't be found in my stash!

Ugh! More fears....Tobacco AAAAAAAAGAIN.
They are going to put their stockholders money on the line for Big Cannabis? Are you sure about that or is it just something that might scare someone? It's one thing to think about something. It's another to let that thought scare you for no reason.

Can you explain how prop 19 could possibly discredit the medical movement and legal patients?

Ben Tokin

Every individual I've ever met has their own personality and physical features. You can look in their eyes and watch their expressions and body movements. Those traits, when combined, make every person very unique. When you get to know someone and share ideas and experiences, you will know whether or not you can and will be able to trust that person.

When I see individuals post here and on a variety of BB's, I get an impression of that person based only on their posted words. I can only imagine what a poster would actually look like, but I believe the personality of that person comes through very clear. It may not be as precise as actually meeting someone, but it does provide a mental image you associate with each member.

My point is simple. When I see members here attempt to sway others in an effort to continue a misguided prohibition of cannabis, you can imagine my how my image of that member changes. I might add that the image is not a positive one.

We are all unique in so many ways, but our emotions and concerns about others can often create a stereotypical class of people you tend to avoid.


If this law passes what happens to the folks that say have pending mj cases with the state? I've lost my license before and spent time for mj if my state were to legalize yes I would overwhelmingly happy but I would also be thinkin about paying my ex-local d.a. a visit...with a grudge and a bad attitude.


Mr. C, I don't think Hemp will be legal without MJ being legal. Should be, but 80 years later it isn't.

Tommy I disagree with you about discrediting the MMJ movement. From the outside looking in it is the drastic opposite. Currently my state is using the Cali MMJ situation as reason to ignore MMJ here. My state doesn't have voter initiatives so we the people are far more powerless. The response that I get from my local guys are that they only want seriously sick people to have access and they want MJ grown by the government and distributed through pharmacies. The parts of the Cali MMJ sceene that are so special, like anyone can get a card and patients can grow as much as they want and sell their overflow, are the reasons that MMJ is being stalled in many states. By showing that recreational legalization/regulation can work I think the global MMJ scene will open right up and many states may even go straight to recreational legalization. IDK... this is going to be interesting to see how much global effect this has if it passes.


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
So does anyone think we will get a better bill on the table if this one passes, or is this one just going to be amended? (in your opinion)

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
This is exactly my point. Its hard to smuggle drugs over the Mexican border, so why not produce and smuggle drugs over the California border? I don't really want to get into a debate, as its all speculation and neither side can win a debate.

California has always set prescedent in creating and introducing more progressive laws. The more states that pass medical and recreational marijuana laws, the less of a market cartels will have. It's not america's job to police the rest of the world. If Mexico cannot handle the cartels, it's unfortunatly their own problem. America would have much less problems if we left the problems of other countries to find their own solutions. Our economy is in shambles, along with our school and political system. We should focus on ourselfs before trying to play nanny to the rest of the world.


I love my life
So does anyone think we will get a better bill on the table if this one passes, or is this one just going to be amended? (in your opinion)

CA has always set the trend, but I bet 2011 is going to be a crazy storm of lawsuits and raids. It will be hard to get new props or legislation going in the midst of the craziness that is sure to come.

However some really cool CA counties could give us super free and liberal do anything you want guidelines and regs. I dare to dream.
