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fat=handicap? wtf


1st off I WAS fat. W/that said I need to rant.
on the bus today i was ask, more like ordered, to give up my seat for this fat basterd. I look up and told him it wasnt my fault he had NO self control w/what he eats and he needed to stand. I mean wtf? I payed for that seat and why say something to ME? i was the only white hippie I guess, and dam near the only thin one to.

sorry about the rant, but if u fat and wanting my seat? forget it. and stop riding in the handicap elec buggys. u need to walk....


New member
Im fat (250lbs) and I totally agree with you.
The other day i saw a fat lady walk into a grocery store and sit her fat ass into a electric cart thing because i guess the eisles are too long for her lol.
But yeah thats rediculous.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
fatboy, your a lightweight!! i was 250 in HS :p
(315 here):D

the leader,
i would totally expect you to get up and give me your seat, or i would just sit on you.
since we're all stereotyping here, if you weren't a hippie, you'd own a car. :muahaha:
maybe the people on the bus were mad at you cause u made the whole bus smell like incense, ever think of that?

j/k fat people rock!!!!


Not all fat people choose to be fat ... I guess you wanted to take the chance that dude would fall ... possibly on you (it isn't just the weight ... there's a balance thing going on too) ... I personally would hate to be squashed by a large individual on Public Transpo and would have given up my seat ...
Im fat, and cant believe I have been using my legs all these years like a fool. They have motorized wheelchairs designed to cart my fat ass around, and I haven't been using them... What a fool I am.


i feel kinda sorry for the obese people...but not really.
it may be genetics but mostly its probpaly diet.
my job keeps me active and i ride my bike whenever i can which is everyday.
my diet is protein,starches,greens.i stay away from sodas and fast food.
never been a fatty myself..6' 190#'s..
hey,but thats me..
this is my car..lol...great way to stay in shape.


how do you get fat? I'm 145lbs and have been that way for several years. Helps having a job or activity that requires exercise. Good thing I have both. And nice bike! I'm getting a new downhill soon. :joint:


Active member
Some people can't help their weight problem but most fat lazy Americans can & honestly I don't know how people let themselves get that way.


Rubbing my glands together
Better to give up the seat than hit a bump and find your head under fat boys sweaty man titties after he falls over on ya!!!


i am a firm believer that if fat people would just eat a little slower they wouldn't be so fat. combine that with ceasing to eat when you are full, and they might drop a few pounds.


resinryder said:
Better to give up the seat than hit a bump and find your head under fat boys sweaty man titties after he falls over on ya!!!


I ain't fat but my sack is!

I know this friend that was fat. He had part of his stomach cut out, it works!


New member
totally with you man being fat is not a handicap. I know there are people that have legitimate medical issues with there metabolism which force them to gain weight irregularly. Those people are the exception. I myself have fairly poor eating habits and im still quite skinny, and I am very thankful for that. However I go to the gym about 5-6 times a week which does and will balance it out until im a bit older. Still, if I were to ever start getting fat from my eating habits i would immediately switch to a more balanced diet. People that are fat enough to consider themselves handicapped need to realize that they were born with an equal chance to be a healthy individual. It was only through excessively large and unhealthy quantities of food that they became the way they are.

Oh and fatsackman the surgery your referring to they don't actually cut out part of your stomach. All they do is fold it a little and staple it so you feel full from eating less.
Im a big dude , i would have just took the seat if i wanted.I mean, Whats the since being big if you cant forcibly take stuff from people,lol.I think they should have a fat guy only section on buses,with lazyboy seats and free sandwiches,lol.Id take one to my car im so fat,jkn.Im big but not fat. :spank:
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yep,just did 16 miles...fuckin cold at first,but the crazy legs get a pumping gets the blood flowing..
feels good now that im chilling and about to roll a pinata joint..


My little pony.. my little pony
Being overweight is not only a handicap for them its a handicap for anyone trying to hump them too.

" A shank to the left and hes in the rough. "



Active member
I got to agree with you. People here in America can now get disability for being fat. Seriouly that is just wrong. Can I get disability assistance for extra food because I have a retardedly high metabolism. 6'2" and I fluxuate 140-150#'s and have been since I was 17 and I'm now pushing 30. I need a high protien diet to bulk up and buying steak every day is expensive (I don't really eat steak every day but just fliping the coin, I'd end up with gout between the red meat and beer anyway:nono: )....

Most of them did it to themselves and a small percentage is from genetics or metabolism issues(which is my issue just the opposite). I have a friend who was normal untill he had some opporation when he was a kid and it fucked him up and has had issues with weight ever since. He is a large boy but still no fatty mc fat fat and that is because of his diet that he choses helps keep his weight in check. Another friend of mine was not fat as in 200#'s but I guess you could call full figured and all they did was cut out lots of the sugar and carbs from their diet and dropped 40+ pounds. No added exercize just adjusted the food. I have about 3 or 4 other people I personally know that shed lots of pounds and kept it off with just adjusting there diet and increasing daily exercize. I know another 2-3 that went the lap band or stomach stapple method and dropped weight like you would not believe.

That show the biggest looser is the biggest proof to me that most people do it to themselves though bad diet, lack of excersize and no self control. That movie super size me also points out what happend when you live a sedentary life and eat shity every day also. Lets see what else...Jared the subway guy how many years has he kept the weight off now??? Unless you are diagnosed with a serious metabolism problem I don't think that tax dollers should pay for your "rascal" personal fat ass carrier nor do I think that you should be able to get the VIP blue parking space tag either. Park at the end of the lot and get that ass some exercize. :spank:

I just never understood how some one could not care about themselves enough to allow obeasity to run/ruin there life. I don't have a problem with large people, I have a problem with people sponging off the system :rant:

Wow I just re-read and I hope its not to harsh but won't edit it. :redface:


i think fat people should be paid significantly less. like over a certain BMI and boom less money for you, fatty. they're less capable and efficient, and more likely to have the attitude they have towards their own body when it comes to anything important they have to do. maybe the rule can be tweaked if you have a gland problem or some other scapegoat of an excuse like that. but seriously come on theres always a way to stay fit


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
you don't know whether or not he was fat before he was handicapped do you?
Perhaps his obesity was a result of his injury, maybe it was an injury sustained in the armed services (war time or not) just because you don't like a guys size doesn't give you the right to prejudge him. while I was well overweight I was able to do strenuous back challenging work, I sustained an injury (no fault of my own & negligence by my boss) at work. I'm handicapped right now & overweight, yet one has nothing to do with the other.

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